
Listen and Practice The Words

A   brush my teeth

1   toothbrush

2   toothpaste

B   floss my teeth

3   dental floss

C   gargle

4   mouthwash

D   whiten my teeth

5   teeth whitener

E   bathe/ take a bath

6   soap

7   bubble bath

F   take a shower

8   shower cap

G   wash my hair

9   shampoo

10   conditioner/ rinse

H   dry my hair

11   hair dryer/ blow dryer

I    comb my hair

12   comb

J   brush my hair

13   (hair) brush)

K   style my hair

14   hot comb/ curling iron

15   hairspray

16   hair gel

17   bobby pin

18   barrette

19   hairclip

L   shave

20   shaving cream

21   razor

22   razor blade

23   electric shaver

24   styptic pencil

25   aftershave (lotion)

M   do my nails

26   nail file

27   emery board

28   nail clipper

29   nail brush

30   scissors

31   nail polish

32   nail polish remover

N   put on …

33   deodorant

34   hand lotion

35   body lotion

36   powder

37   cologne/ perfume

38   sunscreen

O   put on makeup

39   blush/ rouge

40   foundation/ base

41   moisturizer

42   face powder

43   eyeliner

44   eye shadow

45   mascara

46   eyebrow pencil

47   lipstick

P   polish my shoes

48   shoe polish

49   shoelaces

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