
Listen and Practice The Words

A   patient’s room

1   patient

2   hospital gown

3   hospital bed

4   bed control

5   call button

6   I.V.

7   vital signs monitor

8   bed table

9   bed pan

10   medical chart

11   doctor/ physician

B   nurse’s station

12   nurse

13   dietitian

14   orderly

C   operating room

15   surgeon

16   surgical nurse

17   anesthesiologist

D   waiting room

18   volunteer

E   birthing room/ delivery room

19   obstetrician

20   midwife/ nurse-midwife

F   emergency room/ ER

21   emergency medical technician/ EMT

22   gurney

G   radiology department

23   X-ray technician

24   radiologist

H   laboratory/ lab

25   lab technician.

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