
Exercise 1


Some people always have their phone on and they use it all the time – in a café, in the car, even in bed! Is this a good idea? Tell us what you think! And is your phone always on?

KEVIN   My phone’s always on, day and night. You never know – maybe someone needs to call you at night.

YASMIN   I never have my phone with me when I’m with people in a restaurant. I don’t want to talk on the phone when I’m eating. And I always turn it off at night.

BRANKO   My phone’s always on in the day – when I’m at home and when I’m at work, but I turn it off at night. I want to sleep!

SAM   My phone is usually on, but not at the cinema of course, and not on a plane. I have it on at night.

JENNY   My phone is always off! I use it when I speak to a friend, or maybe at the airport or on a train – sometimes I need to tell my mum that the train’s late. But then I turn it off. I don’t like talking on the phone.

A. Read the comments on the website and answer the questions.

1   You phone the five people from the website. They’re in a restaurant. Who will answer?

2   You phone the five people at 3 am. Who will answer?



1   Kevin, Branko, Sam

2   Kevin, Sam

Exercise 2

Hi Jenny,

Thanks for your email. I hope you’re enjoying your holiday in Japan. I’m in Hamburg in Germany for two weeks. Mum and Dad sent me here to do a German course. I didn’t really want to come!

I’m staying with a German family here. The parents are Martin and his wife, Andrea, and they have two sons, Karl and Ralf. Karl is 17 and Ralf is 14. They’re very friendly but they only speak German and sometimes I don’t understand them.

It’s Sunday and everyone is at home, but we’re all in different parts of the house. I’m writing this email in my bedroom. It’s really nice because I can see the garden from my window. Karl is in the garden. It’s raining but he’s playing with the dog. Ralf is in the room next to me. His parents think he is studying for his exams, but he’s playing a computer game and chatting to his friends online.

Andrea is in the living room. She’s a teacher and she’s preparing her lessons for next week. Martin is cooking dinner and listening to some terrible opera music. I don’t know what he’s making, but he’s a great cook. My dad can only make toast!

Anyway, what are you doing? Write and let me know.


A. Read the email. Tick (✓) the sentences that are true. Correct the false sentences.

1    Jenny is on holiday in Germany.

      Jenny is on holiday in Japan.

2    Anna is studying German.


3    There are three people in the German family.


4    Today is Saturday.


5    Anna is in the bedroom at the moment.


6    Most people in the family are outside now.


7    Anna wants to know what Martin is doing.


B. Read the email again. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1    Jenny / Anna / Anna’s parents organised Anna’s course in Hamburg.

2    It’s a one / two / three week course.

3    Anna is staying in a hotel / house / flat in Germany.

4    Anna doesn’t always hear / understand / listen to what the family say to her.

5    Martin / Ralf / Karl isn’t inside the house at the moment.

6    Ralf is studying / playing a game / texting his friends.

7    Andrea is relaxing / working / helping Martin.

8    Anna doesn’t like Martin’s children / food / music.

C. Write a description of an evening in your home. Remember to give information about:

•   who is in your home

•   where each person is

•   what each person is doing.



2   ✓

3   There are four people in the German family.

4   Today is Sunday.

5   ✓

6   Most people in the family are inside now.

7   Anna wants to know what Jenny is doing.


2 two   3 house   4 understand   5 Karl   6 playing a game

7 working   8 music

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