
Exercise 1

A. Listen and complete the sentences with the words.

electric     energy     environment     machines     plastic     recycle     pollution     technology

 Gas and electricity are two common types of ……………. .

 The air in this city is full of ……………. .

 Many people are buying ……………. cars today.

 The land, water and air that people, animals and plants live in is the ……………. .

 All ……………. need to use power, usually electricity.

 Digital ……………. is changing how we live and work.

 We ……………. paper in our office. It’s good for the environment.

 There is a lot of ……………. in the sea and it’s bad for marine life.

Answer & Audioscript

1 energy   2 pollution   3 electric   4 environment

5 machines   6 technology   7 recycle   8 plastic


 Gas and electricity are two common types of energy.

 The air in this city is full of pollution.

 Many people are buying electric cars today.

 The land, water and air that people, animals and plants live in is the environment.

 All machines need to use power, usually electricity.

 Digital technology is changing how we live and work.

 We recycle paper in our office. It’s good for the environment.

 There is a lot of plastic in the sea and it’s bad for marine life.

Exercise 2

A. Listen to a customer phoning customer services. Choose the option in italics to complete the problem with the order.

Company name (1) Anderson’s / Patterson’s Ltd
Product description (2) desktop / laptop computer
Order number (3) FB90078 / FT90087
Quantity (4) 14 / 40
Model number ordered (5) CR653 / CR673
Delivery address (6) 13 / 30 (7) Northport / Newport Rd, Manchester, (8) M90 SEJ / M19 5LH
Special note (9) Normal / Express delivery – arrive within (10) two / three days.

B. Listen again and complete the phrases from the phone call with one or two words.

 How can …………… …………… you?

 There’s a …………… …………… the laptops you delivered.

 I’m …………… …………… hear that.

 …………… …………… have your order number, please?

 I’m very …………… …………… the mistake.

 We’ll …………… those for you.

 Can I just …………… your delivery address?

 It …………… take three to four days.

 I …………… this is important for you.

10   I’ll …………… …………… my manager.

11   Can I help …………… …………… anything else?

12   You’re very …………… . Goodbye.

Answer & Audioscript


1 Patterson’s   2 laptop   3 FT90087   4 14

5 CR673   6 13   7 Northport   8 M19 5LH

9 Express   10 two


1 I help   2 problem with   3 sorry to   4 Can I

5 sorry about   6 change   7 check   8 might

9 understand   10 talk to   11 you with   12 welcome


M = Marek   C = Customer

M:   Customer Service, Marek speaking. How can I help you?

C:   Good morning. I’m calling from Patterson’s Limited. There’s a problem with the laptops you delivered yesterday. You sent the wrong model.

M:   I’m sorry to hear that. Can I have your order number, please?

C:   Yes, it’s FT90087.

M:   That’s FT90087. I see you ordered fourteen of the CR673 laptops.

C:   Yes, that’s right, but we received the wrong model. These are the CR653 model.

M:   I’m very sorry about the mistake. We’ll change those for you. OK, can I just check your delivery address?

C:   Yes, it’s our office near Manchester airport. That’s Patterson’s Limited, 13 Northport Road, Manchester M19 5LH. When will you deliver them?

M:   It might take three to four days.

C:   Oh no! We need them as soon as possible. We have a lot of work here.

M:   I understand this is important for you.

C:   Is there anything you can do about it?

M:   I don’t know. I’ll talk to my manager. One moment, please. OK. I can send them express delivery. They’ll arrive within two days. You can return the other computers to the delivery driver.

C:   Thank you!

M:   Can I help you with anything else?

C:   No, thank you for your help.

M:   You’re very welcome. Goodbye.

Exercise 3

A. Listen to a client phoning customer services and choose the correct option.

1    Paula works in the … department.

      a   IT

      b   Customer Service

      c   Finance

2    The client is the manager of

      a   a restaurant.

      b   a café.

      c   an office.

3    The client’s espresso machine is

      a   new.

      b   bad quality.

      c   old.

4    What does the client want?

      a   He wants a technician to look at it.

      b   He wants to return the old machine.

      c   He wants to buy a new machine.

5    When is the technician going to come?

      a   on Monday

      b   on Wednesday

      c   on Friday

6    What time of day can the technician come?

      a   in the morning

      b   in the afternoon

      c   in the evening

B. Put the sentences from the conversation in the correct order. Then listen again and check.

…… a   Well, I can tell them it’s urgent …

…… b   I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?

..1..  How can I help you?

.10. d   Can I help you with anything else?

…… e   There’s a problem with our espresso machine.

……  I understand, but the technicians are very busy this week.

…… g   Do you want to return your old machine and change it for a new model?

…… h   Yes, good news. A technician can come on Friday.

……   When will the technician get here?

……   I’ll send a technician.

Answer & Audioscript

A   1 b   2 b   3 c   4 a   5 c   6 b

B   a 8   b 3   c 1   d 10   e 2   f 7   g 4   h 9   i 6   j 5


P = Paula   C = Client

P:   Customer Service, Paula speaking. How can I help you?

C:   Good morning. I’m calling from Café Hibiscus. It’s the manager speaking. There’s a problem with our espresso machine.

P:   I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?

C:   It isn’t working. When you put the coffee in, it doesn’t get hot.

P:   What model is it?

C:   It’s the CM126.

P:   Ah, OK. That’s a very old model. Do you want to return your old machine and change it for a new model?

C:   Um, yes, maybe. But I’d like someone to look at it.

P:   Yes, of course. I’ll send a technician.

C:   Great. When will the technician get here?

P:   On Monday next week.

C:   But it’s Wednesday today! We need it as soon as possible. We have customers …

P:   I understand, but the technicians are very busy this week.

C:   Is there anything you can do about it?

P:   Well, I can tell them it’s urgent …

C:   Can you talk to them now?

P:   Yes, yes, of course. I’ll call them now. One moment, please. … Yes, good news. A technician can come on Friday, but it will be in the afternoon, after 4 o’clock.

C:   Yes, that’s ­ ne. Thanks for your help.

P:   You’re very welcome. Can I help you with anything else?

C:   No, that’s all, thank you. Goodbye.

P:   Goodbye.

Exercise 4

A. Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. Then listen and check.

a lower price     can’t agree to that     do you want

can we talk about price now     how about   we’d like

how many jackets     I think that’s     I’m sorry, but

on signature     that’s right     the price is

Felix So, (1)………………. do you want to order?

Maki:   (2)………………. 500, please.

Felix OK, 500. Yes, that’s ­ ne. We can do that. What sizes (3)……………….?

Maki:   100 small, 200 medium, 100 large and 100 extra large.

Felix OK, that’s ­ ne. 100 small, 200 medium, 100 large and 100 extra large. Is that right?

Maki:   Yes, that’s right. OK, (4)……………….?

Felix Yes, of course. So (5)………………. twenty-­five euros per jacket.

Maki:   Twenty-­five. That’s a lot. Can you give us (6)……………….? Maybe a discount? (7)………………. twenty-three?

Felix No, I’m afraid we (8)………………. . We can’t give discounts on new products.

Maki:   OK. I understand. So that will be 12,500 euros in total.

Felix Yes, (9)………………. .

Maki:   Could we pay ten percent (10)………………. and ninety percent on delivery?

Felix (11)………………. that’s not possible. We ask all our customers to pay forty percent on signature and sixty percent on delivery. You can pay by bank transfer. Is that OK?

Maki:   Yes, (12)………………. OK.

Answer & Audioscript

1   how many jackets

2   We’d like

3   do you want

4   can we talk about price now

5   the price is

6   a lower price

7   How about

8   can’t agree to that

9   that’s right

10   on signature

11   I’m sorry, but

12   I think that’s


M = Maki   F = Felix

F:   So, how many jackets do you want to order?

M:   We’d like 500, please.

F:   OK, 500. Yes, that’s ­ ne. We can do that. What sizes do you want?

M:   100 small, 200 medium, 100 large and 100 extra large.

F:   OK, that’s ­ ne. 100 small, 200 medium, 100 large and 100 extra large. Is that right?

M:   Yes, that’s right. OK, can we talk about price now?

F:   Yes, of course. So the price is twenty-­five euros per jacket.

M:   Twenty-­five. That’s a lot. Can you give us a lower price? Maybe a discount? How about twenty-three?

F:   No, I’m afraid we can’t agree to that. We can’t give discounts on new products.

M:   OK. I understand. So that will be 12,500 euros in total.

F:   Yes, that’s right.

M:   Could we pay ten percent on signature and ninety percent on delivery?

F:   I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. We ask all our customers to pay forty percent on signature and sixty percent on delivery. You can pay by bank transfer. Is that OK?

M:   Yes, I think that’s OK.

Exercise 5

A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

a   early / might / September / it / be / .


b   by / we’ll / transfer / pay / bank / .


c   you / when / deliver / order / can / the / ?


d   deliveries / is / a discount / for / there / later / ?


e   you / August / in / them / can / deliver / ?


 delivery / does / weeks / take / six / usually?


B. Complete the second part of the conversation with the sentences and questions in A. Then listen and check.

Maki:   (1)…………………………….

Felix:   We can deliver in September … Let me see … the 15th of September.

Maki:   Oh, dear. We need them in August. (2)…………………………….

Felix:   Sorry, but that’s difficult. We’re very busy.

Maki:   (3)…………………………….

Felix:   No, it usually takes ­five weeks. But we have a lot of orders at the moment.

Maki:   Mm. I really need them sooner. (4)…………………………….

Felix:   No, I’m afraid we can’t give discounts on orders under 1,000 items.

Maki:   OK. I understand. That’s ­fine.

Felix:   But we’ll try to deliver sooner if possible. (5)…………………………….. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd …

Maki:   That would be good. OK, so I’ll con­firm my order by email. (6)…………………………….

Answer & Audioscript


a   It might be early September.

b   We’ll pay by bank transfer.

c   When can you deliver the order?

d   Is there a discount for later deliveries?

e   Can you deliver them in August?

f   Does delivery usually take six weeks?

B   1 c   2 e   3 f   4 d   5 a   6 b


M:   When can you deliver the order?

F:   We can deliver in September … Let me see … the 15th of September.

M:   Oh, dear. We need them in August. Can you deliver them in August?

F:   Sorry, but that’s difficult. We’re very busy.

M:   Does delivery usually take six weeks?

F:   No, it usually takes ­five weeks. But we have a lot of orders at the moment.

M:   Mm. I really need them sooner. Is there a discount for later deliveries?

F:   No, I’m afraid we can’t give discounts on orders under 1,000 items.

M:   OK. I understand. That’s ­fine.

F:   But we’ll try to deliver sooner if possible. It might be early September. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd …

M:   That would be good. OK, so I’ll con­firm my order by email. We’ll pay by bank transfer.

F:   That’s ­fine. Thank you! Nice doing business with you …


1. Listen to the phone call and put the information in the order you hear it.

0   …F

1   ………

2   ………

3   ………

4   ………

5   ………

A   The laptop isn’t working.

B   The company will change it.

C   The screen is frozen.

D   The sound doesn’t work.

E   The customer wants to return the laptop.

F   The customer ordered model GR635.

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 D   3 C   4 E   5 B


M:   Good morning. How can I help you?

F:   Well, I ordered a laptop from you, model GR635, last week.

M:   Yes?

F:   It arrived this morning, but it isn’t working.

M:   I’m sorry to hear that. Is the battery charged?

F:   Yes, it switches on, but there’s no sound.

M:   Oh, that’s not right.

F:   That’s not the only problem. I wanted to make a video call, but the screen isn’t moving.

M:   Do you mean that it’s frozen?

F:   Yes, and I bought the laptop because I want to make video calls.

M:   Did you check the internet is working?

F:   Yes, I did. I want to return the laptop and get a new one.

M:   Yes, of course. Can our delivery company collect it from your house?

F:   Yes, I’m working from home this week.

M:   OK, I’ll send our delivery company to you today, and we can get a new one to you the same day.

F:   OK, thank you for your help.

M:   Is there anything else I can help you with?

F:   No, thank you, that’s everything.

M:   You’re welcome.

2. Listen and complete the sentences.

 The internet is …very slow… .

 The customer number is ……………. .

 Three of the technicians are ……………. .

 The company can send a technician ……………. .

 The customer wants to make ……………. this week.

 The technician will come at ……………. .

Answer & Audioscript

1   569328

2   sick / not working

3   (early) tomorrow (morning)

4   video calls

5   8 o’clock (in the morning) / 8 a.m.


M:   Good morning, Green Communications.

F:   Good morning. I have a problem with my internet connection.

M:   Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong?

F:   The speed is very slow.

M:   OK, can I have your customer number, please?

F:   Yes, it’s 569328, Home Clothing.

M:   OK, I have your information. I’m afraid I can’t send a technician to you today. We have had a lot of problems this week, and three of our technicians are sick and not working this week.

F:   Well, we can’t wait until tomorrow. We use the internet all the time in our business. We need this fixed today.

M:   I’m sorry about that. We don’t have a technician available today, but I can send someone early tomorrow morning.

F:   But we have meetings, and our staff need to join by video call sometimes. I need this laptop to make those video calls this week.

M:   I understand and I’m very sorry. We will be happy to return your money for this month.

F:   Well, when will the technician get here tomorrow?

M:   She can come to you at eight o’clock in the morning. Is there someone in the office at that time?

F:   Yes, I can come in at eight. Thank you for your help.

M:   You’re welcome.

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