
1. Choose the correct answer.

 If he would ask / asked her out, she would say yes.

 If we spoke / would speak Spanish, I would go on holiday to Spain.

 I would be / was very rich if I won the lottery.

 If you said / would say sorry, she would make up with you.

 He would ask you out if you would chat / chatted him up.

 If they worked harder, they earned / would earn more money.


1 asked   2 spoke   3 would be

4 said   5 chatted   6 would earn

2. Rewrite the two sentences as one second conditional sentence.

1   You drink a lot of coffee. You sleep badly.

      If you didn’t drink a lot of coffee, you wouldn’t sleep badly.

2   You don’t put your clothes away. Your room is a mess.


3   You don’t eat vegetables. You aren’t healthy.


4   You’re always with your friends. You don’t have time for me.


5   You don’t study. You don’t pass your exams.


6   You never save any money. We can’t go on holiday.


7   You go to bed late. You’re tired.



2   If you put your clothes away, your room wouldn’t be a mess.

3   If you ate vegetables, you’d / would be healthy.

4   If you weren’t always with your friends, you’d / would have time for me.

5   If you studied, you’d / would pass your exams.

6   If you saved some money, we could go on holiday.

7   If you didn’t go to bed late, you wouldn’t be tired.

3. Read what boys say about their girlfriends and what the girls say about their boyfriends. Complete the sentences with the past simple or would + base form.

1   ‘I wish she …would talk…… (talk) to my friends.’

2   ‘I wish she …………………………… (be) more punctual.’

3   ‘If only she …………………………… (have) more free time.’

4   ‘I wish she …………………………… (not phone) me all the time.’

5   ‘If only he …………………………… (not have) that silly haircut.’

6   ‘I wish he …………………………… (live) nearer to my house.’

7   ‘If only he …………………………… (not wear) such old clothes.’

8   ‘If only he …………………………… (remember) my birthday. He forgets every year.’


2 was / were   3 had   4 wouldn’t phone

5 didn’t have   6 lived   7 didn’t wear

8 remembered / ’d / would remember

4. Use the words to make sentences.

1   I / rather / you / not borrow / my clothes


2   I / wish / we / live / in a bigger house


3   If only / we / see / more of each other


4   She / rather / stay in tonight


5   I / wish / we / can / get married tomorrow


6   If only / you / be / ten years younger



 I’d / would rather you didn’t borrow my clothes.

 I wish we lived in a bigger house.

 If only we saw more of each other.

 She’d / would rather stay in tonight.

 I wish we could get married tomorrow.

 If only you were ten years younger.

5. Complete Jenny’s thoughts with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

ask      be      can      fancy      get on      go out

have      know      live       look

‘I wish I 1…had…. a boyfriend. I quite like James. If only he 2………………… me. The problem is, I’ve never spoken to him. If he 3………………… me better, I’m sure he’d like me. I 4………………… with him if he asked me. We 5………………… go to the cinema together or hang out in the park. If we spent some time together, I’m sure we 6………………… really well. He’s really good-looking. If only he 7………………… at me. I wish he 8………………… me to marry him. I’d rather 9………………… with him than with my parents. I’m sure we 10………………… very happy together!’


2 fancied   3 knew   4 ’d / would go out

5 could   6 ’d / would get on   7 ’d / would look

8 ’d / would ask   9 live   10 ’d / would be


Think about things you’d like to change in your life. Write five sentences using I wish, If only and I’d rather.






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