1. Use the words below to complete the names of the features of gadgets.
4G card card slot Fi life phones port (x2) screen
sensor speakers webcam
1 a motion ……………………..
2 head ……………………..
3 wireless ……………………..
4 battery ……………………..
5 built-in ……………………..
6 an HDMI ……………………..
7 a built-in ……………………..
8 a SIM ……………………..
9 Wi-……………………..
10 a touch-……………………..
11 a USB ……………………..
12 a memory ……………………..
1 sensor 2 phones 3 speakers 4 life 5 4G 6 port
7 webcam 8 card 9 Fi 10 screen 11 port
12 card slot
2. Match 1-13 with a-m to make phrases.
1 How can I
2 I’m just
3 Next,
4 How much
5 That comes to
6 How would you
7 Can I pay by
8 Can I pay
9 Enter your
10 Here’s your
11 Could I have
12 Would you like
13 Would you
a in cash?
b debit card / by credit card?
c like anything else?
d (£10), please.
e is it / are they?
f a receipt, please?
g help you?
h looking, thanks.
i a bag?
j like to pay?
k change and receipt.
l PIN, please.
m please!
1 g 2 h 3 m 4 e 5 d 6 j 7 b 8 a 9 l 10 k
11 f 12 i 13 c
3. Listen and write the prices.
1 ………………………
2 ………………………
3 ………………………
4 ………………………
5 ………………………
6 ………………………
7 ………………………
8 ………………………
1 33p 2 £1.56 3 £127 4 41p 5 £250 6 £9.99
7 £67.38 8 £15.50
1 thirty-three pence
2 one pound fifty-six
3 a hundred and twenty-seven pounds
4 forty-one p
5 two hundred and fifty pounds
6 nine ninety-nine
7 sixty seven pounds and thirty-eight pence
8 fifteen pounds fifty
4. Complete the dialogue with phrases from exercise 2.
Sales assistant 1………………………
Girl I’m looking for a laptop.
SA Well, the Pro-computer is very popular.
Girl 2………………………
SA It’s £449.99.
Girl Have you got anything a bit cheaper?
SA Yes, the DX 800 is only £299.99.
Girl What features has it got?
SA It’s got Wi-Fi of course, a built-in webcam and a touch-screen.
Girl That’s great. I’ll take it.
SA 3………………………
Girl No, thanks. That’s all. 4………………………
SA Yes, we accept any type of card. So, that’s £299.99, please. 5……………………… … Thank you. 6………………………
Girl No, thanks. I can put it in my backpack.
1 How can I help you?
2 How much is it?
3 Would you like anything else?
4 Can I pay by debit card?
5 Enter your PIN, please.
6 Would you like a bag?
5. Listen to another dialogue. Complete the information below about the gadget the boy buys.
Gadget: ……………………………………….
Features: 1…………………………………..
What else does he buy? ………………………………
Total price: ………………………………………………….
Payment method: ………………………………………
Gadget (Spiral 5) tablet
Features 1 built-in 4G, 2 excellent battery life
What else does he buy? a case
Total price £200
Payment method debit card
Shop assistant Can I help you?
Boy Yes, I’m looking for a tablet.
SA Tablets are over here.
B This one is nice. How much is it?
SA £250.
B That’s quite a lot. Have you got anything cheaper?
SA Yes, the Spiral 4 is £150 and the Spiral 5 is £175.
B Has the Spiral 4 got built-in 4G?
SA No, it hasn’t. But the Spiral 5 has. And it’s got excellent battery life too.
B OK, I’d like the Spiral 5, please.
SA Could you come over to the till, then, please? … That’s £175.
B Oh, can I have a case for it, please?
SA Of course. These black cases are £25 or we’ve also got coloured cases for £30.
B The black one is fine.
SA That’s £200 in total, please.
B Can I pay by debit card?
SA Yes, of course. Please enter your PIN. … Thank you. … Here’s your receipt.
B Thanks very much. Goodbye.
SA Thank you. Goodbye
6. Look at the information about the phones below. Put the words in the correct order to complete the customer’s questions.
1 smartphones / a few / can / recommend / you
2 what / the Cybernet 2000 / features / does / have
3 much / how / phones / the / are
4 can / pay / credit card / by / I
Ultra 48 |
Cybernet 2000 |
Touch Plus 3 |
Price: £120 |
Price: £99 |
Price: £75 |
Features: – memory card slot – 4G – touch-screen |
Features: – touch-screen – 4G – headphones |
Features: – touch-screen – 4G – free case |
Payment method: no credit cards (cash and debit cards only) |
1 Can you recommend a few smartphones?
2 What features does the Cybernet 2000 have?
3 How much are the phones?
4 Can I pay by credit card?
7. Imagine you are a sales assistant in a shop. Write answers to the questions in exercise 6.
1 ……………………………….
2 ……………………………….
3 ……………………………….
4 ……………………………….
(Possible answers)
1 Well, there are three popular phones, the Ultra 48, the Cybernet 2000 and the Touch Plus 3.
2 It has a touch-screen, built-in 4G and headphones.
3 The Ultra 48 is £120, the Cybernet 2000 is £99 and the Touch Plus 3 is £75.
4 No, I’m sorry. You have to pay in cash or by debit card.
8. Now act out the dialogue using your ideas from exercise 7. Use phrases from exercises 2 and 4.
your own answers
Extra exercises
We don’t usually use the imperative in English when we are in a shop. Instead we use polite phrases with Can/Could I have …? or I’d like … to ask for things.
1. Read the Strategy. Then put the words in order to make polite phrases.
1 have / please? / Could / a / I / bag,
2 like / please. / some / I’d / wireless speakers,
3 please? / have / a / I / Can / receipt,
1 Could I have a bag, please?
2 I’d like some wireless speakers, please.
3 Can I have a receipt, please?
2. Decide who is Student A and who is Student B. Do the role-play. Then swap roles.

Student A: You are the customer. Look at the pictures and follow the points below.
– Say what you are looking for.
– Ask a question about the features.
– Ask how much the products are.
– Say which product you would like.
– Ask about the payment method.
Student B: You work in a shop. Serve the customer.
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