
Exercise 1

A. Listen to a client phoning the conference centre. Complete the message for the manager.


(1)…………… Nakamura phoned from Dallas Corporation Europe.

It’s about their (2)…………… on (3)…………… .

Please call her on (4)…………… .

Answer & Audioscript

1 Hinata   2 conference   3 25th and 26th January

4 (0044) 3584 751 059


F = Finley   H = Hinata

F:   Good morning, Wallace Hotel. This is Finlay speaking. How can I help you?

H:   Hello, can I speak to Mary Duffy, the Conference Centre Manager?

F:   I’m sorry, she’s not available right now. She’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message?

H:   Yes, can you tell her Hinata Nakamura phoned about our conference next month, on the 25th and 26th January?

F:   Yes, certainly. Can you spell your name for me, please?

H:   Sure, it’s Hinata, that’s H-I-N-A-T-A. And my surname is N-A-K-A-M-U-R-A.

F:   Thank you, Ms Nakamura. And it’s about the conference next month?

H:   Yes, that’s right.

F:   And what’s the company name?

H:   It’s Dallas Corporation Europe.

F:   Sorry, could you say that again, please?

H:   Dallas Corporation. That’s D-A-L-L-A-S.

F:   OK, thank you. And can I have your phone number?

H:   Yes, my number is 0044 3584 751 059.

F:   So, that’s 0044 3584 751 059. I’ll give her your message, Ms Nakamura.

H:   Thank you very much.

F:   Have a nice day!

H:   You too. Goodbye.

B. Complete the expressions from the phone call. Then listen and check your answers.

1   How can I h…………. you?

2   I’m s…………., she’s not available right now.

3   Can I t…………. a message?

4   Yes, can you t…………. her Hinata Nakamura phoned?

5   Can you s…………. your name for me, please?

6   And it’s a…………. the conference next month?

7   Sorry, c…………. you say that again, please?

8   OK, thank you. And can I h…………. your phone number?

9   So, t…………. 0044 3584 751 059.

10   I’ll g…………. her your message.

Answer & Audioscript

1 help   2 sorry   3 take   4 tell   5 spell   6 about

7 could   8 have   9 that’s   10 give


1   How can I help you?

2   I’m sorry, she’s not available right now.

3   Can I take a message?

4   Yes, can you tell her Hinata Nakamura phoned?

5   Can you spell your name for me, please?

6   And it’s about the conference next month?

7   Sorry, could you say that again, please?

8   OK, thank you. And can I have your phone number?

9   So, that’s 0044 3584 751 059.

10   I’ll give her your message.

Exercise 2

A. Listen to Mary Duffy’s phone conversation with Hinata Nakamura. In what order (1-4) do they talk about these things?

 equipment   ……

b   hotel guests   ……

 catering   ……

d   participants   ……

B. Listen again and answer the questions.

 How many people are going to attend the conference?

 How many people are going to stay at the hotel?

 When is Ms Nakamura going to confirm this information?

 What does Mrs Duffy need?

 Who is going to help Ms Nakamura?

 What time are they going to have the breaks and lunch?

Answer & Audioscript


1 d   2 b   3 4 c


 between 120 and 130

 between 48 and 55

 on Friday

 a list of names and total number (of conference participants and hotel guests)

 an assistant (from the conference centre team)

 morning break 11 a.m., lunch 1 p.m., afternoon break 3.30 p.m.


M = Mary   H = Hinata

M:   Hello, Ms Nakamura?

H:   Yes.

M:   This is Mary Duffy, the Conference Centre Manager at Wallace Hotel. I’m sorry, I was in a meeting when you called earlier today.

H:   Hello, Mrs Duffy. Thank you for calling me back. I just wanted to talk about next month.

M:   Yes, of course. The conference on the 25th and 26th January. Now, how many participants are there going to be?

H:   About 120 to 130.

M:   And how many guests are going to stay at the hotel on the nights of the 25th and 26th?

H:   Between forty-eight and ­ fifty-­five. I don’t have the exact number, but I will con­ rm on Friday.

M:   Thank you. Can you send me the list of participants and the names of the hotel guests on Friday?

H:   Certainly. I’ll send all the details by email on Friday morning. Does the conference room have a data projector, screen and sound system?

M:   Yes, all the equipment you need is in the room.

H:   Are we going to have some help with the equipment?

M:   Yes, there´ll be an assistant from our team in the room with you. Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll help you.

H:   Oh good. You see, it’s the ­first time I’m organising this event and I want everything to be perfect.

M:   I understand. We will do our very best for you. What time do you want to have the breaks and lunch?

H:   Well, we’re going to start at nine. So, let’s see … I think we’ll have a break at 11 for tea and coffee. Then the buffet lunch at 1 p.m. and then another break at about 3.30.

M:   OK, now there´s going to be another big event at the conference centre that day. I’ll just check that the break times are different … . Yes, that’s ­ ne.

H:   Thank you! And I won’t forget to send the list of names and ­ final numbers on Friday morning.

M:   Bye for now, Ms Nakamura. I look forward to hearing from you.

Exercise 3

A. Listen and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1   Would you like / want to join us for dinner?

2   Do / Would you want to see the factory?

3   Thank / Thanks you very much. That would be nice.

4   Thanks! I’d / I’ll love to.

5   I would like / want to join you, but I have a meeting.

6   Thanks for the invitation, and / but I’m not free today.

7   I’m very / much sorry, but I’m not available today.

8   Do you want to join we / us for coffee?

Answer & Audioscript

1 like   2 Do   3 Thank   4 I’d   5 like   6 but   7 very   8 us


1   Would you like to join us for dinner?

2   Do you want to see the factory?

3   Thank you very much. That would be nice.

4   Thanks! I’d love to.

5   I would like to join you, but I have a meeting.

6   Thanks for the invitation, but I’m not free today.

7   I’m very sorry, but I’m not available today.

8   Do you want to join us for coffee?

B. Listen to a phone conversation and complete the message.

Message for Ben Garcia

(1)…………… phoned from (2)…………… Limited.

It’s about the conference on (3)…………… .

Please call her on (4)…………… .

Answer & Audioscript

1 Joanna Danek   2 Farmek

3 Wednesday 14th March

4 0040 25 436 59 90


H = Hannah   J = Joanna

H:   Good morning, Bellavista Conference Centre. Hannah speaking. How can I help you?

J:   Hello, can I speak to the Conference Centre Manager, please?

H:   That’s Ben Garcia?

J:   Yes, that’s right.

H:   I’m sorry, he’s not available right now. Can I take a message?

J:   Yes, can you tell him Joanna Danek phoned about our conference next week?

H:   Yes, certainly. Can you spell your name for me, please?

J:   Sure, it’s Joanna, that’s J-O-A-N-N-A. And my surname is Danek, that’s D-A-N-E-K.

H:   Thank you Ms Danek. And it’s about the conference next week?

J:   Yes, that’s right. On Wednesday the 14th of March.

H:   Right. And what’s the company name, please?

J:   It’s Farmek Limited. That’s F-A-R-M-E-K. Farmek Limited.

H:   Farmek, OK. Thanks. And can I have your phone number?

J:   Yes, of course. My number is 0040 25 436 59 90.

H:   Sorry, could you say that again, please?

J:   Sure. That’s 0040 25 436 59 90.

H:   So, that’s 0040 25 436 59 90. I’ll give him your message Ms Danek.

J:   Thank you very much.

H:   Have a nice day!

J:   You too. Goodbye.

C. Complete the sentences from the second conversation with the words in the box.

called     calling     I’ll send     many     need     send     we’ll have     won’t forget

1   I’m sorry I wasn’t available when you ……………… earlier today.

2   Thank you for ……………… me back.

3   How ……………… participants are there going to be?

4   Can you ……………… me the list of participants?

5   ……………… all the details by email tomorrow.

6   I think ……………… a coffee break at 10.00.

7   Just one thing. The list of guests. I ……………… it as soon as possible.

8   Don’t worry. I ……………… to send it.

Answer & Audioscript

1 called   2 calling   3 many   4 send   5 I’ll send

6 we’ll have   7 need   8 won’t forget


 I’m sorry I wasn’t available when you called earlier today.

 Thank you for calling me back.

 How many participants are there going to be?

 Can you send me the list of participants?

 I’ll send all the details by email tomorrow.

 I think we’ll have a coffee break at 10.00.

 Just one thing. The list of guests. I need it as soon as possible.

 Don’t worry. I won’t forget to send it.

Exercise 4

A. Now listen to the conversation between Joanna and Ben. Tick (✓) the things they talk about.

 number of participants

 hotel guests


 help from hotel staff

 other events on the same day

 coffee and tea breaks


B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1   Ben was in another office when Joanna called.

2   Joanna needs to confirm the number of participants.

3   Some guests are going to stay in the hotel for two nights.

4   Joanna is going to phone tomorrow with a list of participants.

5   The conference is going to start at 8 a.m.

6   Lunch is going to be provided at 1 p.m.

7   Some of the participants are vegetarian or vegan.

8   Bellavista can’t provide lunch for all the guests.

Answer & Audioscript

A   1, 2, 3, 6, 7

B   1 T   2 T   3 F   4 F   5 T   6 F   7 T   8 F


B = Ben   J = Joanna

B:   Hello, Ms Danek?

J:   Yes.

B:   This is Ben Garcia, manager of Bellavista Conference Centre. I’m sorry I wasn’t available when you called earlier today. I was in our Bristol office.

J:   Hello Mr Garcia. Thank you for calling me back. I just wanted to talk about next week.

B:   Yes, of course. That’s on Wednesday the 14th of March, isn’t it? The Farmek Conference. Now, let me see, how many participants are there going to be?

J:   We aren’t sure. About one hundred.

B:   OK, and are any guests going to stay at the Bellavista Hotel the night before? Or on the night of the 14th?

J:   We think between thirty or forty will stay the night before, that’s the 13th. I don’t have the exact number. Everybody is going to leave on the 14th, after the conference.

B:   Thank you. Can you send me the list of participants and the names of the hotel guests for the 13th?

J:   Sure. I’ll send all the details by email tomorrow.

B:   Great. Thanks. What else can I help you with?

J:   Um … Yes, equipment. Does the conference room have a big screen with a laptop connection?

B:   Yes, it does.

J:   That’s great. OK, and I also need to think about breaks for coffee and tea, and lunch, of course.

B:   Yes, good. What time do you want them?

J:   Well, we’re going to start at 8 a.m. I think we’ll have a coffee break at 10.00. Then a buffet lunch at 12.30 p.m. and then another break at about 3.30.

B:   OK, so 8 a.m. start, 10 a.m. coffee break, 12.30 lunch and 3.30 tea break. And do you want us to provide the buffet lunch?

J:   Yes, that would be great. Many of our participants are vegetarian or vegan, so we need choices for them.

B:   That’s ­fine. We can do vegetarian and vegan options.

J:   Oh, good. Thank you. That’s all I think …

B:   Just one thing. The list of guests. I need it as soon as possible.

J:   Don’t worry. I won’t forget to send it. I’ll send it tomorrow morning.

B:   Great. Thanks, Ms Danek. I look forward to meeting you.

Exercise 5

A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

1    our new office / what / think / do / you / of / ?


2    I / new / excellent / the / is / hall / think / exhibition / .


3    you / the presentation / did / morning / this / enjoy / ?


4    city centre / what / of / you / think / do / the / ?


5    like / do / cuisine / you / local / the / ?


6    presentations / the / I / some / like / of / .


B. Match the sentences in A (1-6) with the responses (a-f). Then listen and check.

a   It’s nice, but it’s very busy.

b   Yes, I agree. They’re very interesting.

c   Yes, but it’s a bit small for our conference.

d   Yes, I like a lot of the food, but it’s very heavy.

e   I think it’s a good place to work and it’s easy to get there.

f   It was interesting and a good opportunity to meet the new reps.

Answer & Audioscript


1   What do you think of our new office?

2   I think the new exhibition hall is excellent.

3   Did you enjoy the presentation this morning?

4   What do you think of the city centre?

5   Do you like the local cuisine?

6   I like some of the presentations.

B   a 4   b 6   c 2   d 5   e 1   f 3


1   A:   What do you think of our new office?

      B:   I think it’s a good place to work and it’s easy to get there.

2   A:   I think the new exhibition hall is excellent.

      B:   Yes, but it’s a bit small for our conference.

3   A:   Did you enjoy the presentation this morning?

      B:   It was interesting and a good opportunity to meet the new reps.

4   A:   What do you think of the city centre?

      B:   It’s nice, but it’s very busy.

5   A:   Do you like the local cuisine?

      B:   Yes, I like a lot of the food, but it’s very heavy.

6   A:   I like some of the presentations.

      B:   Yes, I agree. They’re very interesting.

Exercise 6

A. Complete the extracts from a conversation at a conference with the words in the box. Then listen and check.

agree     bit     but     enjoy     hear     it’s     right     there     think     was     you

Marta:   … So, what do you (1)……………… of the conference?

Amy:   It’s OK. We saw some great presentations and I think (2)……………… are some interesting new products.

Victor:   So, Amy, do (3)……………… like the conference centre?

Amy:   Yes, I do. The stands are good and it’s easy to see the new products.

Victor:   You’re right. Some of the new products are very interesting this year. But some of the presentations were a (4)……………… boring.

Amy:   Yes, I (5)………………, but the presentation on recycling yesterday was excellent.

Victor:   Yes, I saw it, too. I (6)……………… it was a very popular presentation.

Amy:   Did you (7)……………… it?

Victor:   Yes, it (8)……………… a good opportunity to learn about new packaging.

Amy:   You’re (9)……………… . It was very useful. So, where are you staying this year?

Victor:   We’re in the Conference Hotel. How about you?

Amy:   Yes, we are there, too. Do you like it?

Victor:   It’s OK, (10)……………… the rooms are small.

Amy:   Yes, but (11)……………… near the conference centre and it’s comfortable.

Answer & Audioscript

1 think   2 there   3 you   4 bit   5 agree   6 hear

7 enjoy   8 was   9 right   10 but   11 it’s


A = Amy   M = Marta   V = Victor

A:   Hello, Marta! How are you?

M:   Oh, ­ ne, thanks. It’s lovely to see you, Amy. When did you arrive?

A:   We arrived here on Thursday. What about you?

M:   We arrived on Friday. So, what do you think of the conference?

A:   It’s OK. We saw some great presentations and I think there are some interesting new products. There’s a presentation about our new products tomorrow.

M:   Yes, I know, I’ll be there. Amy, let me introduce you to Victor Rodriguez. He’s our new manager.

A:   Hello, Victor. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

V:   So, Amy, do you like the conference centre?

A:   Yes, I do. The stands are good and it’s easy to see the new products.

V:   You’re right. Some of the new products are very interesting this year. But some of the presentations were a bit boring.

A:   Yes, I agree, but the presentation on recycling yesterday was excellent.

V:   Yes, I saw it too. I hear it was a very popular presentation.

A:   Did you enjoy it?

V:   Yes, it was a good opportunity to learn about new packaging.

A:   You’re right. It was very useful. So, where are you staying this year?

V:   We’re in the Conference Hotel. How about you?

A:   Yes, we are there, too. Do you like it?

V:   It’s OK, but the rooms are small.

A:   Yes, but it’s near the conference centre and it’s comfortable.

V:   Yes, I agree. Were you at the conference hotel last year?

A:   Yes, I was. It was terrible! It was so far away and so uncomfortable! And the food was horrible. This hotel is ­fine in comparison …


1. Listen and put the topics in the order you hear about them.

 a meeting   ………

 a room   ………

 a date   ………

D   a name   …0

 a message   ………

 a number of people   ………

Answer & Audioscript

1 E   2 A   3 B   4 C   5 F


F:   Good morning. This is Sarah Richards speaking.

M:   Good morning. This is Paul Jameson, the Conference Centre Manager from the Green Valley Hotel. You called earlier today. You left a message with my colleague.

F:   Oh yes, thank you for calling me back.

M:   I’m sorry, I was busy earlier. I was in a meeting. I understand you are going to have a conference and would like to book a room here?

F:   That’s right.

M:   And the conference is on the 23rd of March. Is that right? And is it for twenty people?

F:   No, that’s not right. I’ll give you the details now.

M:   Thank you.

2. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

0   How many people are going to attend?


1   When is the conference?


2   How many people need to stay in the hotel?


3   When is Mr Jameson going to confirm the numbers?


4   What time do they want tea and coffee?


5   What time are the guests going to arrive?


Answer & Audioscript

1 25th–26th March   2 (about) 20   3 25th February

4 11.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.    5 9 a.m.


F:   So here are the details. I’d like to book a space for 250 people. Do you have rooms that size?

M:   Yes, we do. When is your event?

F:   It’s from the 25th March to the 26th March.

M:   Let me see. Yes, we have the Royal room available that day.

F:   Great. We also have some visitors from our Japanese office. Can they stay in the hotel?

M:   Yes, they can. How many people are going to stay at the hotel?

F:   I think about twenty, but I’m not sure.

M:   OK. We can book you for twenty now, and then we can confirm this information a month before. Let’s say the 25th of February.

F:   Oh, can you do that? That sounds great. We’re going to have meetings from ten in the morning until 5 o’clock. Can you provide tea and coffee?

M:   Yes, what time are you going to have breaks?

F:   At half past eleven and at three o’clock.

M:   OK, so that’s 11.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. We can do that.

F:   That’s great. Our meetings start at ten o’clock, but the visitors need to arrive before that.

M:   What time are they going to arrive?

F:   Some are going to come by public transport and so I think nine o’clock is a good time.

M:   I agree. They can wait in our Green room, it’s a very nice room.

F:   OK, this all sounds …

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