
Exercise 1

A. Listen to a conversation between a PA and her manager about a business trip to Japan. Complete the dialogue.

Bea:   Dom, I booked (1)…………… for your trip to Japan, on Japan Airlines.

Dom:   Thanks, Bea. What about my hotel?

Bea:   I need to book (2)…………… room for you tomorrow.

Dom:   Am I going by (3)…………… from Osaka to Tokyo?

Bea:   No, you aren’t flying. You’re going by (4)…………… . It’s only two-and-half hours by train – the trains are very fast in Japan.

Dom:   Where am I staying? For a two-week visit, I usually rent (5)…………… .

Bea:   Yes, that’s what we’re doing. It isn’t big, but it’s very comfortable. And it’s near the office.

Dom:   OK. Where am I meeting customers?

Bea:   In the office. There’s a meeting room there.

B. Complete the table with the words in the box.

a car     an apartment (x2)     a flight     coach     plane



a hotel / a train ticket / an apartment / (1)……………

stay at

a hotel, (2)……………

go by

bus / car / coach / (3)…………… / (4)……………


(5)…………… / (6)……………

C. Match the sentences halves.

 She usually books

 On work trips, I stay

 We go by

 They rent

 in an apartment.

 a car and drive to the hotel.

 a hotel near the office.

 bus from home to the airport.

Answer & Audioscript


1 a flight   2 a hotel   3 plane   4 train   5 an apartment


1 a flight   2 an apartment   3 plane   4 coach

5 a car   6 an apartment


1 c   2 a   3 d   4 b


B = Bea   D = Dom

B:   Dom, I booked a flight for your trip to Japan, on Japan Airlines.

D:   Thanks, Bea. What about my hotel?

B:   I need to book a hotel room for you tomorrow.

D:   Am I going by plane from Osaka to Tokyo?

B:   No, you aren’t flying. You’re going by train. It’s only two-and-half hours by train – the trains are very fast in Japan.

D:   Where am I staying? For a two-week visit, I usually rent an apartment.

B:   Yes, that’s what we’re doing. It isn’t big, but it’s very comfortable. And it’s near the office.

D:   OK. Where am I meeting customers?

B:   In the office. There’s a meeting room there.

Exercise 2

A. Look at Barbara’s arrangements for next week. Listen and complete the dialogue.

Pietro:   When (1)…………… you …………… to Munich?

Barbara:   I (2)…………… on Monday.

Pietro:   (3)…………… Claudia …………… you at the airport on Monday?

Barbara:   No, she (4)…………… . She (5)…………… me at the hotel on Tuesday morning. We (6)…………… the factory in the afternoon.

Pietro (7)…………… the area managers …………… the factory with you?

Barbara Yes, they (8)…………… .

Pietro And when (9)…………… you …………… to Augsburg?

Barbara On Wednesday morning. I (10)…………… by train.

Answer & Audioscript

1 are, flying   2 am/’m flying   3 Is, meeting   4 isn’t

5 ’s/is meeting   6 ’re/are visiting   7 Are, visiting   8 are

9 are, travelling   10 am/’m going


P = Pietro   B = Barbara

P:   When are you flying to Munich?

B:   I’m flying on Monday.

P:   Is Claudia meeting you at the airport on Monday?

B:   No, she isn’t. She’s meeting me at the hotel on Tuesday morning. We’re visiting the factory in the afternoon.

P:   Are the area managers visiting the factory with you?

B:   Yes, they are.

P:   And when are you travelling to Augsburg?

B:   On Wednesday morning. I’m going by train.

B. Listen to two announcements. Make notes on the problems.

1   …………………………………………

2   …………………………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1   Flight A1663 to Rome – delayed about one hour

2   Gate change – Flight CA2424 to Abu Dhabi, now gate 10, not gate 7



This is an announcement for passengers on flight AI663 to Rome. The flight is delayed due to technical problems. We currently expect a delay of about one hour. Passengers please wait for more announcements.


This is a gate change announcement for passengers. Flight CA2424 to Abu Dhabi is now departing at gate ten. All passengers currently at gate seven for flight CA2424 to Abu Dhabi, please go to gate ten.

Exercise 3

A. Listen to the announcements (1-8). Write (T) for train station or (A) for airport.

1 ……     2 ……     3 ……     4 ……     5 ……     6 ……     7 ……     8 ……

B. Listen again. Complete the sentences with one word.

1   Al663 to Rome is …………………. .

2   The 10.15 to Paris is …………………. .

3   The service to Leeds on …………………. 7 is delayed by 30 minutes.

4   Flight EY825 to New York is …………………. .

5   Passengers for Abu Dhabi need to go to a different …………………. .

6   Passengers for Brussels need to go to a different …………………. .

7   You need extra time to go through …………………. Today.

8   Follow the signs if you need to make a flight …………………. .

Answer & Audioscript


1 A   2 T   3 T   4 A   5 A   6 T   7 A   8 A


1 delayed   2 cancelled   3 platform   4 cancelled

5 gate   6 platform   7 security   8 connection



This is an announcement for passengers on flight AI663 to Rome. The flight is delayed due to technical problems. We currently expect a delay of about one hour. Passengers, please wait for more announcements.


This is a customer announcement for passengers on platform ten. We are sorry to announce that the 10.15 service to Paris is cancelled. This is due to bad weather. We apologise to all customers travelling on the 10.15 service to Paris.


We’re sorry to announce that the 12.25 service to Leeds on platform seven is delayed by approximately thirty minutes due to a problem with the train. Please listen for more announcements. We are sorry for the delay to your journey.


We are sorry to announce that flight EY825 to New York JFK is cancelled tonight. All passengers please go to the customer service desk for more information. We apologise for the cancellation of flight EY825 to New York JFK.


This is a gate change announcement for passengers. Flight CA2424 to Abu Dhabi is now departing at gate ten. All passengers currently at gate seven for flight CA2424 to Abu Dhabi, please go to gate ten.


This is a platform change announcement. The 12.16 service to Brussels is now departing from platform nine. That’s platform nine for the 12.16 service to Brussels.


Attention departing passengers. The airport is very busy today. Please allow forty-­five minutes to go through security. Thank you.


All arriving passengers, please follow the signs for passport control. Passengers with connecting flights, please follow the signs for flight connections. For more information, visit the airline information desks.

Exercise 4

A. Complete the text messages about travel delays with the words in the box.

hotel     meeting     security     train

a    Hi Dan,

      My train to Paris is cancelled because of the weather. But don’t worry, I’ll join the …………… online.


b   Hello Bella,

      My flight to JFK is cancelled. I’ll stay in a …………… tonight and fly to New York tomorrow.


c    Martin

      I’m sorry, but my …………… is delayed by thirty minutes. I’ll be late for the meeting.


d   Ella

      Did you hear the announcement? …………… takes forty-five minutes! Meet me at the gate!


B. Listen. Match the messages in A (a-d) with the correct announcement.

1 ……     2 ……     3 ……     4 ……    

Answer & Audioscript


a meeting   b hotel   c train   d Security


1 d   2 a   3 b   4 c



Attention departing passengers. The airport is very busy today. Please allow forty-­five minutes to go through security. Thank you.


This is a customer announcement for passengers on platform ten. We are sorry to announce that the 10.15 service to Paris is cancelled. This is due to bad weather. We apologise to all customers travelling on the 10.15 service to Paris.


We are sorry to announce that flight EY825 to New York JFK is cancelled tonight. All passengers please go to the customer service desk for more information. We apologise for the cancellation of flight EY825 to New York JFK.


We’re sorry to announce that the 12.25 service to Leeds on platform seven is delayed by approximately thirty minutes due to a problem with the train. Please listen for more announcements. We are sorry for the delay to your journey.

Exercise 5

A. Karl is now at the airport waiting to depart for Tokyo. Listen. What problem does he have?

B. An airline employee is explaining the arrangement to Karl. Listen. When is he arriving in Tokyo?

Answer & Audioscript


His flight is cancelled.


At 12 o’clock midday on Tuesday



We are sorry to announce that flight EX499 to Tokyo is cancelled tonight due to bad weather. All passengers please go to the customer service desk for more information. We apologise for the cancellation of flight EX499 to Tokyo.


We’re very sorry about the cancellation. We’re putting you on the next flight to Tokyo. You’re arriving in Tokyo at 12 o’clock midday tomorrow – that’s Tuesday. And we’re booking a hotel room for you tonight.

Exercise 6

A. Listen to the beginning of Alex and Karl’s online meeting. Answer the questions.

 What problem does Alex have?

 What problem does Karl have?

B. What do you think Alex suggests for each problem? Complete the sentences with your ideas.

 Karl, try …

 Try …, Karl

Answer & Audioscript


1   Alex can’t hear Karl.

2   Karl can’t see Alex. The screen is frozen.


Possible answers

1   Try unmuting your microphone.

2   Try turning off your video, Karl.


A = Alex   K = Karl


A:   Hello? Karl? I can’t hear you. Karl, are you there? I can’t hear you. The connection isn´t very good. OK, I’ll try …

K:   I don’t think the connection is very good. But I can hear you.

A:   I still can’t hear you. Try …


K:   Hello? Er … can you hear me?

A:   Hi, Karl. Yes, I can. That’s better. Can you hear me?

K:   Yes, I can. But the screen’s frozen. Now I can’t see you!

A:   Oh, no!

K:   My internet connection is slow. Sorry.

A:   OK, try …

Exercise 7

A. Listen to announcements 1-8. Tick (✓) the place (airport or train station) and the problem (cancellation, delay, change or busy).

Announcement Airport Train station Cancellation Delay Change Busy

B. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Listen again and check your answers.

 The 15.45 train to Edinburgh is on platform 3.

 There is a delay to flight BA0730 of approximately half an hour.

 You need thirty minutes to go through security in the airport today.

 Flight AC604 to Toronto Pearson Airport has technical problems.

 Departure of flight TK0762 to Istanbul is from gate 6.

 The 8.35 train to Exeter isn’t delayed.

 The train to Amsterdam is departing from platform 16.

 Passengers going to Paris, Amsterdam or Brussels need to go through security.

Answer & Audioscript




Train station














































1 F   2 T   3 T   4 F   5 F   6 T   7 F   8 T


Announcement 1

We’re sorry to announce that the 15.45 service to Edinburgh on platform two is delayed by approximately twenty minutes due to a technical problem. That’s the 15.45 train to Edinburgh. Passengers, please wait for more announcements. We are sorry for the delay to your journey.

Announcement 2

This is an announcement for passengers on flight BA0730 to Geneva. The flight is delayed due to technical problems. We currently expect a delay of about half an hour. That’s thirty minutes. Please listen for more announcements.

Announcement 3

Attention departing passengers. There are a lot of passengers travelling today and the airport is very busy. Please allow thirty minutes to go through security. Thank you.

Announcement 4

We are sorry to announce that flight AC604 to Toronto Pearson Airport is cancelled today due to bad weather. All passengers please go to the customer service desk for more information. We apologise for the cancellation of flight AC604 to Toronto Pearson Airport.

Announcement 5

This is a gate change announcement for all passengers on Flight TK0762 to Istanbul. Flight TK0762 is now departing from Gate 4. All passengers currently at Gate 6 for flight TK0762 to Istanbul, please go to Gate 4.

Announcement 6

This is a customer announcement for passengers on platform 5. We are sorry to announce that the 8.35 service to Exeter is cancelled. This is due to a problem with the train. We apologise to all customers travelling on the 8.35 service to Exeter.

Announcement 7

This is a platform change announcement. The 16.30 service to Amsterdam is not departing from platform 10. It is now departing from platform 3. That’s platform 3 for the 16.30 service to Amsterdam.

Announcement 8

Attention departing rail passengers. The train station is very busy today. If you are travelling outside the UK, to Paris, Amsterdam or Brussels, please allow extra time to go through security. Thank you.

Exercise 8

A. Put the conversation into the correct order. Then listen and check.

……   a   Sorry, my camera isn’t working.

..1..   b   Hello Rafik! Are you there?

……   c   Oh, OK. Let’s have an audio call.

……   d   Good morning, Rafik. I can’t see you.

……   e   Yes, I’m here. Good morning, Emma.

Answer & Audioscript

a 4   b 1   c 5   d 3   e 2


E = Emma   R = Ra­fik

E:   Hello Ra­fik! Are you there?

R:   Yes, I’m here. Good morning, Emma.

E:   Good morning, Ra­fik. I can’t see you.

R:   Sorry, my camera isn’t working.

E:   Oh, OK. Let’s have an audio call.

B. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences about teleconferencing. Then listen and check.

1    unmuting / try / microphone / your / .


2    frozen / the / is / screen / .


3    internet / sorry, / is / my / slow / connection / .


4    off / try / your / turning / video / .


5    screen / sharing / now / I’m / my / .


6    adding / I’m / the / Fiona / call / to / .


7    on / are / mute / you / ?


8    me / try / back / calling / .


Answer & Audioscript

 Try unmuting your microphone.

 The screen is frozen.

 Sorry, my internet connection is slow.

 Try turning off your video. / Try turning your video off.

 I’m sharing my screen now.

 I’m adding Fiona to the call.

 Are you on mute?

 Try calling me back.


1   A:   Try unmuting your microphone.

      B:   Oh, OK. Can you hear me now?

2   A:   The screen is frozen.

      B:   Sorry, the connection isn’t very good.

3   A:   Sorry, my internet connection is slow.

      B:   OK. Let’s have an audio call.

4   A:   Try turning off your video.

      B:   OK, is that better?

5   A:   I’m sharing my screen now.

      B:   Yes, I can see it.

6   A:   I’m adding Fiona to the call.

      B:   Great. Hi Fiona.

7   A:   Are you on mute?

      B:   Oh, sorry. Yes, I am!

8   A:   Try calling me back.

      B:   OK. I’ll do that.

C. Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. Then listen and check.

breaking up     can’t hear     hang up     no problem

on mute     see me     the connection     you repeat that

Karl Hello Gina, can you (1)……………….?

Gina Hello? Hello, Karl? I can see you, but I (2)………………. you.

Karl Oh, sorry. I was (3)………………. . Can you hear me now?

Gina Hello? Hello Karl. Are you there?

Karl Sorry, Gina. (4)………………. isn’t very good.

Gina Karl? Hello? Can you hear me now? We need to talk about the sales figures.

Karl Gina, you’re (5)………………. . Hang up and I’ll call you back.

Gina Sorry, can (6)………………., please?

Karl It’s a very bad connection. Hang up and I’ll call you back.

Gina OK. I’ll (7)………………. now.

Karl Gina, hello? Can you hear me?

Gina Hi Karl. Yes, (8)………………. . It’s OK now.

Karl Great! So, how are you?

Answer & Audioscript

1 see me   2 can’t hear   3 on mute   4 The connection

5 breaking up   6 you repeat that   7 hang up

8 no problem


K = Karl   G = Gina

K:   Hello Gina, can you see me?

G:   Hello? Hello, Karl? I can see you, but I can’t hear you.

K:   Oh, sorry. I was on mute. Can you hear me now?

G:   Hello? Hello Karl. Are you there?

K:   Sorry, Gina. The connection isn’t very good.

G:   Karl? Hello? Can you hear me now? We need to talk about the sales figures.

K:   Gina, you’re breaking up. Hang up and I’ll call you back.

G:   Sorry, can you repeat that, please?

K:   It’s a very bad connection. Hang up and I’ll call you back.

G:   OK. I’ll hang up now.

K:   Gina, hello? Can you hear me?

G:   Hi Karl. Yes, no problem. It’s OK now.

K:   Great! So, how are you?


1. Listen to the announcements and conversations and choose the correct answer.

 The train to Glasgow leaves from Platform 3 / 5.

 Passengers on the flight from New York should go to baggage claim area 5 / 7.

 The flight to Berlin is delayed by 15 / 30 minutes.

 The 10.15 to Paris leaves from gate / platform 3.

 The flight to London / Dubai is cancelled.

 There is a 45-minute delay at passport control / security.

 This train stops at Southampton / Lymington.

 People travelling to Sydney need to go to a different gate / terminal.

 Passengers for connections to Madrid need to go to Gate 2 / 3.

 Passengers for New York need to change at Boston / go to a different platform.

10   Passengers on flight 201 / 402 couldn’t travel tonight.

Answer & Audioscript

1 7   2 30   3 platform   4 Dubai   5 passport control

6 Southampton   7 terminal   8 3   9 change at Boston   10 402


0   Passengers for the three o’clock train to Glasgow, please go to Platform 3. The train departs in five minutes.

1   Passengers who recently arrived from Los Angeles, please go to baggage area five. Passengers from New York need to go to area seven.

2   We’re sorry to announce that the 12 o’clock flight to Berlin is delayed by approximately 30 minutes. Passengers please go to Gate 15 and wait for more information.

3   This is an announcement for passengers on the 12:45 train to Paris. Please go to Platform 3. Walk to the end of Platform 2, and 3 is past the gate.

4   Oh hi, Dan. It’s Susan. The flight from London was 45 minutes late, and the connection to Dubai is cancelled. So, I’m in London.

5   We need extra time to go through passport control today. There’s a 45-minute queue and then we have to go through security.

6   This is the 6:07 from London to Weymouth. Passengers for Lymington, please change at Southampton.

7   Passengers for Sydney arriving at gate 4, please follow the signs to the airport train station, where you can take a connecting train to terminal 3.

8   This is an announcement for passengers for the 09:20 flight to Madrid, please go to Gate 3. Passengers for the 10:05 flight to Paris, please go to the customer information desk in front of Gate 2.


A:   Excuse me, I want to go to New York.

B:   You need to take the 8:15 to Boston. The train departs from this platform. From Boston, you can get the 10:30 all the way to New York.

10   Hi Jen, I was late for Flight 201 and I didn’t get on it, and then the next flight, 402, was cancelled. I’m staying in a hotel tonight and I’ll call you tomorrow.

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