
1. Choose the correct words.

1   There is / There are a wardrobe in my bedroom.

2   There isn’t / There aren’t any posters on my bedroom walls.

3   There isn’t / There aren’t a chest of drawers in my bedroom.

4   There is / There are a dictionary in my bag.

5   There isn’t / There aren’t any shelves in our classroom.

6   There are / There aren’t any curtains in the classroom.

7   There isn’t / There aren’t a computer on the teacher’s desk.


1 There is   2 There aren’t   3 There isn’t   4 There is

5 There aren’t   6 There aren’t   7 There isn’t

2. Complete the prepositions of place.

1   b_________

2   u_________

3   n_________

4   b_________

5   i_________

6   o_________

7   o_________

 8   in f_________ of


1 behind   2 under   3 near   4 between   5 in   6 on

7 opposite   8 front

3. Look at the picture and listen to six sentences. Are they true (T) or false (F)?

1        2        3        4        5        6


1 T   2 F   3 T   4 F   5 F   6 T


 There’s a lamp on the teacher’s desk.

 Emily is opposite Jack and Lottie.

 The teacher is in front of the students.

 There isn’t a blind.

 There are schoolbags under Emily’s and Lottie’s desks.

 There’s a plant near the window.

4. Complete the sentences about the picture in exercise 3. Use There’s a, There isn’t a, There are some or There aren’t any.

1   ………………………… a computer on the teacher’s desk.

2   ………………………… dictionaries.

3   ………………………… a book on Emily’s desk.

4   ………………………… notice board next to the window.

5   ………………………… posters.

6   ………………………… pens on Jack’s desk.


1 There’s a   2 There are some   3 There’s a   4 There isn’t a

5 There aren’t any   6 There are some

5. Write questions and short answers about the picture. Use Is there a … or Are there any … .

1   …Are there any… chairs?

      Yes, there are.

2   ………………………… plant near the noticeboard?


3   ………………………… books on Lottie’s desk?


4   ………………………… posters on the wall?


5   ………………………… shelves?



2   Is there a …? No, there isn’t.

3   Are there any …? No, there aren’t.

4   Are there any …? No, there aren’t.

5   Are there any …? Yes, there are.

6. Look at the picture again and answer the questions. Use prepositions of place.

 Where’s Emily?

     She’s between Jack and Lottie.

 Where’s the lamp?


 Where are the dictionaries?


 Where’s the teacher’s chair?


 Where’s the bin?



2   The lamp is on the teacher’s desk.

3   The dictionaries are on the shelf.

4   The teacher’s chair is behind the teacher’s desk.

5   The bin is under the teacher’s desk.


Write six sentences about your classroom: three with there is / are and three with there isn’t / aren’t. Use a, some and any.

     There’s a computer on the teacher’s desk.

1   ………………………………………….

2   ………………………………………….

3   ………………………………………….

4   ………………………………………….

5   ………………………………………….

6   ………………………………………….

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