
1. Write the superlative form of the adjectives.

1   tidy   …the tidiest……

2   fit   ……………….

3   funny   ……………….

4   dry   ……………….

5   pretty   ……………….

6   bad   ……………….

7   friendly   ……………….

8   good   ……………….

9   big   ……………….

10   nice   ……………….

11   safe   ……………….

12   exciting   ……………….

13   tiring   ……………….

14   hot   ……………….


2 the fittest   3 the funniest   4 the driest   5 the prettiest

6 the worst   7 the friendliest   8 the best   9 the biggest

10 the nicest   11 the safest   12 the most exciting

13 the most tiring   14 the hottest

2. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1   They say that Arabic is one of the more difficult / the most difficult / the difficultest languages of the world / than the world / in the world.

2   Spanish is one of the most popular / most popular / the popularest languages for learn / to learn / for learning.

3   In 201, the goodest / the best / the most good tennis player was Novak Djokovic.

4   I work in one of the noisyest / the most noisy / the noisiest areas in the city / of the city / on the city.

5   I think Xhosa is the more strange / the strangest / the most strange language! I heard people speaking it in South Africa.

6   I think Italy is the interestingest / most interesting / the most interesting country to visit in Europe / of Europe / by Europe.

7   The Internet is one of the more useful / the most useful / the usefulest inventions of the 20th century.

8   He’s one of the most famous / the famousest / the more famous actors in Hollywood.


2 the most popular, to learn   3 the best

4 the noisiest, in the city / of the city   5 the strangest

6 the most interesting, in Europe   7 the most useful

8 the most famous

3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1   funniest / one / of the / on TV / he’s / people.

     …He’s one of the funniest people on TV.

2   in the world / the / animal / the cheetah / fastest / is .


3   the / Sam / best / in our class / student / is .


4   was / the / day / wettest / last Tuesday / of the year .


5   one of / beautiful / the / she’s / women / most / in the world.


6   is / the / which / city / biggest / in the world?


7   we / last year / the / had / winter / since 1986 / coldest .


8   Japanese / language / is hardest / to learn / the .



2   The fastest animal in the world is the cheetah. / The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.

3   Sam is the best student in our class. / The best student in our class is Sam.

4   Last Tuesday was the wettest day of the year. / The wettest day of the year was last Tuesday.

5   She’s one of the most beautiful women in the world.

6   Which is the biggest city in the world?

7   Last year we had the coldest winter since 1986. / We had the coldest winter since 1986 last year.

8   Japanese is the hardest language to learn. / The hardest language to learn is Japanese.

4. Complete the questions with one word from each box. Use the superlative form of the adjectives.

long     big     expensive     hot     good

footballer     country     hotel room     river     place

1    A   What’s …………………… in the world?

      B   Death Valley in California. The highest temperature was 56°C.

2    A   What’s …………………… in Africa?

      B   The Nile. It’s 6,695 kilometres long.

3    A   What’s …………………… in the world?

      B   One in the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva. It costs $118,000 for two nights.

4    A   Who’s …………………… footballer ever?

      B   Many people say it’s Pelé from Brazil. He scored over 1,000 goals and won the World Cup three times.

5    A   What’s …………………… in the world?

      B   That’s easy – Russia. It’s 17 million km2.


1   the hottest place

2   the longest river

3   the most expensive hotel room

4   the best footballer

5   the biggest country

5. Correct the sentences.

1   My new computer is more fast than my old one.

     My new computer is faster than my old one.

2   Tablets are usually lighter that laptops.

3   London is the most big city in the UK.

4   This hotel is cheapper than the Hotel Classic.

5   He’s the more expensive footballer in the world.

6   Italian is more easy to learn than Russian.

7   English is the most useful language of the world.

8   I’m not very good at maths, but Ian is badder than me.


 Tablets are usually lighter than laptops.

 London is the biggest city in the UK.

 This hotel is cheaper than the Hotel Classic.

 He’s the most expensive footballer in the world.

 Italian is easier to learn than Russian.

 English is the most useful language in the world.

 I’m not very good at maths, but Ian is worse than me.

6. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1   One of …the longest…… (long) words in English is floccinaucinihilipilifcation. But I don’t know what it means!

2   ………………… (short) words in English are a and I.

3   In spoken English, one of ………………… (popular) words is I – because we think we’re ………………… (interesting) topic in the world!

4   ………………… (useful) noun in English is time. We use it all the time!

5   ………………… (fast) way to learn a language is to go and live in a different country.

6   Some people think ………………… (important) thing for language learners is speaking.

7   I think ………………… (good) way to improve your English is to learn lots of words – I try to learn ten new words every day.

8   When you’re reading in English, ………………… (bad) thing you can do is check all the words in a dictionary. It takes too long and it’s not much fun!


2 The shortest   3 the most popular; the most interesting

4 The most useful   5 The fastest   6 the most important

7 the best   8 the worst

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