
1. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.

1   In most countries motorcyclists must …wear a helmet…… .

2   I nearly missed the first class this morning. I should have ………………………………… .

3   I decided I didn’t like the shoes I’d bought, but luckily I was able to ………………………………… .

4   The shops are always terribly crowded on Saturdays, so I may ………………………………… .

5   Politicians ought not to ………………………………… .

6   Some people dislike flying, so they might ………………………………… .

7   Most people pass their driving test first time, so it can’t ………………………………… .

8   I don’t know why my brother hasn’t phoned. He may have ………………………………… .

9   If you really want to get fit, you should ………………………………… .

10   When the price of petrol rose sharply, many people had to ………………………………… .

11   Can you imagine travelling before the invention of railways? It must have ………………………………… .

12   Commuter trains are often overcrowded, and people aren’t able to ………………………………… .

13   I could ………………………………… when I was ten, but I couldn’t ………………………………… .

14   That girl looks as if she’s lost. We’d better ………………………………… .


Example answers:

2 set my alarm clock

3 change them

4 go another day

5 make promises they can’t keep

6 travel by train

7 be very difficult

8 forgotten I’m waiting for him

9 take regular exercise

10 go to work by bus

11 been very slow

12 find a seat

13 ride a horse … drive a car

14 show her the way

2. Read this notice. Then complete the advice for people who are coming to your school or place of work.

Information for newcomers to London Language School

• You shouldn’t miss lessons.

• You should bring your laptop if you have one.

• You mustn’t be late for class.

• You must switch your phone off during lessons.

• You needn’t bring a dictionary.

• You don’t have to take any exams.

Information for newcomers

1   You shouldn’t ………………………………… .

2   You should ………………………………… .

3   You mustn’t ………………………………… .

4   You must ………………………………… .

5   You needn’t ………………………………… .

6   You don’t have to ………………………………… .


Example answers:

1 play games on your phone during lessons

2 keep a note of new vocabulary

3 arrive late for meetings

4 pay your fees at the beginning of term

5 wear smart clothes

6 work on Sundays

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