1. Write a sentence for each picture. Use going to + a phrasal verb.

Example answers:
2 ’s going to knock them over / is going to knock them over
3 ’s going to wake him/her up / is going to wake him/her up
4 ’s going to blow them out / is going to blow them out
5 ’s going to hand them out / is going hand them out
6 ’s going to clean (it) up / is going to clean (it) up
7 ’s going to turn it off / is going to turn it off
8 ’s going to take them off / is going to take them off
2. Complete each sentence with a preposition.
1 I’m looking forward …to…… seeing my family again.
2 My uncle ran away ………………… home when he was a teenager.
3 Have you ever fallen out ………………… any of your neighbours?
4 How well does your brother get on ………………… his classmates?
5 My dentist has told me that I must cut down ………………… sweets.
6 We went up ………………… a woman and asked her for directions.
7 My brother pointed his boss out ………………… me as she came into the restaurant.
8 The new manager came up ………………… several interesting suggestions.
9 I’ll get back ………………… you as soon as I’ve got any news.
10 My brother gets away ………………… all sorts of things I wouldn’t be allowed to do.
2 from 3 with 4 with 5 on
6 to 7 to 8 with 9 to 10 with
3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of get + one of the words from the box. Use one of the words twice.
away back by in on out
1 The taxi stopped and a man …got out……, holding a bunch of flowers.
2 We haven’t had a holiday yet this year. We’ve been too busy to ………………… .
3 What time do you think you’ll ………………… here after the party?
4 The festival organisers employ security guards to prevent people ………………… without tickets.
5 It’s natural for parents to wonder how their children ………………… when they’re away at university.
6 Modern buses are designed to make it easy for passengers to ………………… .
7 I don’t earn much, but I try to ………………… without borrowing money from anyone.
2 get away 3 get back
4 getting in
5 get on or are getting on
6 get on 7 get by
4. Complete each sentence with the correct form of take + one of the words from the box. Use two of the words twice.
away down in off up
1 The woman …took off…… her jacket and began work.
2 I had to pay £100 to have my old car ………………… .
3 Few of the criminals ………………… by the policeman’s attempt to disguise himself as a beggar.
4 The students were told to ………………… the posters which they had hung from their windows.
5 My mother ………………… yoga last year to keep herself fit.
6 I don’t keep a lot of music on my laptop because it ………………… too much memory.
7 We were offered drinks soon after the plane ………………… .
2 taken away 3 were taken in
4 take down 5 took up
6 takes up
7 took off or had taken off
5. Complete each sentence with the correct form of go + one of the words from the box. Use two of the words twice.
away back in on out
1 I know the house isn’t empty because I saw a man …go in…… about an hour ago.
2 I don’t know what ………………… in that classroom, but they’re making a lot of noise, whatever it is!
3 I’m sorry I interrupted you. What were you saying? Please ………………… .
4 He was born in Scotland, but it’s unlikely he ………………… to live there because he’s lived in London for so long.
5 I’m sorry, you can’t see the manager because he ………………… on business for a few days.
6 The green light on the front of the dishwasher ………………… . Does that mean it’s finished?
7 I ………………… for a walk but if you need anything you can text me.
2 ’s going on / is going on
3 go on
4 ’ll go back / will go back
5 ’s gone away / has gone away
6 ’s gone out / has gone out
7 ’m going (to go) out / am going (to go) out
6. Complete each sentence with the correct form of put + one of the words from the box. Use one of the words three times.
back down off on out
1 One fire officer was slightly injured while …putting out…… the fire in the hotel.
2 We have to allow plenty of time after swimming for the children to dry themselves and their clothes.
3 After cleaning, the paintings must in exactly the same places on the wall.
4 Is it OK to some music, or will it disturb you?
5 We’ll have to the barbecue till another day if the weather doesn’t improve.
6 Please that bag. It’s much too heavy for you to carry.
7 It’s cold in here. Shall I the central heating?
2 put on 3 be put back
4 put on 5 put off
6 put down 7 put on
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