Getting Ready Do you hope to do these things in the future? Check (✓) your answers and compare them with a partner. ...
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Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Apartment Living
Getting Ready Write each item under the room where you usually find it. Then add one more item to each list. toilet...
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Vacations
Getting Ready When do you use these words? Write them in the correct lists. Then add your own words to each list. not...
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Small Talk
Getting Ready Do people use these expressions to greet someone or to end a conversation? Check (✓) the correct answer....
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Restaurants
Getting Ready Write the words below in the chart. Then add one more word to each list. salad apple pie ...
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Prices
Getting Ready Can you guess the price of these items in a typical American city? Write the prices in the chart. Then...
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Entertainment
Getting Ready Do you like to do these activities on weekends? Check (✓) your answers and compare them with a partner....
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – The Family
Getting Ready Write the correct word. uncle great-grandfather cousin aunt grandparents niece ...
Practice Listening English Exercises for A1 – Locations
Getting Ready Task 1 Find each item in the picture. Write the number in the correct box. 1 a plant 2 the skis 3 ...