
Getting Ready

Write the correct word.

uncle      great-grandfather      cousin      aunt

grandparents      niece      nephew      mother-in-law

 My mother’s sister is my ……………………… .

 My father’s brother is my ……………………… .

 My parent’s parents are my ……………………… .

 My uncle’s son or daughter is my ……………………… .

 My brother or sister’s son is my ……………………… .

 My brother or sister’s daughter is my ……………………… .

 My husband or wife’s mother is my ……………………… .

 My grandmother or grandfather’s father is my ……………………… .


1 aunt   2 uncle

3 grandparents   4 cousin

5 nephew   6 niece

7 mother-in-law   8 great-grandfather

Listening 1

People are talking about their families. Listen and number the pictures.

Answer & Transcript

A 4   B 1   C 6   D 2   E 5   F 3



A:   That’s me in the middle. That’s my oldest niece, Megan, on the right. She’s in her second year of college. And that’s my nephew, on the left. He just finished high school.

B:   Oh, he’s handsome.


A:   That’s me in the middle.

B:   Who are the other two?

A:   Those are my brothers, Nigel and Trevor. They’re twins.

B:   How old are they?

A:   They’re fifteen.


A:   That’s me and my parents.

B:   Boy! You look just like your dad.

A:   No, I don’t


A:   This is a picture of my son and daughter.

B:   Is your daughter younger than your son?

A:   Yes, much younger. He’s 24.

B:   How old is your daughter?

A:   She’s 12.

B:   That’s a big difference.


A:   These are my parents and that’s my grandmother on the left.

B:   How old is she?

A:   She’s 80.

B:   She looks young for 80.


A:   This is my father with my mom, my grandmother, my sister, and my cousin.

B:   Which one is your mother?

A:   The one all the way on the right.

B:   Oh, yes.

Listening 2

Task 1

People are talking about their families. How many brothers and sisters does each person have? Listen and write the numbers.


Older brothers

Younger brothers

Older sisters

Younger sisters

1   Natalie





2   Abby





3   Ben





4   Rosie





5   Tim






1   0, 0, 3, 0      2   1, 0, 0, 2

3   0, 0, 1, 0      4   0, 2, 1, 1

5   0, 0, 0, 0

Task 2

Listen again. What does each person say about family? Circle the correct answer.

 Natalie would like to have …………………… .

     a   brothers

     b   sisters

     c   cousins

 Abby’s brother is a …………………… .

     a   teacher

     b   student

     c   professor

 Ben’s sister …………………… bosses him around.

     a   never

     b   sometimes

     c   always

 Rosie’s friend would like to come from a …………………… family.

     a   small

     b   big

     c   medium-sized

 Tim is …………………… child.

     a   an only

     b   a lonely

     c   one

Answer & Transcript

1 a   2 b   3 c   4 b   5 a



A:   Do you have any brothers and sisters, Natalie?

B:   No brothers. I wish I did. But I have three sisters.

A:   Really!

B:   Yeah. And I’m the youngest.

A:   Poor you!


A:   Tell me about your family, Abby.

B:   Well, I have one brother – he’s older than me.

A:   What does he do?

B:   He’s a student. And I have two younger sisters.

A:   Wow. You have a big family.


A:   Do you have any brothers or sisters, Ben?

B:   Just one – my sister, Anna.

A:   Is she older than you?

B:   Yes, she is. She always bosses me around!


A:   Tell me about your family, Rosie.

B:   Well, I come from quite a big family. I have two brothers, both of them younger than me.

A:   Really? Do you have any sisters?

B:   Yeah. I have one older and one younger sister.

A:   You’re lucky. I wish I came from a big family.


A:   Do you come from a big family, Tim?

B:   No, I’m an only child. It’s just me and my parents.

Listening 3

Task 1

People are talking about themselves and their families. Which family member is the speaker most similar to? Listen and check (✓) the correct answer.






1   Wen-ping

2   Michael

3   Justin

4   Hannah

5   Robert

6   Elizabeth


1 Sister   2 Mother

3 Father   4 Mother

5 Brother   6 Mother

Task 2

Listen again. How is each family member different from the speaker? Write the correct letter.

1   Wen-ping’s brother

2   Michael’s brother

3   Justin’s sister

4   Hannah’s father

5   Robert’s sister

6   Elizabeth’s father

a   likes sports

b   likes reading and music

 is taller than the father

d   prefers to play cards

e   hates flying

 isn’t interested in music

Answer & Transcript

1 a   2 f   3 d   4 a   5 b   6 e



Both of my parents are taller than me. My dad is pretty tall, but my brother is even taller than my dad. Together they look like a basketball team! My sister and I are the short ones in the family.


My brother isn’t interested in music at all. He’s into cars, like my dad. But I’m not interested in cars. I play the guitar and the piano. I guess I love music because of my mum. She sings beautifully. She plays the piano really well, too.


I love animals. I keep a couple of parrots in a big cage in my room. I love taking photographs of wild birds when I’m in the countryside. My dad and I often go away for the weekend and we have a great time birdwatching. My sister thinks I’m crazy. When my sister has free time, she loves to play cards. I can’t stand card games.


I enjoy reading. I read a lot of books and I love going to the library. My dad likes outdoor things. He’s really into sports and swimming, and he always tells me I should get more interested in sports. But mom tells me that reading is the best way to learn. She always gives me books that she’s been reading.


I’m very interested in computers. I’m always teaching myself new computer programs and I have a lot of great software. My brother and I spend all our free time in computer stores and online. My sister is more interested in the arts. She likes music and she loves to read. She hates computers!


I love traveling. My mother and I go to a different place every year. Both of us love to learn new things about cultures. My father never goes with us because he hates flying. My older sister is in college, so she stays home and studies while we’re away. Sometimes I wish my sister and my father would travel with us because I miss them.

Conversation Corner: Talking about families

Task 1

Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A:   ………………. ………………. have a big family, Eva?

B:   Kind of. I have a younger brother and an older sister.

A:   Really? ………………. old are they?

B:   Let’s see… my brother is eighteen and my sister is twenty-five.

A:   Oh. ………………. ………………. your sister do?

B:   She’s a chef.

A:   A chef? What a cool job! How do ………………. ………………. her food?

B:   I haven’t tried it, actually. She lives in California.

Task 2

Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce do, does and are.

Answer & Transcript

A:   Do you have a big family, Eva?

B:   Kind of. I have a younger brother and an older sister.

A:   Really? How old are they?

B:   Let’s see… my brother is eighteen and my sister is twenty-five.

A:   Oh. What does your sister do?

B:   She’s a chef.

A:   A chef? What a cool job! How do you like her food?

B:   I haven’t tried it, actually. She lives in California.

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