
Exercise 1   

Make sentences beginning There’s no point ….

1   Why have a car if you never use it?


2   Why work if you don’t need money?


3   Don’t try to study if you feel tired.


4   Why hurry if you’ve got plenty of time?




1  There’s no point in having a car if you never use it.

2  There’s no point in working if you don’t need money.

3  There’s no point in trying to study if you feel tired.

4  There’s no point in hurrying if you’ve got plenty of time.

Exercise 2   

Complete the sentences on the right.


Shall we get a taxi home?

No, it isn’t far. It’s not worth


If you need help, why don’t you ask David?

It’s no use ……………………. . He won’t be able to do anything.


I don’t really want to go out to night.

Well, stay at home! There’s no point ……………………. if you don’t want to.


Shall I phone Lisa now?

No, it’s no good ……………………. now. She won’t be at home.


Are you going to complain about what happened?

No, it’s not worth …………………….

Nobody will do anything about it.


Do you want to keep these old clothes?

No, let’s throw them away. They’re not worth …………………….



1  getting a taxi

2  asking David

3  in going out

4  phoning her/ Lisa

5  complaining (about what happened)

6  keeping

Exercise 3   

Complete the sentences.

1   I managed to get a visa, but it was difficult.

     I had …………………….

2   I find it hard to remember people’s names.

     I have a problem …………………….

3   Lucy managed to get a job. It wasn’t a problem.

     She had no trouble …………………….

4   It won’t be difficult to get a ticket for the game.

     You won’t have any problem …………………….

5   Do you find it difficult to understand him?

     Do you have difficulty …………………….?



1  getting a visa

2  remembering people’s names

3  getting a job

4  getting a ticket for the game

5  understanding him

Exercise 4   

Complete the sentences. Use only one word each time.

1   I waste a lot of time ……………………. nothing.

2   Every morning I spend about an hour ……………………. the newspaper.

3   ‘What’s Karen doing?’ ‘She’s going away tomorrow, so she’s busy ……………………..’

4   I think you waste too much time ……………………. TV.

5   There’s a beautiful view from that hill. it’s worth ……………………. to the top.

6   Just stay calm. There’s no point in ……………………. angry.



1  doing

2  reading

3  packing I getting ready

4  watching

5  going/climbing/walking

6  getting/ being

Exercise 5 

Complete these sentences with the following (with the verb in the correct form):

go riding     go sailing     go shopping     go skiing     go swimming

1   Ben lives by the sea and he’s got a boat, so he often …………………….

2   It was a very hot day, so we ……………………. in the lake.

3   There’s plenty of snow in the mountains, so we’ll be able to …………………….

4   Helen has got two horses. She ……………………. regularly.

5   ‘Where’s Dan?’ ‘He’s ……………………. . There were a few things he needed to buy.’



1  goes sailing

2  went swimming

3  go skiing

4  goes riding

5  gone shopping

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