
1. Complete the rules with the headings below.

plural noun      singular countable noun      uncountable noun

 every, each, either + ………………………………

 all, most, some, much, little, a little, any, no + ………………………………

 all, most, many, some, a few, few, no, both, any + ………………………………


1 singular countable noun   2 uncountable noun

3 plural noun

2. Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1   I’ve only used …….. my pocket money.

     a   little      b   a little            

     c   a few     d   a little of

2   …….. of the computers is broken.

     a   Each            b   Both                          

     c   Every one   d   Every

3   There isn’t …….. time before the film starts.

     a   many      few                 

     c   much      little

4   Nearly …….. this software is out of date.

     a   every      b   all of              

     c   each of   d   every one of

5   …….. of the information is correct.

     a   No          None              

     c   Any         Either

 The computer is very heavy. Pick it up with …….. hands.

     a   each      b   all                   

     c   either    d   both

 …….. teenagers use social networking sites.

     a   Much        b   Most              

     c   Many of    d   Most of

 Have you bought …….. apps recently?

     a   some      any                 

     c   no            few

 Joe spends …….. his free time playing games online.

     a   most        most of         

     c   much       the most


1 d   2 c   3 c   4 b   5 b   6 d   7 b   8 b   9 b

3. Some of the sentences are incorrect. Rewrite them correctly. Tick the correct sentences..

 No of my classmates did their homework. ✗

     None of my classmates did their homework.

 Some of gadgets are difficult to use.


 We had no times to lose.


 Tom can write with every hand.


 Not much games are easy to program.


 There’s a mistake in each sentence.


 Kate doesn’t like any these apps.


 Jason spends few money on downloading music.



2   Some of the gadgets are difficult to use.

3   ✓

4   Tom can write with both hands.

5   Not many / all games are easy to program.

6   ✓

7   Kate doesn’t like any of these apps.

8   Jason spends little money on downloading music.

4. Complete the sentences with few, a few, little, or a little.

1   ……………………….. people went to see the film, so it was only on at the cinema for a couple of weeks.

2   I’m tired because I got very ……………………….. sleep last night.

3   I’ll only need ……………………….. more minutes to finish my homework.

4   ‘Is there any milk left?’ ‘Yes, ……………………….. .’

5   I posted that comment ……………………….. days ago.

6   I had ……………………….. subscribers to my video blog, so I removed it from YouTube.

7   Unfortunately they have ……………………….. money to spend on holidays.


1 Few   2 little   3 a few   4 a little   5 a few

6 few   7 little

5. Look at the bar chart. Write a sentence for each activity with the words below. Use the present perfect.

all      almost all      a few      most      none      some      very few

 set up a new email account

 play a computer game

 download music

 print a document from their phone

 search within a specific website

 install an app on their phone

 update their profile on a social networking site

 A few of the students have set up a new email account.








2   All of the students have played a computer game.

3   Almost all of the students have downloaded music.

4   None of the students have printed a document from their phone.

5   Very few of the students have searched within a specific website.

6   Most of the students have installed an app on their phone.

7   Some of the students have updated their profile on a social networking site.

6. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

all      any      every      a few      a little      many      most      much

Dave      Emma, how long have you had your phone?

Emma    It’s quite new, actually. I’ve only had it for 1………………………….. months.

Dave      How often do you use it?

Emma    I use it 2………………………….. the time! 3………………………….. of the people I know send me text messages, and I text a lot too, especially when I need 4………………………….. help with my homework. By the end of the day, my phone has no battery left, so I have to recharge it 5………………………….. night.

Dave      Who pays your phone bill?

Emma    My parents do, but it isn’t a lot. I don’t really spend 6………………………….. money on my phone because I never make 7………………………….. calls. If I want to speak to my parents, I text them and they call me back. I don’t get 8………………………….. other calls really, except on my birthday.


1 a few   2 all   3 Most   4 a little   5 every

6 much   7 any   8 many

7. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Use the words in brackets.

 There are no places left on the science trip. (all)

      ………………………………… on the science trip have been taken.

 I don’t get many important emails. (few)

     ………………………………… are very important.

 I’ve lost my two phone chargers. (either)

     I can’t find …………………………………

 Her contacts were all deleted when she clicked on the button. (every)

      When she clicked on the button, she deleted …………………………………

 The links on this website are all faulty. (none)

      ………………………………… on this website are working.

 There are only a few apps on my phone that I use. (most)

      I don’t use ………………………………… on my phone.


1 All the places   2 Few of my emails / Few of the emails I get

3 either of my phone chargers   4 every one of her contacts

5 None of the links   6 most of the apps

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