
Exercise 1   

Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

cause(s)   connect(s)   drink(s)   live(s)   open(s)   speak(s)   take(s)

1   Tanya ……………………. German very well.

2   I don’t often ……………………. coffee.

3   The swimming pool ……………………. at 7.30 every morning.

4   Bad driving ……………………. many accidents.

5   My parents ……………………. in a very small flat.

6   The Olympic Games ……………………. place every four years.

7   The Panama Canal ……………………. the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.



1   speaks

2   drink

3   opens

4   causes

5   live

6   take

7   connects

Exercise 2   

Put the verb into the correct form.

1   Julie ……………………. (not / drink) tea very often.

2   What time ……………………. (the banks / dose) here?

3   I’ve got a car, but I ……………………. (not / use) it much.

4   ‘Where ……………………. (Ricardo / come) from?’ ‘From Cuba.’

5   ‘What ……………………. (you / do)?’ Tm an electrician.’

6   It ……………………. (take) me an hour to get to work. How long ……………………. (it / take) you?

7   Look at this sentence. What ……………………. (this word / mean)?

8   David isn’t very fit. He ……………………. (not / do) any sport.



1   doesn’t drink

2   do the banks close

3   don’t use

4   does Ricardo come

5   do you do

6   takes … does it take

7   does this word mean

8   doesn’t do

Exercise 3   

Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:

believe   eat   flow   go   grow   make   rise   tell   translate

1   The earth ……………………. round the sun.

2   Rice ……………………. in Britain.

3   The sun ……………………. in the east.

4   Bees ……………………. honey.

5   Vegetarians ……………………. meat.

6   An atheist ……………………. in God.

7   An interpreter ……………………. from one language into another.

8   Liars are people who ……………………. the truth.

9   The River Amazon ……………………. into the Atlantic Ocean.



1   goes

2   doesn’t grow

3   rises

4   make

5   don’t eat

6   doesn’t believe

7   translates

8   don’t tell

9   flows

Exercise 4   

You ask Lisa questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.

1   You know that Lisa plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.

    How often ……………………. ?

2   Perhaps Lisa’s sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

    ……………………. your sister ……………………. ?

3   You know that Lisa reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her.

    ……………………. ?

4   You know that Lisa’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Lisa.

    ……………………. ?

5   You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.

    ……………………. ?

6   You don’t know where Lisa’s grandparents live. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

    ……………………. ?



1   do you play tennis

2   Does your sister play tennis?

3   Which newspaper do you read?

4   What does your brother do?

5   How often do you go to the cinema?

6   Where do your grandparents live?

Exercise 5   

Complete using the following:

I apologise     I insist    I promise    I recommend    I suggest

1   Mr Evans is not in the office today. ……………………. you try calling him tomorrow.

2   I won’t tell anybody what you said. ……………………. .

3   (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. ……………………. .

4   ……………………. for what I did. It won’t happen again.

5   The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. ……………………. it.



1   I suggest

2   I promise

3   I insist

4   I apologise

5   I recommend

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