
1. Wilma Shaw the pop singer has just arrived in London from the U.S. She’s being interviewed by a journalist. Look at the journalist’s notes and Wilma’s answers. Then write the journalist’s questions.

 how long / be here?

How long are you going to be here?

Two months.

 be / first visit to this country?

Is this your first visit to this country?

No, it isn’t.

 when / be here before?


Five years ago.

 why / come then?


For a holiday.

 why / come this time?


To work.

 do / a tour now?


Yeah, that’s right.

 how many cities / visit?


About twenty.

 what / want to do after that?


Have a holiday.

 have / message for your fans?


Yeah – come to our concerts and have a wild time.


 When were you here before?

 Why did you come then?

 Why have you come this time?

 Are you doing a tour now?

 How many cities are you going to visit? or … will you visit?

 What do you want to do after that?

 Do you have a message for your fans?

2. Lucy works in a tourist information office and has to answer a lot of questions. Read her answers and complete the questions using the words in brackets.


TOURIST:   Do you know …where the city maps are……? (city maps)

LUCY:          Over there, on the other counter.


TOURIST:   Can you tell me ……………………………? (this guidebook)

LUCY:          £9.99.


TOURIST:   Please could you tell me ……………………………? (postcards)

LUCY:          They’re on the third shelf, beside the window.


TOURIST:   Do you happen to know ……………………………? (the sports centre)

LUCY:          Yes, it closes at half past ten on weekdays and ten at weekends.


TOURIST:   Could you explain ……………………………? (this timetable)

LUCY:          It’s quite simple. You find your destination on the left and read the times across the page.


TOURIST:   I’d like to know ……………………………? (free internet access)

LUCY:          It’s available in most city centre coffee shops and the public library.


TOURIST:   Do you know ……………………………? (the music festival)

LUCY:          The last weekend of July.


TOURIST:   I can’t remember …………………………… . (the castle)

LUCY:          It was built about 1500, so that makes it over 500 years old.


2   how much this guidebook is/costs

3   where the postcards are

4   what time / when the sports centre closes

5   how this timetable works / how to use this timetable

6   where I can get/find free internet access

7   when the music festival is / when the music festival takes place

8   how old the castle is / when the castle was built

3. Sonia Schmidt is phoning to book a hotel room. Complete the conversation by putting the words in the correct order. Do not change the form of the words.

SONIA:                 Hello. My name’s Sonia Schmidt. I’d like to book a room for myself and my husband please, starting from next Thursday.

RECEPTIONIST: Certainly. (1) staying / how many nights / you / be / will

                              …How many nights will you be staying…….?

SONIA:                 Three, probably.

RECEPTIONIST:   Yes, we have a double room on those nights.

SONIA:                 (2) available / is / one with a sea view?


RECEPTIONIST:   Yes. By the way, (3) have / the special offer / about / are running / we / you / at the moment / heard?


SONIA:                 Oh, no.

RECEPTIONIST:   It’s four nights for the price of three. (4) don’t / take advantage / you / it / why / of?


SONIA:                 (5) have / for it / what / I / to do / to qualify / got?


RECEPTIONIST:   Just make a definite booking today and let me have your credit card number. We won’t use it until you leave.

SONIA:                 OK. (6) be / much / will / it / how / for bed and breakfast?


RECEPTIONIST:   For three nights, €75 per person per night, plus the fourth night and breakfast free. So that’s €450 all together.

SONIA:                 Yes. I think I’ll do that. We can stay till Monday. (7) you / give / my credit card number / I / shall / now?


RECEPTIONIST:   Yes please.

SONIA:                 343481237650992.

RECEPTIONIST:   Thank you very much. (8) would / to / me / you / email / like / confirmation of your reservation / you / to?


SONIA:                 Yes, please. To

RECEPTIONIST:   Thank you. We’ll look forward to seeing you.

SONIA:                 Thank you, goodbye.


2   Is one with a sea view available?

3   have you heard about the special offer we are running at the moment?

4   Why don’t you take advantage of it?

5   What have I got to do to qualify for it?

6   How much will it be for bed and breakfast?

7   Shall I give you my credit card number now?

8   Would you like me to email confirmation of your reservation to you?

4. Ben’s doctor has advised him to join a health club. The instructor is going to help him to plan his fitness programme. Write the instructor’s questions. Read the whole conversation before you begin.

INSTRUCTOR:   OK, Ben. Let’s find out how fit you are. (1) First of all, …how old are you……?

BEN:                   I’m thirty-two.

INSTRUCTOR:   (2) And ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   About seventy-five kilos.

INSTRUCTOR:   (3) And ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   One metre eighty.

INSTRUCTOR:   (4) ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   I work in a call centre for a bank.

INSTRUCTOR:   Really? (5) So, ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   Well, I take some exercise, but it’s not regular.

INSTRUCTOR:   (6) ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   No, I haven’t done any sport since I left school. I sometimes go for a walk on my day off if the weather’s good.

INSTRUCTOR:   I see. (7) ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   No, I wouldn’t say I had a healthy diet exactly. I like fast food too much and I drink about 15 cups of strong coffee every day.

INSTRUCTOR:   That’s a lot of coffee. (8) ………………………………………….?

BEN:                   Well, I tried to give up coffee about a year ago, but then I started falling asleep at work. My doctor says I must try again.

INSTRUCTOR:   Well, we can give you some help with that. It’s really important at least to cut down on the amount of coffee you drink. Now if you’ll come with me, I’m going to do a few checks and then we’ll make a plan for you.

BEN:                   OK. Thanks.


2   how much do you weigh? / what do you weigh?

3   how tall are you?

4   What do you do (for a living)? / What’s your job/ occupation?

5   do you take regular exercise? / do you exercise regularly?

6   Do you do any sport?

7   Do you have a healthy diet?

8   Have you (ever) tried to give (it) up?

5. There are mistakes in eight of these sentences. Correct the sentences where necessary. Write ‘OK’ if the sentence is already correct.

1   Have ever you been to Hawaii?

      …Have you ever been…..

2   What is this word mean?


3   How much costs it to fly to Australia from here?


4   We can’t remember where did we leave our car.


5   Had the film started when you turned the TV on?


6   Would you like to explain what is your problem?


7   How long did it you take to get here?


8   Now I know why didn’t you tell me what you were buying!


9   Can you tell me where the dictionaries are kept?


10   Why young people don’t show more respect to the elderly?



2   What does this word mean?

3   How much does it cost to fly to Australia from here?

4   We can’t remember where we left our car.

5   OK

6   Would you like to explain what your problem is?

7   How long did it take you to get here?

8   Now I know why you didn’t tell me what you were buying!

9   OK

10   Why don’t young people show more respect to the elderly?

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