1. Can you answer the questions about the people in Box A? Use the information from Boxes B and C.

Frenchman Italian Jamaican Japanese man
Moroccan Russian Swiss woman
He made the famous print The Great Wave off Kanagawa.
He made wonderful violins.
He produced the first permanent photograph.
He travelled through Africa and Asia.
She opened a waxworks museum in London.
She was the first female astronaut.
She worked as a nurse and saved many lives.
1 Mary Seacole was a Jamaican who worked as a nurse and saved many lives.
2 ………………………………………………………………….
3 ………………………………………………………………….
4 ………………………………………………………………….
5 ………………………………………………………………….
6 ………………………………………………………………….
7 ………………………………………………………………….
2 Antonio Stradivari was an Italian who made wonderful violins.
3 Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan who travelled through Africa and Asia.
4 Marie Tussaud was a Swiss woman who opened a waxworks museum in London.
5 Valentina Tereshkova is a Russian who was the first female astronaut.
6 Katsushika Hokusai was a Japanese man who made the famous print The Great Wave off Kanagawa.
7 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was a Frenchman who produced the first permanent photograph.
2. Complete the conversation with who, that, whose or where. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty (–).
Zoe and Pat are planning a party next Thursday.
ZOE: Well, who shall we ask to this party?
PAT: Oh, not too many. Just a few people (1) …–…… we can be relaxed with.
ZOE: Yes, I agree. So, who, for example?
PAT: John and Jason, of course, and Carlo.
ZOE: Carlo? Who’s he?
PAT: He’s the Italian guy (2) …who…… is staying with John.
ZOE: Oh, yeah. Is he the one (3) ………………… wallet got stolen when they were in London?
PAT: That’s right. They caught the guy (4) ………………… took it, but he’d already spent all the money (5) ………………… Carlo had brought with him.
ZOE: Poor Carlo. Perhaps the party will cheer him up.
PAT: It might, if we ask the girl (6) ………………… he’s been going out with.
ZOE: Who’s that?
PAT: Celia’s her name. She works in that cinema (7) ………………… they show all the new films.
ZOE: But will she be free on Thursday evening?
PAT: Yes, it’s her evening off. That’s the reason (8) ………………… I suggested Thursday.
ZOE: OK. Who else? What about Nicky and Cheryl?
PAT: Are they the people (9) ………………… you went to France with?
ZOE: Yes. If they bring their boyfriends, that’ll be ten of us. But have you got a room (10) ………………… is big enough? My landlady says we can’t use her sitting room because we made too much mess the last time (11) ………………… she let us have a party.
PAT: It’s all right. Our house has got a basement (12) ………………… we store old furniture. If we clean it up, it’ll be fine.
ZOE: Great. Let’s go and have a look at it.
3 whose 4 who/that 5 –
6 – 7 where 8 – 9 –
10 that 11 – 12 where
3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use a relative pronoun.
1 I like meeting people …who have travelled widely. ……
2 I enjoy parties …which go on till dawn. ……
3 I avoid going to restaurants …………………………………………………. .
4 Most of my friends are people …………………………………………………. .
5 I never watch films …………………………………………………. .
6 My favourite films are those …………………………………………………. .
7 I feel sorry for students …………………………………………………. .
8 My best friend is someone …………………………………………………. .
9 I’m going to buy a phone …………………………………………………. .
10 I wish I had a job …………………………………………………. .
Example answers:
3 where the food is too expensive
4 who play football or volleyball
5 which have unhappy endings
6 in which there is plenty of action
7 whose parents don’t give them any money
8 to whom I can say anything
9 which takes good photos
10 which involved travelling
4. Tick (✓) the sentence which matches the situation.
1 I have three umbrellas. I bought one of them in Paris. That one needs repairing.
a The umbrella which I bought in Paris needs repairing. ✓
b The umbrella, which I bought in Paris, needs repairing.
2 I have one colleague. He works extremely hard. He has few friends.
a My colleague who works extremely hard is not very popular.
b My colleague, who works extremely hard, is not very popular. ✓
3 I have several aunts. One works in New York. She’s getting married.
a My aunt who works in New York is getting married.
b My aunt, who works in New York, is getting married.
4 Peter made some sandwiches. They have all been eaten. You made some too. Your sandwiches have not been eaten.
a The sandwiches which Peter made have all been eaten.
b The sandwiches, which Peter made, have all been eaten.
5 There was only one park in this town. Someone has built over it. We used to play in the park when we were children.
a The local park where we played as children has been built over.
b The local park, where we played as children, has been built over.
6 One of my French teachers helps me with my homework. The other one lives too far away.
a The French teacher whose house is near mine helps me with my homework.
b The French teacher, whose house is near mine, helps me with my homework.
7 You met one of my cousins last summer, the one from the U.S. He’s coming to stay again.
a My American cousin who you met last summer is coming to stay again.
b My American cousin, who you met last summer, is coming to stay again.
8 There were a lot of candidates in the presidential election. Three of them were women. The winner was one of them. She had campaigned for better housing conditions.
a The woman who had campaigned for better housing conditions has been elected president.
b The woman, who had campaigned for better housing conditions, has been elected president.
9 I received lots of flowers when I was ill, but only my boyfriend sent me roses. I put the roses in my favourite vase.
a The roses which my boyfriend sent look beautiful in my favourite vase.
b The roses, which my boyfriend sent, look beautiful in my favourite vase.
10 I took two cameras away with me. You lent me one of them. That’s the one that got broken.
a The camera which you lent me has been broken.
b The camera, which you lent me, has been broken.
3 a 5 b 7 b 9 b
4 a 6 a 8 a 10 a
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