1. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write true answers.
1 name / what’s / your
Answer: …………………..
2 that / spell / you / how / do
Answer: …………………..
3 old / you / how / are
Answer: …………………..
4 you / from / where / are
Answer: …………………..
1 What’s your name?
2 How do you spell that?
3 How old are you?
4 Where are you from?
2. Find fourteen countries in the wordsearch and write them below

1 A…………………………
2 B…………………………
3 C…………………………
4 F…………………………
5 G…………………………
6 H…………………………
7 I…………………………
8 J…………………………
9 P…………………………
10 R…………………………
11 S…………………………
12 T…………………………
13 U…………………………
14 the U…………………..
1 Argentina 2 Brazil 3 Croatia 4 France
5 Germany 6 Hungary 7 Italy 8 Japan 9 Poland
10 Russia 11 Spain 12 Turkey 13 Ukraine 14 UK
3. Listen. Write the names of the people and the countries they are from.
1 Viktória is from Hungary.
2 ………………….. is from …………………..
3 ………………….. is from …………………..
4 ………………….. is from …………………..
5 ………………….. is from …………………..
2 Emin is from Turkey
3 Mariana is from Brazil
4 Dominik is from Ukraine
5 Nozomi is from Japan
Boy Hi! What’s your name?
Girl Viktoria.
B How do you spell that?
G With a K. V-I-K-T-O-R-I-A.
B Great. Thanks. And where are you from, Viktoria?
G I’m from Hungary.
Girl Hi! What’s your name?
Boy Emin.
G How do you spell that?
B Emin? That’s easy! E-M-I-N.
G Thanks. And where are you from?
B I’m from Turkey.
Boy Hi! What’s your name?
Girl Mariana.
B How do you spell that?
G M-A-R-I-A-N-A.
B OK. And where are you from, Mariana?
G I’m from Brazil.
Girl Hi! What’s your name?
Boy Dominik.
G How do you spell that?
B D-O-M-I-N-I-K.
G Thanks. Where are you from?
B I’m from Ukraine.
Boy Hi! What’s your name?
Girl Nozomi.
B How do you spell that?
G N-O-Z-O-M-I.
B Great. And where are you from, Nozomi?
G I’m from Japan.
4. Listen and write the letters and numbers.

1 This car is a Volvo …. …. …. ….
2 This phone is an …. …. …. ….
3 This aircraft is a …. …. ….
4 This road is the …. …. …. in England.
5 This motorbike is a …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
6 This is an …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. laptop.
1 XC60 2 LG G3 3 B52 4 M62 5 KYM 1190 6 HP 15n 230 US
1 This car is a Volvo XC60.
2 This phone is an LG G3.
3 This aircraft is a B52.
4 This road is the M62 in England.
5 This motorbike is a KTM 1190.
6 This is an HP 15n 230 US laptop.
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