1. Find ten kinds of film or TV programme in the word square → and ↓. Circle them and write them below.
1 g_________ s_________
2 d_________
3 r_________ c_________
4 r_________ s_________
5 p_________ d_________
6 a_________ f_________
7 c_________ s_________
8 t_________
9 s_________ o_________
10 s_________

1 game show 2 documentary 3 romantic comedy
4 reality show 5 period drama 6 action film
7 chat show 8 thriller 9 war film 10 soap opera 11 sitcom
2. Identify the kinds of TV programme and film. Choose from the words below.
animation comedy fantasy film horror film
musical news bulletin science fiction film western
This kind of film or TV programme:
1 usually has stories which take place in the future. ……………………………
2 often has characters with magical or supernatural powers. ……………………………
3 often has cowboys and Native Americans. ……………………………
4 often has frightening characters like vampires or ghost. ……………………………
5 includes singing and dancing. ……………………………
6 tells you about important events in the world. ……………………………
7 includes cartoon characters, usually made with computers. ……………………………
8 makes you laugh. ……………………………
1 science fiction film 2 fantasy film 3 western
4 horror film 5 musical 6 news bulletin
7 animation 8 comedy
3. Which words from exercises 1 and 2 are TV programmes only, never films? Which could be either films or TV programmes?
Only TV: chat show, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………
TV or film: comedy, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………, ……………………………
Only TV: game show; reality show; soap opera; sitcom; news bulletin
TV or film: documentary; romantic comedy; period drama; action film; thriller; war film; science fiction film; fantasy film; western; horror film; musical; animation
4. Complete the adjectives for describing films. Use a, e, i, o, u and y. Tick (✓) eight adjectives that usually have a positive meaning when describing film and cross (✗) six that usually have a negative meaning.
1 boring
2 __xc__t__ng
3 f__nn__
4 gr__pp__ng
5 c__nf__s__ng
6 c__nv__nc__ng
7 __mb__rr__ss__ng
8 __m__g__n__t__v__
9 sp__ct__c__l__r
10 __nr__ __l__st__c
11 sc__r__
12 __nt__r__st__ng
13 m__v__ng
14 v__ __l__nt
2 exciting 3 funny 4 gripping 5 confusing
6 convincing 7 embarrassing 8 imaginative
9 spectacular 10 unrealistic 11 scary
12 interesting 13 moving 14 violent
positive: exciting funny gripping convincing imaginative spectacular interesting moving
negative: boring confusing embarrassing unrealistic scary violent
5. Listen to Anna and David discussing a film which they watched. Choose the correct answer.
1 Anna and David saw
a an action film.
b a war film.
c a thriller.
a Anna and David both liked the film.
b One of them liked the film.
c Neither of them liked the film.
1 a romantic comedy 2 One of them liked the film.
3 an action film 4 Anna and David both liked the film.
6. Listen again. Complete the table with adjectives from exercise 4. (Sometimes the people have different opinions, and sometimes their opinions are the same.)
Anna’s opinion |
David’s opinion |
characters |
1 |
2 |
special effects |
3 |
4 |
soundtrack |
5 |
6 |
scenes |
7 |
8 |
1 boring 2 gripping 3 confusing 4 moving
5 unnatural 6 funny 7 convincing 8 convincing
9 interesting 10 interesting 11 spectacular
12 unrealistic 13 interesting 14 interesting 15 scary 16 violent
Liam Did you enjoy the film, Emily?
Emily Not very much. The plot was a bit boring. I expect a romantic comedy to be more exciting.
L Oh, I thought the plot was really gripping. Did you like the ending?
E No, I found it confusing.
L Confusing? I thought it was really moving. I cried!
E Well, it didn’t make sense to me. I think the problem was probably the script. It was so unnatural.
L I thought the script was funny. And the acting was certainly convincing, but you expect that from big Hollywood stars.
E Yes, I agree about the acting. Totally convincing. But not a great film.
L Oh, I really enjoyed it.
Anna Did you enjoy that film, David?
David Yes, I did. The characters are often a bit boring in action films, but in this one, I thought they were very interesting.
A I agree. And weren’t the special effects great? They were really spectacular.
D Yes, but rather unrealistic, I thought.
A But they often are, aren’t they? That’s why they’re special effects!
D And the soundtrack was very interesting.
A Yes, it was. It added to the suspense, didn’t it? Some of the scenes were very scary.
D Yes, and very violent. I couldn’t look sometimes.
A Yes, there was too much violence. But overall, it was great.
D Yes, it was.
Extra exercises
1. Complete the sentences with the film and TV genres below. Use each genre only once.
action film animation chat show period drama
documentary fantasy film game show horror film
musical news bulletin romantic comedy talent show
1 We watched a …………………………….. on TV last night about climate change. It had a lot of new statistics and was quite scary.
2 The final Lord of the Rings film is a good example of a well-made ……………………………..
3 That …………………………….. was too much for me. When the ghost started killing everyone in the house, I couldn’t watch any more.
4 ‘What’s your favourite ……………………………..?’ ‘I absolutely love The Sound of Music.’
5 In a modern …………………………….. like Guardians of the Galaxy, it’s difficult to tell which stunts are real and which are created on a computer.
6 Frozen is one of the most popular ……………………………..s of all time, among adults as well as children.
7 There are so many great singers on this …………………………….. that I can’t guess who will win.
8 They stopped the regular programme for a …………………………….. about the earthquake.
9 I enjoy this …………………………….. because they interview interesting guests and talk about amusing topics.
10 No one ever wins the whole million pound prize on this …………………………….. . I wonder if it’s even possible.
11 I don’t want to watch another …………………………….. ! It’s always the same old story of a man and woman who fall in love even though they are a totally unlikely couple.
12 Pride and Prejudice is a …………………………….. that takes place in the early 1800s, but it tells a love story that never gets old.
1 documentary 2 fantasy film 3 horror film
4 musical 5 science fiction film 6 animations
7 talent show 8 news bulletin 9 chat show 10 game show
11 romantic comedy 12 period drama
2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 That vampire film was extremely …………………………….. . I had my eyes closed half of the time!
a scary b unrealistic c moving
2 It was an action film, but it was so …………………………….. that I nearly fell asleep.
a exciting b convincing c boring
3 Reality shows can be so …………………………….. ! People do such stupid things!
a embarrassing b spectacular c gripping
4 For a comedy, that film wasn’t very …………………………….. . I didn’t laugh once.
a moving b interesting c funny
5 The plot wasn’t very interesting, but the special effects were ……………………………..!
a unrealistic b spectacular c violent
6 That thriller was so …………………………….. . I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen for a second!
a scary b gripping c confusing
7 That film was so …………………………….. I couldn’t stop crying!
a thrilling b moving c imaginative
1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 b
3. Complete the film review with the words below. Use each word only once.
acting actors characters ending plot
scenes script soundtrack
This film has a lot of famous 1………………………. and the 2………………………. they play are really interesting, but unfortunately this isn’t a good film. The 3………………………. – based on a story by Joseph Paul – isn’t very exciting. The 4………………………. has some very unnatural lines and some of the 5………………………. are quite long and boring. Moreover, the 6………………………. of the film doesn’t make sense! I’m sure there was a better way to finish the story. The 7………………………. is excellent, though; all of the actors do a very good job. But probably the best thing in the film is the 8………………………. . It’s a collection of great old songs and modern hits.
1 actors 2 characters 3 plot 4 script
5 scenes 6 ending 7 acting 8 soundtrack