1. Complete the sports venues with the words below. Then use six of them to label the photos.
basketball bowling boxing court football golf
ice room studio swimming track wall
1 ……………………… alley
2 ……………………… course
3 athletics ………………………
4 ……………………… rink
5 tennis ………………………
6 ……………………… ring
7 ……………………… court
8 dance ………………………
9 climbing ………………………
10 ……………………… pitch
11 weights ………………………
12 ……………………… pool

1 bowling 2 golf 3 track 4 ice 5 court 6 boxing
7 basketball 8 studio 9 wall 10 football 11 room
12 swimming
a weights room b bowling alley c golf course
d climbing wall e athletics track f ice rink
2. Match the words to make more compound nouns. Use each word only once.
1 mountain
2 flood
3 main
4 sea
5 tennis
6 safety
7 tower
a road
b block
c net
d range
e player
f shore
g lights
1 d 2 g 3 a 4 f 5 e 6 c 7 b
3. Complete the table with compound nouns from exercise 1 and 2. Write two in column A, three in column B and four in column C.
A adjective + noun |
B -ing form + noun |
…………………………… ……………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… |
C noun + noun |
………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… |
A adjective + noun main road
B -ing form + noun (any three of:) bowling alley, boxing ring, climbing wall, swimming pool
C noun + noun (any four of:) golf course, athletics track, ice rink, tennis court, basketball court, dance studio, football pitch, weights room, mountain range, floodlights, sea shore, tennis player, safety net, tower block
4. Complete the compound adjectives in the sentences with the words below.
25 air full open sound well
1 It’s an amazing house. There’s a ………………………-sized bowling alley in the basement!
2 There’s also a new ………………………-air swimming pool in the garden.
3 Is it healthy to spend all day in ………………………-conditioned offices?
4 The gym has a ………………………-equipped weights room.
5 She reached the top of the ………………………-metre climbing wall in less than a minute.
6 They record the podcasts in a ………………………proof room.
1 full 2 open 3 air 4 well 5 25 6 sound
Many compound adjectives are not in the dictionary because they are formed from other words. When you come across a new compound adjective, you need to work out the meaning by look at the words which form it.
a three-wheeled motorbike = a motorbike with three wheels
a well-drawn picture = a picture which has been drawn well
5. Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the second part of each sentence with an explanation.
1 A three-headed monster is a monster with three heads.
2 A man-eating lion is a lion ……………………………………….
3 A million-dollar apartment is an apartment ……………………………………….
4 A five-storey house is a house ……………………………………….
5 A well-prepared students is a student ……………………………………….
2 which eats men 3 which costs a million dollars
4 with five storeys 5 who has prepared well
Extra exercises
1. Complete the sentences with compound nouns.
1 Do you have to be a member of the club to play on their golf ……………………………?
2 The new world champion ran around the athletics …………………………… as the crowd stood up and cheered.
3 The main …………………………… to the stadium is closed to traffic on the days when there’s a match.
4 Last Saturday, we played a few games at the bowling …………………………… before going out for dinner.
5 We don’t often go skiing as the nearest mountain …………………………… is over 300 km away.
6 They’re building a new ice ……………………………, so we’ll be able to go skating in the future.
7 The match has been cancelled because the football …………………………… is flooded.
1 course 2 track 3 road 4 alley 5 range
6 rink 7 pitch
2. Match the words in A and B to form compound adjectives. Then complete the sentences.
A air open six solar sound well
B air conditioned equipped heated lane proof
1 On Friday mornings, there’s an …………………………… market in the square, where you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
2 It was a relief to enter the …………………………… building after walking around in the heat outside.
3 There’s always a lot of traffic on the …………………………… motorway leading to the city centre.
4 The band are looking for a …………………………… room where they can practise without disturbing anyong.
5 The hotel has a …………………………… gym with a wide range of different machines.
6 The water in their …………………………… swimming pool never goes below a certain temperature.
1 open-air 2 air-conditioned 3 six-lane
4 soundproof 5 well-equipped 6 solar-heated
3. Replace the underlined words with the words below.
agree choice like overall prefer to settled
1 I think karting is a better option because it looks more fun.
2 In general, the first activity would be better.
3 I quite fancy the first activity. ……………………………………….
4 We need to make a decision together. ……………………………………….
5 That’s decided then. ……………………………………….
6 I’d rather go climbing than kayaking. ……………………………………….
1 choice 2 Overall 3 like 4 agree 5 settled 6 prefer to
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