
1. Complete the phrases with do, make and take.

1   …………………… a look at something / a picture / a photo

2   …………………… an appointment / up your mind

3   …………………… yoga / karate / gymnastics / your best


1 take   2 make   3 do

2. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of do, make, or take.

Man          I love your house. It’s really unusual.

Woman    Yes, I designed it myself. Your must 1……………………….. a look at the basement. I’m really proud of it.

Man          Thanks. Wow! This is amazing. It’s huge! Can I 2……………………….. a photo?

Woman    Yes, of course.

Man          What are you going to use the basement for?

Woman    It might be a guest room – or maybe a fitness room. I can’t 3……………………….. up my mind. At the moment, my daughters 4……………………….. gymnastics down here. They love it!

Man          So, if you’re happy to be in our magazine, I need some photos and an interview. Maybe one day next week?

Woman    OK, I’ll 5……………………….. my best, but I’m quite busy at the moment. Can you call my personal assistant and 6……………………….. an appointment?

Man          Yes, of course.


1 take   2 take   3 make   4 do   5 do   6 make

3. DICTIONARY WORK   Read a short extract from a dictionary entry for make. How many example sentences does it include in total?

Answer: ………………. example sentences.



4. Match the examples below with the correct meaning of make from the dictionary entry in exercise 3: 1, 2, or 3.

1   If you’re late for games, they make you run round the playing field three times.

2   She never buys birthday cards; she makes them.

3   At school, we’re making a video about homelessness.

4   I don’t like theme park rides; they make me feel sick.

5   It’s a fascinating documentary that really makes you think.

6   The robbers made the shop assistant open the till and hand over the money.


1 3   2 1   3 1   4 2   5 2   6 3

5. Circle the correct verbs. Use a dictionary to help you.

1   How many goals have we scored? I make / take it six.

2   She could be a really good tennis player if she made / took it more seriously.

3   My neighbour works in London. I’m not sure what he does / takes, but it must be well paid.

4   My cousin refuses to do / take painkillers even when she’s ill.

5   Don’t make / take this the wrong way, but that jumper doesn’t really suit you.

6   I like travelling, but flying makes / takes me anxious.

7   We only had three days in Paris, but we did / made the most of it.

8   The doctors were amazing and did / took everything they could to help.


1 make   2 took   3 does   4 take   5 take

6 makes   7 made   8 did


Common verbs like do, make and take often appear in everyday phrases and idioms. If you come across one, check its meaning in a dictionary and make a note of the meaning.

it won’t do any good = it won’t help the situation

it didn’t make a sound = it was silent

take it easy = relax

6. Read the Vocab boost! box. Then use a dictionary to complete the phrases with do, make, or take.

 Can you ……………………… me a favour and hold my bag?

 Try not to ……………………… a mess before the visitors arrive.

 I can’t understand his text – it doesn’t ………………………  sense.

 There’s no hurry – ……………………… your time.

 I don’t mind you playing computer games, buy you also need to ……………………… time for your homework.

6   Lisa looks really upset. I wish I could ……………………… something to help.


1 do   2 make   3 make   4 take   5 make   6 do

Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with do, make, or take.

1   You can usually …………………………… one look at a house to know whether you want to live there or not.

 You shouldn’t …………………………… more than 120 km/h when you’re driving on a motorway in Spain.

 I can’t …………………………… up my mind what to wear to the party tonight.

 They’re going to …………………………… the spare room into a nursery for their new baby.

 We were prepared for last night’s storm, so it didn’t …………………………… a lot of damage.

 I’d like to …………………………… French lessons, but I can’t seem to find the time.


1 take   2 do   3 make   4 make   5 do   6 take

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below. The words may be used more than once.

 consider      feel      suppose      think

 …………………………… about it, perhaps it isn’t such a good idea.

 I …………………………… the thing is whether you enjoy it or not.

 Actually, now I come to …………………………… about it, that would definitely be the best option.

 It’s clearly a question which people have strong …………………………… about.

 I’d have to give that some ……………………………

 All things ……………………………, I don’t suppose it really matters.


1 Thinking   2 suppose   3 think   4 feelings

5 thought   6 considered

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