
Listening 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.

1   You hear a student talking about her college course.

      What does she say about it?

      A   She enjoys seeing how things work in practice.

      B   She is sure she’d like to work in a related field.

      C   She wants to know more about an aspect of the course.

2   You hear a conversation between a customer and a florist.

      What does the customer decide to do?

      A   take the florist’s advice

      B   research a new species of rose

      C   buy an expensive bunch of flowers

3   You hear two students discussing their maths class.

      What do they agree about?

      A   how helpful their maths teacher is

      B   how useful the maths phone app is

      C   how difficult the maths topic is

4   You hear a weather forecast on the radio.

      Where are violent storms expected?

      A   the south coast

      B   the east coast

      C   the west coast

5   You hear a woman leaving a message for a plumber.

      The woman wants him to

      A   correct an error he has made.

      B   call her when he finishes work.

      C   discover the source of a problem.

6   You hear a man talking about his travel plans.

      What is he doing?

      A   complaining about train timetables

      B   confirm a hotel reservation

      C   making a request of someone

7   You hear two friends talking about the football team they support.

      How does the man feel?

      A   optimistic about the team’s prospects

      B   annoyed by the referee’s decision-making

      C   surprised by the goalkeeper’s ability

8   You hear part of an interview with a student who wants to become a volunteer.

      What does the student say about it?

      A   He is keen to pass on his knowledge.

      B   He wants to repay the people who helped him.

      C   He regrets not getting involved earlier.

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 A   3 C   4 B   5 C   6 C   7 B   8 A


1   You hear a student talking about her university course.

I’ve been learning about child development on my college course and it’s interesting to see how my young cousin matches up to the different stages. Every day he’s up to something new and he’s developing in leaps and bounds. Yesterday I turned round and there he was on his own two feet. I can’t wait to hear him utter his first words, as we’ve gone into that in detail – it’s fascinating. I’m looking forward to putting what I’ve studied into action – that’s if I’m lucky enough to find a job in the childcare field after my degree, and of course, if I’m still into the whole thing by that point!

2   You hear a conversation between a customer and a florist.

A:   Can I help you?

B:   Yes, I’d like to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

A:   Did you have anything particular in mind? We’ve got some tropical bouquets which are rather distinctive.

B:   They’re beautiful! And a little over my budget, I’m afraid. I think she’d prefer something a bit more traditional. I’ve been looking into roses, which she likes growing. Perhaps she’d like a variety she’s less familiar with.

A:   Let me think … I’m expecting a delivery this afternoon of a new hybrid rose. It’s been a winner with our customers so far. Why don’t you pop back in about an hour’s time and I’ll show you?

B:   Sounds perfect.

3   You hear two students discussing their maths class.

A:   How did you get on in maths today? I struggled with that new formula. I just couldn’t get my head round it.

B:   I’m with you there. Have you seen that new maths app? It’s pretty cool – you just download whatever you want to do more practice on, on your mobile.

A:   Doesn’t help you grasp the concept though, does it? I mean if it’s just practice activities?

B:   You’ve got a point – but don’t you think that if you keep doing it, you’ll eventually get it?

A:   I could give it a try. I’d rather ask the teacher to go over it again, though.

B:   Well, yes – if it makes you feel more confident.

4   You hear a weather forecast on the radio.

As the day proceeds, we’ll see storm clouds building up here on the west coast, moving gradually across the country and bringing temperatures down to well below the seasonal average. Scattered showers over on the west coast will die down during late afternoon. The east coast can expect to get the worst of the bad weather, with very heavy storms hitting during the late evening and in the early part of the night, though the south coast won’t escape this entirely; we’re forecasting gale-force winds in some areas …

5   You hear a woman leaving a message for a plumber.

This is a message for John, the plumber. I’ve got a bit of a leak coming through the kitchen ceiling but I can’t seem to track it down. I’m not sure whether it’s coming from the bathroom or somewhere else. You’ve already sorted out that problem with the taps, so I wondered if you might be able to call in at your convenience and check this for me as well. I’m working late this evening but the weekend’s fine. In the meantime, I’ll have another look into it and see if I can work out where the water’s coming from. Can you call me back on this number? Thanks.

6   You hear a man talking about his travel plans.

The sales training session was supposed to be taking place on Thursday afternoon, in which case I could have caught the 10 a.m. train into London. But plans have changed, so I’m thinking of travelling down the day before – it’s going to be a nine o’clock start now and there’s no way I can get there for that time from where I live. So, I was wondering whether you might be able to put me up for the night since you don’t live far from the conference centre. If it isn’t convenient, don’t worry about it – I can easily make alternative arrangements. Either way, I hope to see you soon.

7   You hear two friends talking about the football team they support.

A:   Good match, despite the result.

B:   Do you think so? We’ve played better. Good job our goalkeeper was on the mark.

A:   He’s been doing an impressive job this season. As have the rest of the team.

B:   Pity we can’t say the same for the referee. He’s supposed to be impartial, but I’m sure he was favouring our opponents.

A:   Oh, I don’t think so! You’re just fed up ‘cause it was a draw. We’ll make it up next time, wait and see.

B:   I wish I shared your enthusiasm. We’ve got a long way to go if we want to win the championship. Though it’s not beyond us, I guess.

8   You hear part of an interview with a student who wants to become a volunteer.

A:   So, you want to become a student buddy – helping new students settle in to university life?

B:   Yes. When I started at this university as a first-year student myself, I remember feeling a bit disorientated during the first few weeks – I wasn’t sure where to find things or who to approach about general student life. I remember feeling really grateful that I could go to the buddies about these things. I guess I feel it’s my turn to give something back. I like to think I’m a pretty approachable person and I know the university like the back of my hand – why not help others feel at home?

Listening 2

You will hear a radio interview with a man called Sam Hall, who is a mountain climber. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer A, B or C.

24   Sam describes mountain climbing as

      A   dangerous if people have the wrong attitude.

      B   completely safe if people are prepared.

      C   a sport with an exciting reputation.

25   For Sam, the attraction of climbing is

      A   primarily the excitement.

      B   a matter of sensations.

      C   hard to describe.

26   How does Sam feel when he reaches the top of a mountain?

      A   proud

      B   exhausted

      C   amazed

27   Sam thinks that we all have a moment in childhood

      A   when we know what our ambition is.

      B   when we realise we can’t do everything we want.

      C   when we make plans about our future.

28   What was the attitude of Sam’s parents when he took up the sport?

      A   They were very anxious.

      B   They didn’t want to discourage him.

      C   They gave him every support.

29   Sam explains that feeling confident

      A   is the result of doing many climbs with his friend.

      B   is natural after some time.

      C   can provoke people to make mistakes.

30   When Sam and his friend were lost on the mountain,

      A   they didn’t feel lucky.

      B   the thought the storm might last for a week.

      C   they were sure someone would find them.

Answer & Audioscript

24 A   25 C   26 A   27 A   28 B   29 C   30 A


Interviewer:   This is Kate Green with another edition of Wild Ones, the programme about extreme sports. My guest on today’s programme is Sam Hall, a mountain climber. Sam, thanks for being with us today. Now, I’d like to start by asking you how you became interested in such a dangerous sport.

Sam Hall:   Well, first I’d like to point out that climbing isn’t a dangerous sport, as long as you take it seriously and don’t get too excited. Almost all the people who have accidents are badly prepared, you see, and this gives the sports a bad name, which isn’t really fair.

Interviewer:   Is the excitement part of the reason why you are so keen on climbing?

Sam Hall:   Only a small part of the reason, if I try to analyse it. The sense of achievement is more important, I suppose. But the main thing is the sensation of being so close to nature, though perhaps that’s not the right way to put it

Interviewer:   I suppose you get a view of mountains that nobody else really sees?

Sam Hall:   Yes, that’s very true. But at the same time, if I was dropped on the top of a mountain by helicopter, it wouldn’t be the same. Less tiring, maybe, but not the same! It’s knowing that you’ve covered the distance to the top yourself, fighting every inch of the way. That’s what makes you feel so pleased with yourself when you get to the summit.

Interviewer:   Have you always been keen on climbing?

Sam Hall:   Ever since I was about 12, when my parents took me on a holiday to the Lake District, and we went walking almost every day. Suddenly, it hit me that I was completely myself when I was in the hills and mountains, and I knew for certain that’s what I wanted to do. I think perhaps everyone has a moment like that in childhood, thought whether you can do anything about it later in life is a different matter.

Interviewer:   How did your parents feel when it became clear that you were hooked on the sport?

Sam Hall:   Oh! Very anxious that I should get the proper training and experience, but they’ve never tried to put me off. They were able to support me financially, which was useful. I’m not sure that it’s exactly what they would have chosen for my occupation in life, but they’ve never said anything.

Interviewer:   I’d like to ask you about your last climb, in Peru. It was quite an adventure, wasn’t it?

Sam Hall:   Definitely. You see, there’s a mountain there called Siula Grande, and nobody had ever climbed the west face. So there I was, with an old friend called Tony Gold. We’d done lots of climbs before, so I suppose we felt fairly sure of ourselves. Which, as any experienced climber will tell you, is naturally when it can get dangerous; you make mistakes when you feel confident that you can do it.

Interviewer:   And what exactly happened to you?

Sam Hall:   We got lost in a storm and had to spend 14 hours longer than we had planned on the mountain. Actually, in the circumstance we were fortunate: it could have been a great deal worse. We were told later that storms in that region can last for as much as a week at that time of the year. But while we were there in sub-zero temperatures, wondering if anyone would ever find us, that’s certainly not how it felt!

Interviewer:   Well, I’m sure we’re all delighted that your adventure turned out happily in the end. Thanks for joining us, and carry on climbing!

Sam Hall:   Thank you – I will!

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