
Exercise 1

A. Listen as Anne opens the negotiation with Anders, and answer the questions.

 Why does Anne apologise to Anders at the beginning of the meeting?

 What does Anne suggest are the main items to negotiate?

 How does Anne suggest that they start the negotiation, and why?

Answer & Audioscript

1   For pushing (i.e. insisting) to have the meeting at very short notice. It was urgent for her.

2   Price, cancellation policy and quality.

3   Anders to give his first ideas on these topics, based on previous meetings he had with his management.


A = Anne   And = Anders

A:   Anders. Good to see you again. Are you well?

And:   Not bad. Just back from a weekend to see family in Copenhagen.

A:   Very nice. We’re just in here. Please, take a seat. Coffee?

And:   No, I’m fine with water, thanks.

A:   Please, help yourself. So, firstly, I should apologise for pushing. I really needed to have this meeting this morning. So, sorry about the very short notice but we have some new financial objectives in the company, from the board, so I have a lot to do on this end by the end of the month – all very urgent.

And:   No problem. We need to discuss next year, anyway.

A:   We do. So, as I said in my email to you, I think there are some important things we need to talk about. What I’d like to discuss today is, firstly, of course, price of service. Secondly, our cancellation policy. We have more and more cancellations, and we need to discuss how to handle this.

And:   OK.

A:   Thirdly, quality. You know, we’ve had a few issues with late taxi pick-ups, some hotels have been a little below standard.

And:   OK, very happy to talk about that.

A:   To start, I’d like to hear from you first. We talked about these topics last time we met, was it the end of last month? And you said you would have some discussions with your management. So perhaps it’s useful to update first on how that went, and you can give me your first ideas on these topics.

B. Listen as Anne and Anders enter the second step of the negotiation. Note down the different proposals which they make for each of the three topics.

Answer & Audioscript

Topic 1 (price): Anne – 1.5% increase, Anders – 2% increase

Topic 2 (cancellation terms): Anne – 3 hours advance notice, Anders – 8 hours advance notice

Topic 3 (quality): Anne – book only 4-star hotels at 3-star price, Anders – no change


And = Anders   A = Anne

And:   Yes, we did have some discussions. So, OK, firstly let me just check here, yes, OK, on the pricing side, my proposal would be that we go with an inflation-level price rise, which means just 2 percent, because I think we both appreciate that the economic situation is di­ cult, so I think this is probably fair to both of us. On the cancellation side, the policy is currently that you need to inform us eight hours before a taxi or a flight needs to be cancelled, or we will charge you for the booking. This is something we want to keep. We think eight hours is reasonable. And then, on the quality side, well, which is more on hotels, we only book as per your instructions, three- or four-star hotels, and we use the national rating system as a guide. The problem we find with hotels and experience of hotels, some people like one hotel and some people another. I realise some people are unhappy with some of the three-stars, but some are happy. So we would recommend no change here.

A:   We’ve had some very unhappy executives.

And:   I realise that, but as I said, in some of the same hotels, we have happy executives, even from your company. So, I think this is more around what some people like and don’t like, and it’s not really a quality issue. So, how does that all sound to you?

A:   Thanks for that. So, going through the three points … Just to clarify, do you mean a 2 percent increase on both taxi and hotel accommodation prices?

And:   Yes, that’s right.

A:   OK, I think the 2 percent, that’s a little high; we were hoping for something lower. Would you consider 1.5 percent? That is more or less in line with the current company policy on vendor prices. Before you answer that, on the flight cancellation side, because business is less and less predictable, and more and more trips are being cancelled, we need to agree a different policy on this; we’re paying for too many cancelled flights. My proposal would be that we go to three hours pre-warning of a flight problem from our side. I think that would really help us. Most trips are cancelled the morning of travel, so three hours would deal with this fine.

And:   But three hours is very short notice.

A:   It is. But it’s reality. So we need to find a way around this. On the hotel quality side, I think we need to change how we do things and just go for four-star instead of three-star. Assuming we did this, we would want a three-star price on all our bookings; I think this is justified by the volume of bookings.

C. Listen as Anne and Anders discuss in more detail. What agreement is reached on each point?

Answer & Audioscript

Topic 1 (price): 1.5% (review again in the future)

Topic 2 (cancellation terms): 6 hours’ notice for any travel cancellation (allows same-day cancellation for Anne’s company)

Topic 3 (quality): book only 4-star hotels at 3-star prices, but limit choice to two hotels per city location


And = Anders   A = Anne

And:   OK, thanks for this. I think this is very fair, overall. On pricing, I can agree to 1.5 percent. We will need to review it again in the future but for next year, fine. On the flight cancellation problem, your proposal is very di­ cult for us to accept. If we make a flight booking, and then cancel it, we have a cost. This isn’t something we can accept.

A:   OK, but then you need to negotiate with the airlines.

And:   We do talk to the airlines, of course, but they’re not always so flexible. And any negotiation on this takes time; so it’s very di­fficult for me to accept this shift to three hours. We could maybe go to six.

A:   Six? OK, that might work. It’s better than the eight – it makes it easier to cancel on the day of travel … so let’s agree to that.

And:   OK, good. And then on hotels, I think we can do this but we will need to limit the range of hotels. That will help us to be more flexible on price. You have a big choice of hotels in some locations. Can we change this to two hotels per location, for example?

A:   That seems reasonable. OK, fine. Two hotels per location. I think we have six in some cases. And that’s too many.

And:   OK, good. Yes, so two hotels per city location, and we have a deal.

D. Listen as Anne and Anders summarise and close the meeting.

 Which topic do they make an additional agreement about? What is the agreement?

 How does Anne close the meeting? How effective is it to close the meeting in this way?

Answer & Audioscript

1   The 3-star hotel cost agreed is based on an average of 3-star hotel prices in the city location.

2   Anne focuses back on a personal topic – the trip to Stockholm. On the close of the negotiation, this is an approach which can work if the negotiation ending is positive and it matches the general tone of the relationship which exists between the two negotiating parties.


And = Anders   A = Anne

And:   So, is that everything?

A:   Yes, I think that we have an agreement. We said that prices would go up by 1.5 percent. We agreed to change flight cancellation time without penalty to six hours before scheduled travel.

And:   Correct.

A:   And we are going for four-star hotels at three-star rates, but with just two hotels per location.

And:   Yes.

A:   What do we agree as the three-star rate?

And:   That’s actually going to be di­ cult because the rates actually vary a lot. Can we take the average three-star hotel rate in that location, just to use as a benchmark?

A:   Fine. Great. So, thanks very much, Anders. If you confirm that in an email to me, then I will get agreement internally with my manager. Then we can draw up a new contract.

And:   Very good. I’ll email you by the end of this week.

A:   Excellent. Well, that was quick and e­fficient. We have a little time for you to tell me all about your weekend in Copenhagen.

Exercise 2

A. Listen to Tadeusz (Ted), the Company Director of Meble BDB, and Anna, the Logistics Manager, discussing their criteria. Answer the questions.

1   Which factors do they mention?

2   What other concerns do they have?

3   Who is more in favour of automatioin?

4   What are the next steps for Tadeusz and Anna?

Answer & Audioscript

Suggested answers


Quality – Anna says both suppliers offer quality automation.

Price – Ted is worried about costs and thinks the Japanese supplier will be expensive.

Maintenance – Ted is also concerned about this.


Anna says both suppliers provide training. Anna is concerned about the transition period, when they’ll have to deal with the old system and the new technology at the same time.

Ted also mentions that people are worried about robots taking their jobs. Ted adds that HR want to discuss possible job losses, although some employees can be retrained.


Anna is more in favour of automation: ‘We have to move with the times,’ ‘we need this automation if we’re going to stay competitive.’ and ‘It’s going to make everything much easier.’

Ted is more skeptical: ‘What do we do when the robots break down?’, ‘Are there local people who can fix it?’, ‘We’re going to be taken over by robots.’


There will be two interviews. Tadeusz will interview the supplier from Singapore and Anna will talk to the supplier from Japan. They will then compare notes.


AW = Anna Woźniak   TW = Tadeusz Walentowicz

AW:   So, Ted, what I’m saying is we need automation for selecting and lifting heavy furniture from high shelves.

TW:   But we’ve been doing that with fork-lift trucks for years.

AW:   The thing is, there have been more accidents in the warehouse recently because of the increased numbers of orders. Staff are constantly doing overtime, they can’t handle the work and goods are damaged, …

TW:   OK, but the items have to be packed carefully and this should still be done manually.

AW:   Yes, I agree.

TW:   And if we introduce robotics technology to avoid breakage, we have to make sure the supplier provides training. If not, we’ll have robots going out of control!

AW:   Don’t worry, both suppliers say they’ll provide training.

TW:   So, tell me about these providers. Were they recommended?

AW:   Yes, I had recommendations from my contacts in car companies. One here in Poznań and one in Germany.

TW:   Good.

AW:   One of the providers is a robotics developer from Singapore and the other is Japanese.

TW:   Japan, eh? They are going to be expensive.

AW:   Both offer quality automation and training. We have to move with the times, Ted.

TW:   I know, but I’m worried about costs and maintenance. What do we do when the robots break down? What happens if we need maintenance? Are there local people who can fix it, or will they send a guy from Singapore?

AW:   Those are good questions. That’s why I’ve arranged interviews with the suppliers tomorrow. You have a teleconference with the supplier from Singapore and I’ll talk to the one from Japan. Then we’ll compare notes.

TW:   All right. And what are your main concerns, Anna?

AW:   I think there will be some problems with the transition, when we’ll have to deal with the old system and the new technology at the same time.

TW:   Mmm, Human Resources say there will be a negative reaction from the employees – people are worried about robots taking their jobs.

AW:   I know, but we need this automation if we’re going to stay competitive. And they’ll learn new skills.

TW:   Well, Human Resources want to discuss possible job losses. Unfortunately, I don’t see all of our workers continuing with robots. But I agree some employees can be retrained. So, tell me a bit more about these suppliers.

AW:   Well, Novarobot is based in Singapore. They do industrial automation.

TW:   And the Japanese one?

AW:   The Japanese supplier is called Bot-automation. They’re based in Osaka and also focus on robotics design and …

TW:   We are going to be taken over by robots. If my father saw this company now …

AW:   Your father would want the company to be successful. It’s going to make everything much easier, Ted! Trust me.

Exercise 3

A. Listen to two teleconferences between Beble BDB and the suppliers. Complete the notes.







Discount offered:

Payment terms: to be discussed

Discount offered:
Payment terms: to be discussed

B. Which supplier would you prefer to work with at this stage?

Answer & Audioscript


Suggested answers

Supplier A: Novarobot, Singapore

Strength(s): They are specialists in industrial automation. They have worked with clients in Poland. They offer an easy/smooth transition period between manual and automated systems.

Installation: They will install the automated system in two phases: three days are required for each phase. It can be done over a weekend.

Guarantee: They offer a two-year guarantee.

Training: Basic training is provided during installation.

Maintenance: They offer a maintenance inspection once a year, free of charge for the first two years. After that you can call an emergency hotline and speak to an engineer 24 hours a day. Technicians deal with problems via email or videoconference. (The cost of this is not specified – Ted asks for details and costs of after-sales service to be provided)

Discounts offered: not mentioned

Payment terms: to be discussed

Supplier B: Bot-automation, Japan

Strength(s): They have experience in mobile robotics, motor control and industrial automation. They have won awards and are an ISO certified company. They say they give customised solutions.

Installation: There is no transition period. They suggest the warehouse stops operations for six–seven days; it can be done Sat–Fri in a holiday period.

Guarantee: They offer an eighteen-month guarantee.

Training: Two specialist technicians provide training and manuals in English are provided. Basic maintenance can be solved by the client’s staff.

Maintenance: Technicians offer help via emergency hotline/teleconference; they will visit the warehouse in 36 hours if complex maintenance is needed in the first 18 months. But there will be an additional cost for after-sales service after that.

Discounts offered: If the client orders a fourth robot, Bot-automation will offer a discount for the aftersales service.

Payment terms: to be discussed


Students’ own answers. Students might say the Japanese supplier seems to have more experience, they provide customised solutions and perhaps offer better training with two specialist technicians. The Japanese supplier also offers a discount if they buy a fourth robot.

On the other hand, the Singaporean supplier has already worked with clients in Poland, offers a longer guarantee period (two years), and their after-sales service includes a maintenance inspection once a year with a 24 hour emergency hotline.


Supplier A

TW = Tadeusz Walentowicz   TK = Tony King

TW:   So, I understand you are specialists in industrial automation, Mr King. And you have worked with clients in the automotive industry in Germany.

TK:  That’s right. And we have worked with clients in Poland, too.

TW:   Good. That will be an advantage.

TK:   As I explained to your logistics manager, I’m sure we can help you manage your logistics more efficiently using artificial intelligence.

TW:   So, how do you work? How will the robots be installed?

TK:  The way we work is that automation systems are installed in two phases.

TW:   Two phases? Why is that?

TK:  This allows for an easy … , a smooth transition between manual and automated systems. Your warehouse will have to stop operations for three days during each phase of the installation.

TW:   But we can’t lose six working days!

TK:   We appreciate that, so to minimise the effects on production, this work can be done at the weekend.

TW:   From Friday to Sunday?

TK:  That’s right.

TW:   And what happens if something goes wrong? Do you have technicians who can do maintenance, at no extra cost?

TK:   Err, … first of all, we offer a two-year guarantee. Many robotics companies offer less. There are sometimes technical problems, usually because operators are not used to the system. Any failure will be repaired by Novarobot technicians during this period. We also do a maintenance inspection, free of charge, once a year.

TW:   That’s good to know. But what happens when this two-year guarantee ends?

TK:   Our robots are made to last for years, Mr Walentowicz. But I recommend you contract our after-sales service. That way you can call an emergency hotline and speak to an engineer 24 hours a day.

TW:   Mmm, I’ll need to talk to our logistics manager. Could you send me the details and costs of your after-sales service?

TK:   Yes, of course.

TW:   And I’d like to know about training.

TK:   Basic training is provided during installation. After that, our technicians deal with any problems via email, or videoconference. You’ll also have a maintenance inspection, once a year.

TW:   Well, I think we are going to consider your proposal. And then, if we accept your offer, you can visit our warehouse and discuss what we need.

TK:   Can I ask, when do you think that will be?

TW:   The logistics manager will contact you.

TK:  We hope we can do business with you. Thank you for your time, Mr Walentowicz.

TW:   You’re welcome, Mr King. Goodbye.

Supplier B

AW = Anna Woźniak   KI = Kin Izumi

KI:   Thank you for showing an interest in us, Ms Woźniak.

AW:   I see your team has won awards.

KI:   That’s right. We are innovators in robotics design.

AW:   But I’d like to know how your company differs from the competition.

KI:   Err … If you choose us, we can provide solutions in many areas: mobile robotics, motor control and industrial automation. We are an ISO-certified company.

AW:   I see.

KI:   And we give customised solutions.

AW:   That’s good to hear.

KI:   And specialist engineers assess your needs and then adapt the mobile robotics to your warehouse.

AW:   Great, so you adapt to our specific needs.

KI:   That’s right.

AW:   And what about installation? How will that work? I imagine there will be a transition period when we still operate manually, while the employees learn to use the new system.

KI:   Mmm, … not exactly.

AW:   Could you clarify that?

KI:   Sorry, but we don’t have a transition period. We find it causes confusion. We suggest your warehouse stops operations for six to seven consecutive days.

AW:   Seven days! That much time?

KI:   Err, … we recommend, for example, from Saturday to Friday. This can be done over a public holiday or in the summer.

AW:   Well, that’s not ideal. And what about training?

KI:   Two specialist technicians provide the training after the installation period. Manuals in English are also provided. That way, any basic maintenance can be solved later on by your own staff.

AW:   Good. And what about the guarantee?

KI:   We offer an 18-month guarantee.

AW:   Only 18 months! But what happens after that? Or if the equipment breaks down?

KI:   Technicians from Bot-automation can help via an emergency hotline and teleconference. We guarantee our technicians will visit your warehouse in 36 hours if complex maintenance is needed during the first 18 months.

AW:   But not after that?

KI:   That depends.

AW:   Do you mean there will be an additional cost for the after-sales service when the guarantee ends?

KI:   That’s correct.

AW:   Mmm, well, I’d like to discuss your offer with our director, and then we’ll get back to you.

KI:   Of course. But remember if you order a fourth robot, we will offer you a discount for the aftersales service.

AW:   That’s good to know. Excuse me. I’m afraid I have another meeting now.

KI:   Please contact me if you have any questions, Ms Woźniak.

AW:   Thank you, Mr Izumi. We’ll be in touch.

Exercise 4

A. Listen to the beginning of this news report. What is Amazon Prime Air?

a   an Amazon event

b   a drone delivery service

c   Amazon’s customer service department

B. Now listen to the whole report and complete the missing letters.

1   An e__c__t__n__ even took place in Cambridge today.

2   The delivery took place in the c__ __n__ __y__i__e.

3   To receive a drone delivery you have to live close to an Amazon f__ __f__ __m__ __t centre.

4   Some people believe that drone deliveries are a s__ __e__y  r__ __k.

5   Customers can make m__ __t__p__e orders.

6   One of the items in the package was a bag of p__p__o__n.

C. Listen again and complete the flow chart with the stages (a-e) to show the process of the Amazon Prime Air delivery service.

 drone dispatched

b   goods loaded onto drone

 drone returns to fulfilment centre

d   goods are selected and packaged

 Prime Air delivery service is selected

goods are ordered online


order processed by Amazon


goods transferred to the dispatch area


customer then provides all-clear to land


order delivered


Answer & Audioscript




1 exciting   2 countryside   3 fulfilment   4 safety risk

5 multiple   6 popcorn


1 e   2 d   3 b   4 a   5 c


Good morning. I’m reporting from Cambridge in the UK, where an exciting event is taking place. Amazon UK is attempting its first drone customer delivery. The first ever delivery is low-key. The only person around is the customer themselves. The drone delivery is happening in the countryside. The package has just been dropped off carefully and the drone has taken off again.

Let’s think for a moment about how the drone got here. The customer ordered their goods online and selected Prime Air delivery service. If you live within 7 miles – or 11 kilometres – of an Amazon fulfilment centre and your order doesn’t weigh too much, you may be eligible to have goods delivered to your front garden by drone.

The order was then processed by Amazon. The goods were then selected at the centre, packaged and transferred to the dispatch section where they are taken on by the drone. The customer provides the all-clear to land to Amazon.

The drone is then dispatched. Currently drones must fly under a height of 122 metres. That means that unless a drone was flying over an airport when a plane was taking off or landing, there wouldn’t be threat of collision. That’s reassuring, as there have been concerns about what impacts drones will have on air traffic control if they fly close to airports.

The drone completes its delivery within the prescribed thirty-minute window, depositing the customer’s order outside the home of the customer. The order is now complete, and the drone goes back to the fulfilment centre (or distribution centre to you and me).

In 2016, Amazon sold an incredible 600 items a second. Think about how many drones would’ve been needed to ship items. Multiple orders can be made by customers, of course, and as long as the weight limit is not exceeded, they can be dispatched via a single drone. Some might say that could cause a safety risk.

Well, the first drone to deliver a package to an Amazon customer carried a bag of popcorn and an Amazon Fire TV stick. Customers who subscribe to Amazon Prime Air can choose from numerous items to be delivered by drone, all part of the service. Of course, a drone can only carry packages that weigh up to 2.6 kilograms so you couldn’t buy a desk and have it delivered by drone, at least for the moment. Who knows what the future might bring!


1. Listen to the speaker and choose the correct response a, b or c.

1   a   b   c

2   a   b   c

 a   b   c

 a   b   c

 a   b   c

Answer & Audioscript

1 a   2 c   3 c   4 b   5 b


1   Hello. Good to see you again. We need to discuss the financial details of purchasing those vehicles from you.

      A   No problem. I’d like to complete the order as soon as possible too.

      B   I’m afraid that’s a little high.

      C   But it’s very important to us.

 Look, here are the prices and the discounts we could offer you.

      A   We’re not prepared to accept any discount.

      B   The volume’s very important to us.

      C   Can we look at a bigger discount than this?

 We can’t agree to lower prices unless you’re flexible on payment.

      A   Can we discuss increasing the discount?

      B   I think we’d find price reduction very difficult.

      C   What did you have in mind?

 I think we’d have to buy fewer vehicles at this price.

      A   Would you be prepared to buy more?

      B   I think that’s reasonable in the circumstances.

      C   Just to clarify, you mean you’d reduce the price?

 I’ll email you the confirmation of the contract later today.

      A   I think we can do this.

      B   Thanks. That’s quick and efficient.

      C   We agreed to change the contract.

2. Look at the order form below. You will hear a man placing an order. Complete the missing information using a word, numbers or letters.


Anderby Office Supplies

Company name:   BEWT

Customer name:   Dan (1)……………

Customer email:   (2)……………

Item description

Unit price



Workstations WS244




Hiback (4)…………… HB76






(6)…………… agreed


Invoice total


Shipping address:

Unit 53 (7)…………… Industrial Estate

EAST BEACH SA 6041, Australia

(8)…………… address: same as for shipping

Answer & Audioscript

1 Telize   2 purchasing   3 650   4 printer(s)   5 14

6 discount   7 Mayfield   8 Billing


You will hear a man placing an order.

A:   Good morning, Anderby Office Supplies. Can I help you?

B:   Oh hi, it’s Dan Telize from BEWT. I’d like to place an order. I can’t do it online as our email system is down at the moment.

A:   Oh certainly, one moment. Ready. So it’s Mr Dan Telize. Is that double L–E–S at the end?

B:   No, it’s T–E–L–I–Z–E.

A:   Okay, got that, sorry. What’s your email address so we can send confirmation?

B:   Well, when it’s working, it’s

A:   You don’t put your name?

B:   No, then anyone in the purchasing office can deal with orders.

A:   What do you want to order today?

B:   I’d like twelve of your workstations, reference number WS244.

A:   Are those the ones at $700 per unit?

B:   No, in the catalogue I’ve got they’re $650 each.

A:   Oh, so they are. I was looking at WS245. My mistake. So that’s $7,800 total for the workstations.

B:   Then we need twelve new printers.

A:   Which ones?

B:   The Hiback HB76 ones. Have you got them in stock?

A:   Yes, we have. That’s no problem. They’re $375 each and you want twelve, right?

B:   Did I say twelve? I meant fourteen. I can’t read my own writing on the paper here.

A:   No problem. Just to confirm, if you take fourteen of those, then the total for those will be $5,250.

B:   $5,250? Are you sure?

A:   Yes, I’ve checked it twice. That’s right. So we get a grand total of $13,050.

B:   But that doesn’t include the discount we agreed, does it?

A:   No. According to the contract you get 8% discount, So, the final invoice will be $12,006.

B:   Okay. That’s better.

A:   Where do you want the goods sent?

B:   Unit 53 Mayfield Industrial Estate, East Beach.

A:   Did you say Mayfair Industrial Estate?

B:   No, M–A–Y–F–I–E–L–D.

A:   Right thanks. I needed to double-check ‘cos last week we sent goods for Mayfair Industrial Park to your estate by mistake. And what’s the billing address for this?

B:   It’s the same as for the delivery.

A:   Thanks. Is there anything else I can do for you?

B:   No, that’s all for now, thanks.

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