Exercise 1
1. Listen to three teenagers talking about their plans and hopes for the future. Match the speakers to three of the photos.

2. Answer the questions. Then listen again and check.
1 What did speaker 1 always dream of doing?
2 What did her mother encourage her to do?
3 Who has speaker 2 always admired?
4 What does he imagine himself doing before a game?
5 Where does speaker 3 aim to study?
6 What advice does she give to other young people?
Answer & Audioscript
1 Speaker 1 C; Speaker 2 D; Speaker 3 B
2 1 playing the piano in an orchestra, to lots of people
2 keep on practising, even when it was hard
3 football heroes
4 winning
5 in the United States
6 Whatever you choose to do, go for it!
Speaker 1: Well, it all started when my parents gave me a piano. We’d been to a concert and I’d seen someone playing the piano – that’s when I knew I wanted to be a pianist. I always dreamt of playing in an orchestra and playing to lots of people. My mother was definitely very important in helping me – she always encouraged me to keep on practising, even when it was really hard. But you know, at the end of the day, I think you should just try your best. No one can ask more!
Speaker 2: I’m a sports fan and I’ve always admired lots of football heroes. You can learn so much just by watching people who are excellent at doing something. My coach often shows me great matches and we watch them together. I once read somewhere that people who achieve a lot often imagine that they are doing something, so, for example, if you have a test coming up and you want to do well, imagine yourself doing that test, imagine yourself knowing all the answers! Imagine yourself winning! I don’t know, but that’s what I do before a game. It makes me feel confident.
Speaker 3: Well, I’m studying hard. It’s crazy that I have to think about it now, but yes, I have to think about where I want to be in five years’ time! I aim to study in the United States, and to do that I need really good grades. I’d like to do art, but I’m finding it difficult to decide where I want to go. People tell me to just go for it, you know, study hard and then I’ll get some offers. But I’m not sure – if I pick one place, then maybe I won’t like it in the future. And I’m going to be a long way from home. It’s difficult. I just know I want to be in the US – my dad is American. I guess, at the end of the day, whatever you choose to do, you just have to go for it!
Exercise 2
1. Listen to the introduction to a radio programme. What is it about?
2. Now listen to the programme and write down the teens’ achievements.
Achievement |
Chris |
Nathan |
Sophia |
Lucy |
Tom |
3. Listen again and answer the questions.
1 Why does Chris describe his schedule as ‘crazy’?
2 What does Nathan say was the best part of his course?
3 What does Sophia say about the test day?
4 What skills did Lucy learn?
5 What useful skills did Tom learn?
Answer & Audioscript
1 achievements in the last year
2 Chris: ran his first half marathon, won a medal;
Nathan: completed music technology courses, been offered a recording project;
Sophia: passed the first part of test for driving license;
Lucy: kept the class blog boing for one year, learned a lot of people skills;
Tom: made ‘How to’ videos, learned a lot about making videos
3 1 getting up early / training before and after school every day
2 the teachers
3 She was nervous.
4 people skills
5 presentation skills
DJ: And so here we are guys! Another year! And what a year! Now this morning, we want you to phone in and tell us about your achievements. What have you achieved this year? And first on the line is Chris! Chris, hello!
Chris: Hi there!
DJ: So Chris, what have you achieved this year and what did you have to do?
Chris: Well, I won a medal. I ran my first half marathon and I came first!
DJ: Well, wow! So was that like a lot of work?
Chris: Yes, it was really hard work but it worked! It was definitely worth it in the end. I had to train so much it was crazy, like I was getting up at 6 am every day, and doing gym stuff, and then school work and then more training. But winning the medal was the best thing!
DJ: Thank you, Chris! Next up is Nathan. Hi Nathan!
Nathan: Hi everyone!
DJ: What have you been up to this year?
Nathan: Well, I’ve done some music technology courses. It’s really cool; you know, like mixing and stuff. The best thing was the great teachers and I’ve just been offered a really cool recording project! And I’m going to do it!
DJ: How cool is that! Well done! Now, we have Sophia on the line. Hi Sophia!
Sophia: Hi! I just wanted to say that I’ve just passed the first part of my driving test! I did a lot of practice tests on the computer and yesterday I sat the real thing. I was so nervous but I passed!
DJ: Well done, Sophia! So now you can start your driving lessons?
Sophia: Exactly! I can’t wait!
DJ: OK, and we have another caller. Hello Lucy! What have you achieved this year?
Lucy: In school we decided to have a class blog. But like everything, in the beginning everyone is enthusiastic, and then they aren’t. So, my job was to make sure that every week there was at least one post for the whole year. And I did it!
DJ: Good for you, Lucy! Was it hard?
Lucy: Yes, it was at times. You know, you have to keep asking people to do things but now I can see that I learned a lot of people skills!
DJ: OK, thank you! Now we have time for one more, and we have a caller on the line … yes, hello Tom!
Tom: Hi everyone! Can I just say how much I love this show?
DJ: Sure! And thank you! Now what have you done this year? What has your big achievement been?
Tom: Well, lots of things really but at the beginning of the year I started a video project. I like watching videos online and then – oh, I should say, I’m really into cycling. Anyhow, I decided to put together some ‘how to’ videos, like, how to fix your bicycle, and so on. It’s been great – I’ve learnt a lot about making videos, talking on camera … Great for future presentation skills!
DJ: Well, that’s awesome, Tom! What great achievements there! Now, let’s have some music!
Exercise 3
1. Read the task. Then listen to three people discussing the different activities. Decide if the sentences are true or false.
A boy is going to do a summer activity course during his holidays. Here are the different things that he could do. Talk to each other about the benefits of these different activities and then decide which would be best.
1 Jesscia thinks sleeping all summer holiday would be boring.
2 Ana thinks it’s nice to learn something new in the holidays.
3 Jon thinks team activities are better than individual activities.
4 Jon doesn’t think that rock climbing is a team sport.
5 The three people agree that rock climbing and painting are the best activities.
Answer & Audioscript
1 F – Jon thinks this
2 T – ‘In the summer I want to do things … learn something new’
3 T – ‘I think it would be better to do something together, you know, a team activity.’
4 T – ‘I don’t think rock climbing is actually a team sport!’
5 F – They agree that the best activities are rock climbing and handball.
Interlocuter: I’m going to describe a situation to you. A boy is going to do a summer activity course during his holidays. Here are the different things that he could do. Talk to each other about the benefits of these different activities and then decide which would be best.
Jon: Well, can I start? I think that sleeping is a waste of time. I mean, why would you want to sleep in your holidays? That’s silly, and you don’t achieve anything! Do you agree with me, Jessica?
Jessica: No, I don’t agree with you, Jon, because I actually like sleeping! I need to rest, and when I am working very hard during the year, I imagine myself sleeping! You know, because I work very hard. But no, if someone showed me a picture of sleeping and said, ‘Here, this is your summer holiday’, no, I would think, ‘That’s boring!’ And you, Ana, do you like sleeping?
Ana: Not at all! In summer I want to do things. I think that the boy should aim to do something different, you know, learn something new. That is always nice to do and gives you good memories. You know, kind of like, ah, that was the summer I learnt how to draw an animal! Or whatever!
Jon: Yeah. That’s a good idea, but what about this one – he is doing something on his computer. I think that’s the same as drawing, you know, you are doing it on your own, and painting too. I think it would be better to do something together, you know, a team activity.
Jessica: That’s true, Jon, and it’s more fun and you know if you are learning something as a team, you have to keep on trying. If not, you’ll disappoint everyone, you know what I mean? Like, I mean a good one would be doing rock climbing? Do you agree with me?
Jon: Yes, I do, Jessica, but I don’t think rock climbing is actually a team sport!
Ana: Yes, it is! If your friend isn’t watching you, you might fall. Ah, but I guess it’s actually only two people. OK. I agree with you!
Jon: Thank you, Ana! So a team sport could be handball, but I think everyone knows how to play that.
Jessica: I have an idea. What about if the boy was going to show other children how to play it? That might be nice and he would learn because he would be teaching. Ah, but hang on, we have to choose the best one. Which are we going to choose?
Ana: It’s difficult, but I think he should do all of them!
Jon: Well, maybe he can do two, you know, rock climbing because we think that’s good – even if we aren’t sure if it’s a team sport or not – and also handball, but he has to show other kids how to do it. And the others, he can do them later!
Jessica: That’s an excellent idea!
Ana: I agree, too.
Interlocuter: Thank you.
Exercise 4
1. Listen to four people: Paul, Emma, Marco and Vicky. Match them with the problems they mention.
arguments bullying homework money parents sisters social media sports |
1 Paul ………………
2 Emma ………………
3 Marco ………………
4 Vicky ………………
2. Listen again. Answer the questions.
1 How did Paul finally solve his problem?
2 Why hasn’t Emma got very much free time?
3 Why does Marco tell his friends that he’s busy?
4 What do her sisters do that annoys Vicky so much?
Answer & Audioscript
1 Paul: social media, bullying
2 Emma: sports, homework
3 Marco: money, parents
4 Vicky: arguments, sisters
1 He blocked the people who were writing nasty comments.
2 She’s in the basketball and swimming teams.
3 Because he hasn’t got enough money to go out with them.
4 They are always using her things without asking.
Paul: What makes me feel stressed? Well, lots of things, really. But recently, I had some problems online. I’m really into social media, and I spend a lot of time chatting, commenting, you know, the usual thing. And, well … there were some people who weren’t very nice to me. When I posted a photo or a message, they wrote nasty comments. I didn’t worry too much at first, but then they continued writing and bullying me, so I finally had to block them. That solved the problem, but it wasn’t a fun situation!
Emma: Stress? Well … I’m usually a calm, relaxed person, but there are times when I’m too busy. I’m no the basketball team and the swimming team, so I don’t have a lot of free time. That means I have to do homework in the evening, usually after dinner when I’m feeling tired. Sometimes, I’m sleepy and I can’t keep my eyes open, so I go to bed. Then I have to finish my homework in the morning, before breakfast or when I’m on the bus. I know that’s not a good idea, but I can’t think of a solution.
Marco: I get stressed sometimes, but not about school. I got good grades in my tests and final exams and my parents are happy about that! My problem is money, especially when I go out with my friends. They always want to go shopping or see a film at the cinema, but that costs money, of course. And I don’t get very much from my parents. I mean, they give me some pocket money for helping with housework, but that’s not really enough. Sometimes I tell my friends that I’m busy, because I don’t have any money to go out. I’d like to get a part-time job, but my parents won’t let me.
Vicky: For me, the most stressful thing is sharing a bedroom with my two little sisters, Julie and Janet. We don’t get along very well because they’re always using my things without asking, and I’m not very patient with them. I know that … It’s annoying when they take my things. We often have arguments and that upsets my parents. They always tell me I have to be nicer to my sisters, because I’m older, but that’s not fair! I’d love to have my own bedroom one day. It would make life so much easier!
Exercise 5
1. You will hear the first part of a conversation between two teenagers talking about an idea for a business. Tick (✓) the topics they mention.
what the business is
managing the product
how they had the idea for the product
what the product is
similar products available
their friends’ opinions
2. Listen again and fill in the missing words.
Craig: So, Kathy, what do you think about (1)………………… up our own business?
Kathy: I’m not sure. Do you think that our homemade fruit juices are that good?
Craig: Everyone at school (2)………………… them and you said that your parents loved them. I think we have a great idea, and (3)………………… else has done it. A fruit juice in a bag!
Kathy: I know, Craig, but that was only because we didn’t have any paper cups (4)…………………! But that’s how all the great ideas start, isn’t it? People make a (5)………………… for themselves with crazy ideas or have ideas just because something strange happened. That could be us! So, what should we call them? Bag of fruit? Fruit in a bag?
3. Answer the questions.
1 What is the product?
2 Who likes it?
3 How did they get the idea?
4 What are they going to call it?
4. Look at the six sentences. Listen to the whole conversation and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose the letter A. If it is not correct, choose the letter B.
1 Craig believes that they have an unusual idea. A B
2 Kathy thinks they may become famous. A B
3 Craig and Kathy agree to put their idea online. A B
4 Craig suggests all the photos should be taken indoors. A B
5 Kathy thinks people will enjoy the product in many places. A B
6 Craig thinks that they should show good-looking people in their advertising. A B
Answer & Audioscript
1 Ticked: what the business is, how they had the idea for the product, what the product is and their friends’ opinions.
2 1 setting 2 likes 3 no one 4 left 5 name
3 1 fruit juice in a bag
2 everyone at school and Kathy’s parents
3 They didn’t have any paper cups left, so used bags instead.
4 They haven’t decided yet, but it could be ‘Bag of fruit’ or ‘Fruit in a bag’.
4 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 B
Craig: So, Kathy, what do you think about setting up our own business?
Kathy: I’m not sure. Do you think that our homemade fruit juices are that good?
Craig: Everyone at school likes them and you said that your parents loved them. I think we have a great idea, and no one else has done it. A fruit juice in a bag!
Kathy: I know, Craig, but that was only because we didn’t have any paper cups left! But that’s how all the great ideas start, isn’t it? People make a name for themselves with crazy ideas or have ideas just because something strange happened. That could be us! So, what should we call them? Bag of fruit? Fruit in a bag?
Craig: So, Kathy, what do you think about setting up our own business?
Kathy: I’m not sure. Do you think that our homemade fruit juices are that good?
Craig: Everyone at school likes them and you said that your parents loved them. I think we have a great idea, and no one else has done it. A fruit juice in a bag!
Kathy: I know, Craig, but that was only because we didn’t have any paper cups left! But that’s how all the great ideas start, isn’t it? People make a name for themselves with crazy ideas or have ideas just because something strange happened. That could be us! So, what should we call them? Bag of fruit? Fruit in a bag?
Craig: Neither sounds very attractive. I think the name is as important as what we’re selling. How about posting on social media sites for people’s opinions of the names?
Kathy: I like that idea! Brilliant! Do you want to do that or should I?
Craig: I can do that. But first, we need some photos, some cool pictures of people drinking our fruit juices in beautiful places too, you know, not just at school. We could take photos on the beach.
Kathy: I’m not sure, I mean how many people go to the beach to drink a fruit juice? It would be better to have the photos of people in everyday places. So, at the shopping mall, at the gym. The message, the idea, is that wherever you are, whoever you are, you are so cool that you can have a fruit bag!
Craig: But I think we should be careful about who we choose to show in the photos – there’s so much advertising that gives the idea that unless you’re really good-looking, the product’s not for you. So, let’s have the kind of people you’d see every day in ordinary places – and no editing the pictures either!
Kathy: OK! Let’s buy some fruit and go for it.
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