Getting Ready
What kinds of things do you like to do with your friends? Check (✓) your answers and compare them with a partner.
Like it a lot |
Like it a little |
Don’t like it |
go to a movie |
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◻ |
go out to dinner |
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play video games |
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take a trip out of town |
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go to the beach |
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go to the mall |
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hang out at home |
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play sports |
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go to a party |
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◻ |
go to a café |
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go to a concert |
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other: ………………… |
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◻ |
◻ |
your own answers
Listening 1
Friends are making plans for the future. What are they going to do? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1 a go to the beach
b go to England
c go to a cruise
2 a go to Maine
b learn to sail
c play golf
3 a drive to California
b drive to Mexico
c drive across Canada
4 a play golf
b go to the beach
c go on a cruise
5 a learn to fly
b work in a camp
c stay home and relax
6 a learn to ski
b learn to swim
c learn to water ski
Answer & Transcript
1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 a
A: You’re excited about next December, aren’t you?
B: Yes, I really am. I can hardly wait!
A: What exactly are you planning to do?
B: My friend and I are going on a cruise in the Caribbean.
A: Your family’s going to Florida next summer, aren’t they?
B: I’m not really sure where they’re planning to do.
A: You’re going with them, aren’t you?
B: Of course. I wouldn’t miss learning to sail for anything!
A: I heard you and two friends are going on a long drive next May.
B: Yeah, I’m getting a newer car to drive across Canada.
A: You’ll be visiting Vancouver, won’t you?
B: Oh, yeah, we’re excited about visiting there. It’s supposed to be beautiful!
A: Do you have any idea what you’re doing next August?
B: Well, we’ve been talking about going to the beach.
A: You really love the ocean, don’t you?
B: Yeah, but I think this year I’m going to play golf instead.
A: What can we do next summer?
B: Well, we could take a course at the university.
A: You wouldn’t want to do that, would you? You work so hard all year long.
B: You’re right. How about if we both work in a camp?
A: You’re not going to learn to ski next winter, are you?
B: Why not? It sounds very exciting to me!
A: It sounds rather dangerous to me.
B: I’ll be careful. Besides, the instructor will be right there to help me if I fall down.
Listening 2
Task 1
People are making plans. Listen and number the pictures.

A 4 B 2 C 6 D 1 E 3 F 5
Task 2
Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (✓) the correct answer.
True |
False |
1 He is going alone. |
◻ |
◻ |
2 She’s going to visit her parents. |
◻ |
◻ |
3 They’re not planning to go to the same beach. |
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◻ |
4 He usually plays soccer on Saturdays. |
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◻ |
5 She has to work on Friday night. |
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6 She’s going downtown. |
◻ |
◻ |
Answer & Transcript
1 False 2 False 3 True 4 False 5 False 6 True
A: Hey, Mark. How’s it going?
B: Pretty good, how about you?
A: I’m good, thanks. So, what are you up to this weekend?
B: Sam and I are going to a baseball game at the new stadium.
A: Wow! Really? Have a great time!
A: Hey, Jennifer. You’re planning to go to Steven’s party this weekend, aren’t you?
B: No. I really want to go, but I can’t.
A: Oh no! Why not?
B: I have to go out of town with my parents. We’re going to visit my aunt in Chicago. And we’re driving the whole way!
A: So, what are your plans this weekend, Angela?
B: Well, on Saturday, I’m going to the beach with some friends. How about you?
A: I’m going to the beach, too! Maybe I’ll see you there. Are you going to Baker Beach?
B: No, we’re going to Stinson Beach.
A: Oh. Well, maybe my friend won’t mind changing plans.
A: So, I’ll see you later, John.
B: Yeah, I’ll probably see you at the library tomorrow.
A: Really? But you usually play basketball on Saturdays, don’t you?
B: Yeah, but we’re not playing this Saturday.
A: Why not?
B: We always take a week off for final exams. I’m planning on studying all weekend.
A: Got any fun plans for the weekend?
B: I have to work most of the weekend, but I’m going out on Friday night.
A: Where are you going?
B: My friends and I are going to go out to dinner. We’re going to try that new Mexican restaurant on Branch Street. I hear it’s great.
A: What are you doing this weekend, Ji-hyun?
B: I don’t have any plans for Saturday, but I’m going shopping on Sunday.
A: You’re going to the mall, aren’t you?
B: No, I’m going to go downtown. I like the stores better there.
Listening 3
Task 1
People are talking about their plans. What are they going to do on Saturday? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1 a write a paper
b go to a party
c go to a movie
2 a go to dinner
b play soccer
c go shopping
3 a play soccer
b go bike riding
c stay home
4 a go to the beach
b drive to Los Angeles
c drive home
5 a go to a party
b study
c buy a birthday present
6 a play guitar in a cafe
b play guitar in a club
c go to a concert
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 b
Task 2
Listen again. What plan is each person excited about? Write the correct letter.
1 …… 2 …… 3 …… 4 …… 5 …… 6 …… |
a seeing a friend b staying home c playing soccer d going to a party e playing in a big club f singing songs |
Answer & Transcript
1 d 2 c 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 e
I have a really busy weekend ahead of me. I have to work about ten hours on Saturday. I’m really excited about Saturday night, though. I’m going to my friend Alex’s party. He always has great parties. I don’t have to go to work on Sunday, but I do have to spend all morning and afternoon writing a paper for my history class. Then on Sunday night, I’m going to the movies with some friends.
This is going to be a great weekend. I can’t wait for Sunday afternoon! My soccer team is playing in the finals! I hope we win! On Saturday, I’m going to the beach with my friends. And on Saturday night, we’re going to have dinner at my favorite restaurant.
I don’t really have a lot going on this weekend. I was so busy last weekend that I didn’t want to make any big plans for this weekend. I played soccer and went hiking last Saturday, then went for a long bike ride on Sunday. This weekend, I’m just going to stay home and read a book. I’m excited about being home by myself and relaxing all weekend.
My friends and I are taking a road trip to Los Angeles this weekend. We’re planning on leaving on Friday after class. We’ll get to LA at around 7:00 in the evening – just in time for dinner. On Saturday, we’ll probably hang out at the beach during the day. We’re going to have a fire and sing songs all night. It’s going to be fantastic.
I plan to study most of this weekend, but on Saturday evening. I’m going over to my friend’s house. It’s her birthday, so she’s having a few friends over for dinner. I’m really looking forward to seeing her! We haven’t seen each other in two months! I knew I wouldn’t have time to go shopping on Saturday, so I bought her a birthday gift on Friday. I got her a sweater. I hope she likes it!
I play the guitar in a band, and my band has two shows this weekend. We’re playing in a little cafe on Sunday night. We play there a lot and have a lot of fans there, so it’ll be fun. I’m really excited about Saturday night, though. We’re playing at a club downtown. We’ve never played in a big club before, so I’m kind of nervous.
Conversation Corner: Making weekend plans
Task 1
Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.
A: Do you want to play soccer this Saturday?
B: It’s supposed to rain this weekend, ……………. …………….?
A: Oh, I didn’t know that. Well, then what do you want to do?
B: We could go to a movie? We ……………. ……………. ……………. the new action movie.
A: You saw that movie last weekend, didn’t you?
B: Yeah, but I’d like to see it again. But you don’t like action movies, ……………. …………….?
A: Not really.
B: ……………. ……………. ……………. see that new comedy at Star Cinema!
Task 2
Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.
Answer & Transcript
A: Do you want to play soccer this Saturday?
B: It’s supposed to rain this weekend, isn’t it?
A: Oh, I didn’t know that. Well, then what do you want to do?
B: We could go to a movie? We could go see the new action movie.
A: You saw that movie last weekend, didn’t you?
B: Yeah, but I’d like to see it again. But you don’t like action movies, do you?
A: Not really.
B: We could go see that new comedy at Star Cinema!
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