
Exercise 1

1. Listen to five people talking about celebrities. Match four of the speakers to the sentences.

1   This speaker isn’t really interested in the lives of celebrities.

2   This speaker thinks that celebrities should be careful about what they do because fans do the same.

3   This speaker felt sad about what the celebrities did.

4   This speaker was surprised by the celebrity.

2. Listen again and complete the sentences with the words in the box.

annoyed     charming     curious     delighted

lonely     mad (about)     nasty     professional

rude     shy     stressful     unexpected

1   Joanne is ……………… about celebrities – she wants to know all about their lives.

2   Phil sometimes gets ……………… about the celebrities.

3   He thinks that people who are crazy about celebrities might be a bit ……………… .

4   Nicole says that she was too ……………… to ask a famous person for their autograph.

5   When the celebrity had gone, she found an ……………… souvenir.

6   Andy thinks that having your photo taken all the time must be ……………… .

7   But he thinks that celebrities shouldn’t behave badly, or be ……………… to their fans.

8   He says that most celebrities are polite, or ……………… .

9   Often fans copy celebrities and so this is a good reason for the celebrities to be ……………… at all times.

10   Maggie was ……………… that her favourite band had a tour date in her town.

11   She was upset that the band didn’t interact with the audience. She thought they were ……………… .

12   Some fans were ……………… because they couldn’t hear the band.

Answer & Audioscript

1   1 Phil   2 Andy   3 Maggie   4 Nicole

2   1 mad   2 curious   3 lonely   4 shy   5 unexpected

     6 stressful   7 nasty   8 charming   9 professional

    10 delighted   11 rude   12 annoyed


Joanne:   I’m just mad about my celebs! I buy a magazine every week and I follow their lives. My friends think I’m crazy, but you know, it’s just like any interest! I’m curious! I love knowing what they’re doing and where they are. I follow quite a few on social media. People say that celebs just do things for money, but that’s not true, well, not for all of them. Some are really kind and have a lot of good qualities. I’d love to be a celeb myself. It’d be just great!

Phil:   Honestly, I don’t really follow the lives of celebrities, but the papers and magazines keep telling us what they’re doing. I do sometimes get curious, especially if there’s something about a football player. But I think that people who are mad about celebs, well, they must be a bit lonely really. I read about this one woman. She has her car washed at a garage just because she’d seen a celeb there. Ridiculous, if you ask me.

Nicole:   I had this amazing experience. We were in Las Vegas on holiday and this really famous guy was next to us, with his girlfriend and family. There were fans who were asking for autographs, you know, when they write their name on a piece of paper, and he was so easy-going and nice. I wanted to ask for his autograph, but I was too shy. I just felt embarrassed. But then, after he’d gone, I saw he had left his sunscreen behind! I picked it up and kept it. I was actually surprised that it wasn’t a better quality one! But I didn’t mind – it was an unexpected souvenir!

Andy:   Well, you know, I think that the way celebs behave is really important. I’m sure it must be stressful sometimes, you know, all the cameras, but they shouldn’t get nasty, you know what I mean? But I think that most of them are charming. I think they know it’s really important that they are professional, because there are so many fans who watch what they do and then copy them.

Maggie:   Well, I was a really big fan of this band, so you can imagine I was delighted that they’d chosen our town to play in. Everyone was really excited. But you know what? It was like they didn’t notice us. We weren’t there. They came on and played, but they didn’t talk to us or anything. I thought it was a bit rude. I mean, without the fans they’re nothing! I was quite upset about it. Also, the sound was really poor quality, so people couldn’t hear properly and I think some fans even left. They were really annoyed because they couldn’t hear. So, I guess the band got what they deserved!

Exercise 2

1. Listen. For each question, choose the correct answer.

1    Pattie thinks that some people who want to be famous

      A   have little idea of how they will achieve it.

      B   only consider the positive things about it.

      C   are not prepared to work hard for it.

2    What does Pattie say about the paparazzi?

      A   Famous people and journalists need each other.

      B   Being followed by them annoys celebrities.

      C   Building a good relationship with them isn’t easy.

3    Pattie says that some fans

      A   want too much from famous people.

      B   behave in unusual ways towards famous people.

      C   are disappointed when they finally meet someone famous.

4    Pattie believes that if she became famous quickly, it would be hard to

      A   give up her private life.

      B   ask for advice from others.

      C   learn how to give interviews.

5    Pattie says most famous people especially enjoy

      A   receiving free gifts from designers.

      B   not having to do boring jobs any more.

      C   being able to try new kinds of work.

6    Pattie’s mot important advice for newly famous people is to

      A   make sure you plan for the future.

      B   not talk to anyone you don’t trust.

      C   try to hide any negative feelings.

Answer & Audioscript

1 2 A   3 B   4 C   5 B   6 A


You will hear an interview with a woman called Pattie.

Interviewer:   Pattie, you advise famous people and you’re here to talk to us about this. Is it right that more young people than ever say their ambition is to become famous?

Patie:   According to the research, yes. No doubt they’re thinking about the good stuff – the money and attention. Those things are amazing – but even though they might know what they want to be famous for – being a great singer or actor, for example – they mustn’t forget about how much hard work and talent is needed to get to the top.

Interviewer:   Tell us about the role of the paparazzi.

Patie:   It can be exciting being followed around. Everyone wants to interview you, fans want to talk to you, your picture’s everywhere. The media has to sell magazines and you have to promote your work, and because of this, a good relationship develops between you. Of course, when things aren’t going so well, the paparazzi will still be there, reporting what’s going wrong.

Interviewer:   Tell us about fans.

Patie:   Usually, they’ll support you, ask for selfies, want you to sign things … all of that. That can change if, say, as an actor, you play a horrible character in a film. A small number of fans forget that you aren’t actually that person and even shout unpleasant things to you on the street – strange but true!

Interviewer:   What do you think is most difficult about becoming famous?

Patie:   People go from having an ordinary life to being recognised very quickly. Suddenly, your life isn’t private any more. Personally, I think I’d find it impossible to know what to say to the press – it must take a while to be able to answer questions in the right way. That’s where agents are useful – they can help you regarding these challenging things.

Interviewer:   There must be some enjoyable things about being famous?

Patie:   Well, besides never having to wait for a table in a restaurant, you can have all those dull things done for you – cooking, cleaning, shopping … Who wouldn’t enjoy that! And despite earning lots, you might be given things for free – designer clothes, jewellery … Some people like that, even if they have enough money to buy the things themselves. You may also have the chance to do different things during your career – singers get offered acting jobs, for example.

Interviewer:   What advice would you give someone who’s just becoming famous?

Patie:   Remember that it can be difficult to know who to trust. Someone might talk to the newspapers about something you’ve done. And you’ve got to behave well in any situation, however you’re feeling. The thing you really must remember is that you may only be famous for a short time, so develop other skills you can use later on if you need to.

Interviewer:   Thanks, Pattie!

Exercise 3

1. Listen to Akira, a football fan from Japan. How does he watch Arsenal matches?

2. Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?

1   Akira isn’t interested in Japanese football at all.

2   He wasn’t a fan of Japan in the World Cup.

3   Akira thinks Özil is a very good football player.

4   Akira watches live football when he has school the next day.

5   He and his friends discuss the matches in online forums.

6   Akira thinks it’s difficult to follow your favourite players nowadays.

Answer & Audioscript

1   He watches them on satellite TV or online.

2   1 false   2 false   3 true   4 false   5 true   6 false


Interviewer:   Not so many years ago, one of the greatest role models for boys in Japan was David Beckham, the English footballer. Let’s face it, Beckham’s name was known everywhere, so that wasn’t a huge surprise. We wanted to find out whether European football was still so attractive for teens in Asia. I spoke to Akira, a Japanese teenager who is mad about football. Akira, you support a British football club, don’t you?

Akira:   Yes, I do. I support Arsenal.

Interviewer:   Why don’t you support a Japanese club?

Akira:   Well, I do, I go to local matches and support my town club, but that isn’t international. It’s much more exciting watching international football, like the World Cup.

Interviewer:   So you supported Japan in the World Cup, then?

Akira:   Well, yes, but we came out quite early, so then I wanted Germany to win in the World Cup.

Interviewer:   Why’s that?

Akira:   Well, I thought they were the best team, and they had Özil.

Interviewer:   Özil?

Akira:   Yes, Özil was playing for Germany at that time. He’s fantastic – I’m a really big fan of Özil.

Interviewer:   Well, you might be right! But I don’t understand. European teams play on the other side of the world from where you live. How do you watch their games?

Akira:   That doesn’t matter. European matches are on late at night here, but we have satellite TV so I can watch them live if there isn’t school the next day, or I can watch them online the next day.

Interviewer:   Good point. What about feeling part of a fan community, though?

Akira:   Community?

Interviewer:   You know, group.

Akira:   Oh, no problem. A lot of us here in Japan watch European football – most of the boys in my school do, so we watch matches together. But we aren’t alone here. We like joining in on sports forums – you know, when the matches are on, or just after, we can have live chats with fans from all over the world. The world is a very small place now!

Interviewer:   Indeed, and it’s obviously doing your English good.

Akira:   Yes, thank you. But it isn’t only the fans – we can follow our favourite teams and players on Twitter, so we know what they’re doing. It’s a great time to be a fan!

Exercise 4

1. You will hear an interview with a reporter called Ignacio Mendes. For each question, choose the correct answer.

1   Ignacio says that many people think celebrities

      A   do nothing useful for society.

      B   are paid too much for what they do.

      C   are too confident about their abilities.

2   Ignacio says that the celebrities he has met

      A   do not particularly enjoy being famous.

      B   are often very ordinary people.

      C   have a lot of ambitions.

3   When asked about the difference between celebrities and being famous, Ignacio says

      A   he disagrees with how the word celebrity is defined.

      B   he thinks that people of any profession can be famous.

      C   he believes journalists have the power to make people famous.

4   Ignacio thinks the most important thing celebrities do is

      A   provide people with entertainment.

      B   encourage people to develop their talents.

      C   help people find out about world issues.

5   Ignacio says he particularly respects celebrities who

      A   make time to meet their fans.

      B   give a lot of money to charity.

      C   prefer to stay out of public view.

6   Ignacio says that becoming a celebrity himself would make him feel

      A   excited about how he could help other people.

      B   stressed about being watched all the time.

      C   nervous about whether he was good at his job.

Answer & Audioscript

1 C   2 B   3 A   4 C   5 A   6 B


F:   This morning, we’re talking to reporter Ignacio Mendes about celebrities. Ignacio, what do most people think when you say the word ‘celebrity’?

M:   They think of the beautiful people of the world, who have everything done for them, who get attention wherever they go – and who are very rich, of course. The thing I hear most from people about celebrities is that they think they’re better than other people because they’ve got a few acting skills, or whatever.

F:   You’ve met a lot of celebrities. How do you find them?

M:   Most of them are just like you or me. They followed something they loved doing, got better and better at it and became famous because of it – they didn’t necessarily start out with becoming famous as their aim, though they’re grateful for the benefits it gives them.

F:   Do you think being a celebrity is different to being famous?

M:   The dictionary definition of celebrity is ‘famous person’. I’m not sure that’s how people see it, though. Imagine a TV newsreader. Everyone knows their face, but are they interested in their private lives? Do they get followed by journalists? Not usually. It’s sports stars and actors and musicians that the public celebrate – and want to be like.

F:   Do you think celebrities can help society?

M:   Without doubt. Besides being entertaining – which we need to help us relax, they’re also able to draw attention to problems, such as those of the environment. For me, that’s the most positive thing they can do with their fame. They can also encourage people to build their own skills.

F:   Is there a celebrity you particularly respect?

M:   No one person. Lots of celebrities visit sick children, have their selfies taken with fans … That’s using what they’ve got to do great things, even if it takes time and effort. Many celebrities give to charity, too – that’s easy when you earn millions, though! And there are those who are very private. I’m not sure that’s fair on their fans – they’re the ones who help them make their money.

F:   Finally, would you like to be a celebrity?

M:   When you become a celebrity, your life isn’t your own any more. If you’re a big star, you will get followed, people will write nasty things about you on social media. That’d be awful. And there’s pressure to keep being good at what you do – you just have to be confident, I suppose. It’d be nice to have money to give to friends and family – though that’s not enough for me to say ‘yes’ to your questions!

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