
1. Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.

1e…   Has he ever won an Oscar?

2 ……   Did you go on holiday last year?

3 ……   How many times have you visited New York?

4 ……   Did you do anything special this weekend?

5 ……   Have they ever been to a musical on Broadway?

6 ……   Did she enjoy her birthday party?

a   I’ve only been there once, in 2010.

b   No, not really. We just went out for a pizza on Saturday night.

c   Yes, they have, actually. They saw The Lion King when they were in New York last year.

d   Yes, she did. She had a fantastic time.

e   Yes, he has. He got one for the film The Artist in 2011.

f   Yes, we did. We went to Cancún in Mexico.


2 f   3 a   4 b   5 c   6 d

2. Underline the correct words to complete the conversation.

A   (1) Have you ever been / Did you ever go to London?

B   Yes, I (2) have / did. I (3) ‘ve stayed / stayed there lots of times on business.

A   (4) Have you ever seen / Did you ever see any musicals in the West End?

B   No, I (5) didn’t / haven’t. However, I (6) went / ‘ve been to the theatre a few times.

A   Really? What (7) have you seen / did you see the last time you went?

B   I (8) saw / have seen Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet at The Globe Theatre last summer.

A   Who (9) have you been / did you go with?

B   I (10) went / have been with some English friends.

A   (11) Have you enjoyed it / Did you enjoy it?

B   Yes, I (12) have / did. The acting (13) was / has been brilliant!


2 have   3 ‘ve stayed   4 Have you ever seen   5 haven’t   6 ‘ve been

7 did you see   8 saw   9 did you go   10 went   11 Did you enjoy it

12 did   13 was

3. Correct the sentences.

 Have you never met a famous pop singer?

      Have you ever met a famous pop singer?

 I never seen a film by Quentin Tarantino.

 They has never been to Barcelona.

 I haven’t never been to France on holiday.

 My uncle has write lots of children’s books.

 Have ever you read any of the Harry Potter books?

7   A   Has he ever been to Scotland?

     B   No, he never.

 I’m visited my grandmother three times this week.


 I’ve never seen a film by Quentin Tarantino. / I have never seen a film by Quentin Tarantino.

 They’ve never been to Barcelona. / They have never been to Barcelona.

 I’ve never been to France on holiday. / I have never been to France on holiday.

 My uncle has written lots of children’s books. / My uncle’s written lots of children’s books.

 Have you ever read any of the Harry Potter books?

 B   No, he hasn’t.

 I’ve visited my grandmother three times this week. / I have visited my grandmother three times this week.

4. Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Change the verb form in the sentences that are not correct.

 We’ve been to Australia only once.

 He’s read a book in English last week.

 I never saw an X-Men film.

 They’ve won a pop music competition two years ago.

 I saw three films at the weekend.

 She’s never been to Argentina.

 I didn’t read a book by Dan Brown.


1 ✓   2 He read   3 I’ve never seen   4 They won

5 ✓   6 ✓   7 I haven’t read

5. Complete the conversation with the correct present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

A   (1) …………… (you/be) to Australia?

B   No, I haven’t, but I (2) …………… (be) to New Zealand.

A   Have you? I (3) …………… (never/be) there, but I would love to go.

B   We (4) …………… (go) about four years go in the summer.

A   How long (5) …………… (you/stay)?

B   About three weeks, but it (6) …………… (not be) long enough.

A   I (7) …………… (do) a bungee jump when I (8) …………… (be) there. (9) …………… (you/ever/try) anything like that?

B   No. I’m too afraid!


1 Have you been   2 ‘ve been   3 ‘ve never been   4 went

5 did you stay   6 wasn’t   7 did   8 was   9 Have you ever tried

6. Underline the correct words.

 Have you been / Did you go out last night?

 I’ve never seen / I never saw an opera.

 We went / We’ve been to a rock concert on Saturday.

 Have you ever danced / Did you ever dance the tango?

 She’s a fantastic actress but she never won / she’s never won an Oscar.

 We’ve visited / We visited the theatre when we were in Buenos Aires last year.

 I didn’t eat / ’ve never eaten sheep’s milk cheese in my life.

 Did he win / Has he won the 100m at the 2012 Olympic Games?


2 I’ve never seen   3 We went   4 Have you ever danced

5 she’s never won   6 We visited   7 ’ve never eaten

8 Did he win

7. Match questions 1–8 with short answers a–h.

1 ..g..   Did she go out?

2 ……   Have you ever been to Chile?

3 ……   Was it a good concert?

4 ……   Has she been in any bad films?

5 ……   Were you tired when you got home?

6 ……   Did they help you?

7 ……   Have they ever visited Tokyo?

8 ……   Did you have a good time?

a   Yes, we were.

b   Yes, we did.

c   No, I haven’t.

d   No, they didn’t.

e   Yes, it was.

f   No, they haven’t.

g   No, she didn’t.

h   Yes, she has.


2 c   3 e   4 h   5 a   6 d   7 f   8 b

8. Complete the conversation using the correct present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

A   (1) …Have you ever been…… (you / ever / go) to a jazz club?

B   Yes, I (2) …………………. . (3) …………………. (I / go) to a few. My favourite is Jazz Cellar. (4) …………………. (I / go) there hundreds of times.

A   Yes, I think (5) …………………. (I / go) there too. (6) …………………. (I / go) there last year.

B   (7) …………………. (you / like) it?

A   Yes, I (8) …………………. . (9) …………………. (it / be) great. There (10) …………………. (be) a brilliant singer – her name (11) …………………. (be) Erica something.

B   Erica Sousa. (12) …………………. (I / see) her a few times. She’s amazing. In fact, (13) …………………. (she / play) a concert there last week.

A   (14) …………………. (you / go) to that concert?

B   No, I (15) …………………. . (16) …………………. (I / want) to go but I had a meeting at work and (17) …………………. (I / finish) late.


2 have   3 I’ve been   4 I’ve been   5 I’ve been   6 I went

7 Did you like   8 did   9 It was   10 was   11 was

12 I’ve seen   13 she played   14 Did you go   15 didn’t

16 I wanted   17 I finished

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