
1. Complete the prepositions in the sentences.

 We drove a________ o________r town looking for a chemist’s that was open.

 There are trees a________ a________g the road that goes to our school.

 There’s a post office b________e the church in Kings Road.

 Snow fell a________s Britain last night, and temperatures were well b________w zero.

 Let’s go to the café b________ the river.


1 all, over   2 all, along   3 beside   4 across, below   5 behind

2. Read the article. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

 This sports organisation brings activities to school for young people.

 The organisation believes that sport helps young people in other areas of their lives.


Who are we?

StreetGames is a sports charity that changes lives and communities. We are proud to give young people exactly what they are looking for – the chance to enjoy sport, give back to their communities and aspire to greater things. Seventy-one percent of young people have said that they would like the chance to try more sporting activities, but that they can’t afford to.

What do we do?

‘Doorstep Sport’ is what we do – we bring sport close to home in disadvantaged communities, at the right time, for the right price and in the right style. Sport is great! It provides fitness, fun and friendship opportunities, and since 2007 we have been using it to improve the lives of countless young people. It teaches them skills and knowledge which they can then use to make their own way in life.

What do we offer?

We have been speaking to a lot of young people about sports they would like to be involved in, and these are the answers: boys between the ages of 16 and 19 have voted for playing football, badminton and tennis, going swimming, cycling, running and to the gym and doing adventure sports. The girls have chosen similarly, except for netball rather than football, plus dance and fitness classes. Multi-sports sessions have also proved popular with everyone.

What do we want?

We are bringing sport to your neighbourhood, and we need some assistance. We are looking for young volunteers for this task. We need young people both to take part in our wonderful sporting activities and also to look after and coach the younger children. So, if you are aged 16-19, contact us if you would like to be involved. We need YOU!


1 F   2 T

Reading Strategy

Multiple-choice questions may test:

–  factual information (detailed or general).

–  the writer’s opinion.

–  the writer’s intention.

You can sometimes (but not always) see what a question is testing by reading the first part without the options (a-d). Turning it into a direct question can also help.

3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then circle the correct answers.

1   Nearly three quarters of teenagers

a   aspire to play better sport.

b   have found the sport they are looking for.

c   haven’t played any sport.

d   would like to play sport if it was less expensive.

2   The aim of the charity is to

a   help communities to get fitter.

b   organise local sporting activities cheaply.

c   advise young people on how to succeed in life.

d   provide intensive sports training for teenagers.

3   Adventure sports were

a   chosen by boys only.

b   selected by both boys and girls.

c   more popular than dance classes.

d   not as popular as football.

4   The writer wants

a   to encourage teenagers to join the sports project.

b   young children to contact the organisation.

c   young people to pay for sporting activities.

d   to help young people at home.


1 d   2 b   3 b   4 a

Extra exercises


When you don’t understand specific words or phrases, you can often work out their meaning from the context. Concentrate on the language that you already know to work out the meaning of the words, or of that part of the text.

1. Read the Strategy. Then read the extract below and try to work out the meaning of any unknown words. The circle the correct answer (A-D).

It is clear that interest in hobbies in changeable, but a few hobbies have stood the test of time. A conspicuous example of this is collecting. Anything is collectible if someone decides to collect it. And it is a curious fact that even objects with little intrinsic value can become exorbitantly priced if enough people demonstrate a desire for them.

What fact about collecting does the author point out?

A   Very valuable objects are the most popular.

B   All collectibles are extremely expensive.

C   Object of little value can become very expensive.

D   Certain types of objects are popular collectibles.


1 C

2. Read three texts. Circle the correct answer (A-D).

For some reason, I was never thrilled by the hobbies my family and friends attempted to interest me in. When I was younger, my mum and sisters tried to get me into scrapbooking, but I failed to see the point. My friends’ passion for skateboarding and martial arts like karate didn’t catch my interest either. My dad tried to get me involved in his body, model planes, but I didn’t have the patience for it. Then my mum and I started chatting with a neighbour who grew rare plants. One tour of her green house, and I was hooked. Of course my friends were very surprised – and still are – but I am sure that plants will be a lifelong passion.

1   The writer suggests that

A   his friends don’t understand his hobby.

B   he and his mother share the same interests.

C   he used to be interested in skateboarding.

 he is keen on making things at home.

Hobby-related holidays are on the way to becoming one of the most lucrative forms of tourism, and younger people are definitely joining in. Of course, sports-related camps have been a huge part of tourism for ages, but what if you’re someone with little interest in tennis or basketball? A good option for you might be a two-week photography tour – with stunning scenery, ancient buildings and sometimes even underwater photography. Alternatively, if you are interested in nature, you can spend two weeks in an exotic location helping to identify rare plants and animals – while soaking up some sun and meeting like-minded people

 What does the writer say about hobby-related holidays?

 They have existed for a long time.

 They are mainly sports-related.

 They are usually for young people.

D   They are popular and varied.


Think you’re too busy studying to make time for a hobby? Haven’t found a hobby that interests you, but want to explore some possibilities?

Then come to Mappleton School’s annual Hobby Day! Students and teachers will give presentations and lead hands-on workshops. Everything from collecting and crafting to photography and landscape painting will be covered. Come with an open mind, and there’s a good chance you’ll find an interest to last a lifetime! Saturday, 3 March from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

3   The purpose of the text is to

A   help people find time for a hobby.

B   encourage people to participate in an event.

C   list hobbies that students might enjoy.

D   remind people why it’s good to have hobbies.


1 A   2 D   3 B

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