
Exercise 1   

Answer the questions with a suggestion. Use could.

1   Where shall we go for our holidays? (to Scotland) We …………………….

2   What shall we have for dinner tonight? (fish) We …………………….

3   When shall I phone Vicky? (now) You …………………….

4   What shall I give Ann for her birthday? (a book) …………………….

5   Where shall we hang this picture? (in the kitchen) …………………….



1   We could go to Scotland

2   We could have fish.

3   You could phone (her) now.

4   You could give her a book.

5   We could hang it in the kitchen.

Exercise 2   

In some of these sentences, you need could (not can). Change the sentences where necessary.

1   The story can be true but I don’t think it is. …………………….

2   It’s a nice day. We can go for a walk. …………………….

3   I’m so angry with him. I can kill him! …………………….

4   If you’re hungry, we can have dinner now. …………………….

5   It’s so nice here. I can stay here all day, but unfortunately I have to go. …………………….

6   A: Where’s my bag. Have you seen it?

    B: No, but it can be in the car. …………………….

7   Peter is a keen musician. He plays the flute and he can also play the piano. …………………….

8   A: I need to borrow a camera.

    B: You can borrow mine. …………………….

9   Be careful climbing that tree. You can fall. …………………….



1   could be true

2   OK (could go is also possible)

3   I could kill him!

4   OK (could have is also possible)

5   I could stay here all day

6   it could be in the car (may/might are also possible)

7   OK

8   OK (could borrow is also possible)

9   You could fall. (may/might are also possible)

Exercise 3   

Complete the sentences. Use could or could have+ a suitable verb.

1   A: What shall we do this evening?

     B: I don’t mind. We ……………………. to the cinema.

2   A: I spent a very boring evening at home yesterday.

     B: Why did you stay at home? You ……………………. out with us.

3   A: Have you seen this job advertised in the paper? You ……………………. for it.

     B: What sort of job? Show me the advertisement.

4   A: How was your exam? Was it difficult?

     B: It wasn’t so bad. It ……………………. worse.

5   A: I got very wet walking home in the rain last night.

     B: Why did you walk? You ……………………. a taxi.

6   A: Where shall we meet tomorrow?

     B: Well, I ……………………. to your house if you like.



1   could go

2   could have come/gone

3   could apply

4   could have been

5   could have got/taken

6   could come

Exercise 4   

Complete the sentences. Use couldn’t or couldn’t have+ these verbs (in the correct form):

be    be    come    find    get    live    wear

1   I ……………………. in a big city. I’d hate it.

2   We had a really good holiday. It ……………………. better.

3   I ……………………. that hat. I’d look silly and people would laugh at me.

4   We managed to find the restaurant you recommended, but we ……………………. it without the map that you drew for us.

5   Paul has to get up at 4 o’clock every morning. I don 1t know how he does it. ……………………. up at that time every day.

6   The staff at the hotel were really nice when we stayed there last summer. ……………………. more helpful.

7   A: I tried to phone you last week. We had a party and I wanted to invite you.

     B: That was nice of you, but I ……………………. anyway. I was away all last week.



1   couldn’t live

2   couldn’t have been

3   couldn’t wear

4   couldn’t have found

5   couldn’t get

6   couldn’t have been

7   couldn’t have come/gone

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