
Exercise 1   

Which is correct?

1   We haven’t got much time. We must / mustn’t hurry.

2   We’ve got plenty of time. We mustn’t / don’t need to hurry.

3   I have to talk to Gary. I must / mustn’t remember to call him.

4   I have to talk to Gary. I mustn’t / needn’t forget to call him.

5   There’s plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You mustn’t / don’t need to decide now.

6   We needn’t / mustn’t wash these tomatoes. They’ve already been washed.

7   This is a valuable book. You must / needn’t take good care of it and you mustn’t / don’t need to lose it.

8   A: What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?

    B: Well, it mustn’t / needn’t be big – that’s not so important. But it must I mustn’t have a nice garden- that’s essential.



1  must

2  don’t need to

3  must

4  mustn’t

5  don’t need to

6  needn’t

7  must … mustn’t

8  needn’t … must

Exercise 2   

Complete the sentences. Use needn’t + one of these verbs:

ask      come      explain      leave      walk

1   We’ve got plenty of time. We ……………………. yet.

2   I can manage the shopping alone. You ……………………. with me.

3   We ……………………. all the way home. We can get a taxi.

4   Just help yourself if you’d like more to eat. You ……………………. first.

5   I understand the situation perfectly. You ……………………. further.



1  needn’t leave

2  needn’t come

3  needn’t walk

4  needn’t ask

5  needn’t explain

Exercise 3   

Write two sentences for each situation. Use needn’t have in the first sentence and could have in the second (as in the example).

1   Why did you rush? Why didn’t you take your time?

     You needn’t have rushed. You could have taken your time.

2   Why did you walk ho me? Why didn’t you take a taxi?


3   Why did you stay at a hotel? Why didn’t you stay with us?


4   Why did she phone me in the middle of the night? Why didn’t she wait until the morning?


5   Why did you shout at me? Why weren’t you more patient?


6   Why did you leave without saying anything? Why didn’t you say goodbye to me?




2  You needn’t have walked home. You could have taken a taxi.

3  You needn’t have stayed at a hotel. You could have stayed with us.

4  She needn’t have phoned me in the middle of the night. She could have waited until the morning.

5  You needn’t have shouted at me. You could have been more patient.

6  You needn’t have left without saying anything. You could have said goodbye to me.

Exercise 4

Correct the sentences where necessary.

1   We have plenty of time. We don’t need hurry.   …………………….

2   You must keep it a secret. You mustn’t tell anybody else.   …………………….

3   I’ll be all rig ht. You needn’t to worry about me.   …………………….

4   You mustn’t wait for me. You go on and I’ll join you later.   …………………….

5   You don’t need to keep these e mails. You can delete them.   …………………….

6   I needn’t have gone out, so I stayed at home.   …………………….

7   I needn’t have bought eggs. We had some already.   …………………….



1  We don’t need to hurry.

2  OK

3  You needn’t worry / You don’t need to worry / You don’t have to worry

4  You needn’t wait / You don’t need to wait / You don’t have to wait

5  OK (You needn’t keep is also correct)

6  I didn’t need to go / I didn’t have to go

7  OK

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