
Exercise 1   

Write sentences about yourself. Imagine things you would like or wouldn’t like.

1   (a place you’d love to live)  …………………….

2   (a job you wouldn’t like to do)  …………………….

3   (something you would love to do)  …………………….

4   (something that would be nice to have)  …………………….

5   (a place you’d like to go to)  …………………….



1  I’d love to live by the sea.

2  I wouldn’t like to be a teacher.

3  I’d love to learn to fly a plane.

4  It would be nice to have a big garden.

5  I’d like to go to Mexico.

Exercise 2   

Complete the sentences using would + the following verbs (in the correct form):

be     be     do     do     enjoy     enjoy     have     pass     stop

1   They helped us a lot. I don’t know what we ……………………. without t heir help.

2   You should go and see the film. You ……………………. it.

3   It’s a pity you couldn’t come to the party last night. You ……………………. it.

4   Shall I apply for the job or not? What ……………………. you ……………………. in my position?

5   I was in a hurry when I saw you. Otherwise I ……………………. to talk.

6   We took a taxi home last night, but got stuck in the traffic. It ……………………. quicker to walk.

7   Why don’t you go and see Clare? She ……………………. very pleased to see you.

8   Why didn’t you do the exam? I’m sure you ……………………. it.

9   In an ideal world, everybody ……………………. enough to eat.



1  would have done

2  ‘d enjoy / would enjoy

3  ‘d have enjoyed / would have enjoyed

4  would you do

5  ‘d have stopped / would have stopped

6  would have been

7  ‘d be I would be

8  ‘d have passed / would have passed

9  would have

Exercise 3   

Each sentence on the right follows a sentence on the left. Which follows which?

1  I’d like to go to Australia one day.

2  I wouldn’t like to live on a busy road.

3  I’m sorry the trip was cancelled.

4  I’m looking forward to going out tonight.

5  I’m glad we didn’t go out in the rain.

6  I’m not looking forward to the trip.

a  It wouldn’t have been very nice.

b  It would have been fun.

c  It would be nice.

d  It won’t be much fun.

e  It wouldn’t be very nice.

f  It will be fun.



1  c

2  e

3  b

4  f

5  a

6  d

Exercise 4

Write sentences using promised + would/wouldn’t.

1   I wonder why Laura is late. She …………………….

2   I wonder why Steve hasn’t called me. He promised …………………….

3   Why did you tell Jane what I said? You …………………….

4   I’m surprised they didn’t wait for us. They …………………….



1  She promised she wouldn’t be late.

2  He promised he’d call. / … he would call.

3  You promised you wouldn’t tell her.

4  They promised they’d wait (for us). / … they would wait.

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences. Use wouldn’t + a suitable verb.

1   I tried to warn him, but he ……………………. to me.

2   I asked Amanda what had happened, but she ……………………. me.

3   Paul was very angry about what I’d said and ……………………. to me for two weeks.

4   Martina insisted on carrying all her luggage. She ……………………. me help her.



1  wouldn’t listen

2  wouldn’t tell

3  wouldn’t speak

4  wouldn’t let

Exercise 6

These sentences are about things that often happened in the past. Complete the sentences using would + these verbs:

forget     help     shake     share     walk

1   Whenever Richard was angry, he ……………………. out of the room.

2   We used to live next to a railway line. Every time a t rain went past, the house …………………….

3   Alan was a very kind man. He ……………………. always ……………………. you if you had a problem.

4   Katherine was always very generous. She didn’t have much, but she ……………………. what she had with everyone else.

5   You could never rely on joe. It didn’t matter how many times you reminded him to do

something, he ……………………. always …………………….



1  would walk

2  would shake

3  would always help

4  would share

5  would always forget

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