1. Look at the photos of a house in Germany after a burglary and a shop in London after a riot. Complete sentences 1-4 with must or can’t.

1 The owners ………………………… be away or at work.
2 The burglars ………………………… speak some English.
3 He ………………………… be the owner of the shop.
4 He ………………………… be very happy about the riot.
your own answers
2. Listen to a student comparing the photos (A and B). Check your answers to exercise 1.
your own answers
3. Listen again. Complete the sentences about the similarities and differences between the photos.
1 ………………………… photos show a place where a crime has happened.
2 So the ………………………… ………………………… is crime.
3 In the second photo, there’s a man in the shop, ………………………… the house in the first photo is empty.
4 Another ………………………… ………………………… is that the first photo includes some graffiti.
5 ………………………… the first photo, there are no horrible messages in the second photo.
your own answers
4. Look at the photos below and read the speaking task. Write notes for your answer.
Compare the photos and say what has happened in each one. What are the main similarities and differences?
Similarities: …………………………………………….
Differences: …………………………………………….

your own answers
Speaking Strategy
When you answer questions, try to use a variety of phrases for introducing your opinions, not just I think … . Use different phrases when you are less sure about your opinion.
5. Read the Speaking Strategy. Then listen to a student answering their teacher’s question and complete the extract from her answer.
Well, 1………………………… mugging is a serious crime because muggers steal people’s personal possessions. 2…………………………, muggers often attack people and it must be terrifying. 3…………………………, smuggling doesn’t really affect ordinary people. 4………………………… it’s true to say that it doesn’t really harm anyone.
1 in my opinion 2 What’s more
3 As I see it 4 I suppose
Examiner Which is worse, in your opinion, mugging or smuggling? Tell me why you think so.
Candidate Um, it seems to me that mugging is worse.
E Why do you think that?
C Well, in my opinion mugging is a serious crime because muggers steal people’s personal possessions. What’s more, muggers often attack people and it must be terrifying. As I see it, smuggling doesn’t really affect ordinary people. I suppose it’s true to say that it doesn’t really harm anyone.
6. Read the teacher’s questions. Write notes for your answers.
1 Which is worse, in your opinion: shoplifting or burglary? Why?
2 Tell me about a crime you heard about on the news.
your own answers
7. Now do the task in exercise 4 using your notes from exercise 6.
your own answers
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