1. Rewrite the sentences using must have, may (not) have, or can’t have.
1 I’m sure that they were good friends before the argument as they were always together.
2 It’s possible that there was a misunderstanding.
3 It’s impossible that she said that about her friend.
4 It’s certain that she liked her friend’s brother.
5 It’s possible that he wasn’t attracted to her.
6 It’s impossible that they went out together.
1 They must have been good friends before the argument as they were always together.
2 There may have been a misunderstanding.
3 She can’t have said that about her friend.
4 She must have liked her friend’s brother.
5 He may not have been attracted to her.
6 They can’t have gone out together.
2. Look at the photo and write sentences about it. Use must be / may be / can’t be.

your own answers
Speaking Strategy
When you talk about photos, say what you can guess or deduce as well as about what you can see. Use modal verbs of deduction and phrases such as It appears to show … , I can’t be certain, but … , etc.
3. Read the Speaking Strategy. Listen to a student describing the photo in exercise 3 and complete the sentences.
1 The photo seems to show a family ……………………………
2 It looks as if the son is ……………………………
3 Judging by their expressions, I’d say that the parents are ……………………………
4 I might be wrong, but I think the mother is asking him to ……………………………
5 I can’t be certain, but I don’t think she’s ……………………………
6 The father looks ……………………………
1 discussion 2 in trouble 3 worried about him
4 explain something 5 shouting at him 6 quite cross
There is a family sitting on a sofa. The photo seems to show a family discussion. It looks as if the son is in trouble. He must have done something wrong. Judging by their expressions, I’d say that the parents are worried about him. I might be wrong, but I think the mother is asking him to explain something. I can’t be certain, but I don’t think she’s shouting at him. However, the father looks quite cross, so maybe the boy has done something to offend him.
4. Look at photos A and B in exercise 5 below. Complete these sentences with your own ideas.
Photo A
Judging by the mother’s expression, I’d say ……………………………
It looks as if the daughter is ……………………………
I might be wrong, but I think the father is ……………………………
Photo B
The photo seems to show ……………………………
I can’t be certain, but I don’t think the daughter ……………………………
The son looks ……………………………
your own answers
5. Look at the task and the photos below. Then read the questions (1-5) and write answers.
Compare the photos. Then say whether you think arguments between family members are more or less serious than arguments between friends. Give reasons.

1 What is the common theme of the photos?
2 What can you see in both photos?
3 What is the main difference between the photos?
4 Which are more serious: family arguments or arguments between friends?
5 What are the reasons for your answer to question 4?
(Possible answers)
1 The common theme of the photos is family arguments.
2 In both photos I can see a man pointing his finger and shouting.
3 In photo A the family is sitting down, whereas in photo B, the adults are standing up.
4 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers.
Hmm, let me see what I can come up with … Nothing springs immediately to mind … Oh, yes, I suppose the last time was when my friend John borrowed my bike. He’s always borrowing things and I don’t usually mind, but he gave my bike back in really bad condition and I was pretty upset about it. I mean, it was filthy and there was a small tear in the seat cover. He must have realised that I wasn’t happy, but he just started saying that the bike was already like that when he borrowed it! Then I was absolutely furious and lost my temper with him, so he stormed off. Later on, though, he come back to apologise, and I had calmed down by then. He took my bike away and cleaned it, and we’re friends as before. He hasn’t borrowed anything else from me lately, though!
6. Now do the task using your notes from exercise 5.
your own answers
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