1. Label the sports and activities.

1 gymnastics 2 chess 3 weightlifting 4 horse riding
5 ice hockey 6 cards 7 ballroom dancing 8 ballet
9 bowling 10 camping 11 ice skating 12 table tennis
2. Complete the leisure activities with the verbs below.
bake collect hang out make
read read text use watch
1 ………………………….. cakes
2 ………………………….. with friends
3 ………………………….. books
4 ………………………….. clothes
5 ………………………….. magazines
6 ………………………….. your friends
7 ………………………….. videos online
8 ………………………….. social media
9 ………………………….. figures, cards, stamps, etc.
1 bake 2 hang out 3 read 4 make 5 read
6 text 7 watch 8 use 9 collect
3. Complete the table with the sports and activities below. Then add the sports and activities from exercise 1.
basketball BMXing board games cycling drama
martial arts a musical instrument photography
rollerblading running shopping skateboarding volleyball
do + |
1 ………………………… 2 ………………………… 3 ………………………… |
4 ………………………… 5 ………………………… 6 ………………………… |
play + |
1 ………………………… 2 ………………………… 3 ………………………… 4 ………………………… |
5 ………………………… 6 ………………………… 7 ………………………… 8 ………………………… |
go + |
1 ………………………… 2 ………………………… 3 ………………………… 4 ………………………… 5 ………………………… 6 ………………………… |
7 ………………………… 8 ………………………… 9 ………………………… 10 ………………………… 11 ………………………… |
do + 1 drama 2 martial arts 3 photography
4 ballet 5 gymnastics 6 weightlifting
play + 1 basketball 2 board games
3 a musical instrument 4 volleyball 5 cards
6 chess 7 ice hockey 8 table tennis
go + 1 BMXing 2 cycling 3 rollerblading 4 running
5 shopping 6 skateboarding 7 ballroom dancing
8 bowling 9 camping 10 horse riding 11 ice skating
4. Listen to three people talking about their hobbies. Which two activities from exercises 1 and 3 do the speakers mention?
1 …………………………… and ……………………………
2 …………………………… and ……………………………
1 photography, gymnastics 2 ice hockey, running
See exercise 5.
5. Listen again. Match the speakers (1 and 2) with the sentences (a-d).
This person:
a started a new hobby recently.
b has bought some new equipment.
c didn’t use to like team sports.
d find it difficult to make time for his / her hobbies.
a 2 b 1 c 2 d 1
1 I’ve always loved photography, and used my dad’s camera for ages. I’ve taken loads of photos with it, but it’s a bit old fashioned. I’ve never had a really good camera. Anyway, I finally bought a new one a couple of weeks ago. Now I’ll be able to take some really good pictures. My other hobby is gymnastics – I do it at a local club with other teenagers. I love being part of the team. The only problem I have is that I don’t do gymnastics or photography as much as I’d like to. I’m so busy with homework and other things.
2 I’ve always loved going to the ice-rink and not long ago I took up ice hockey. I’m still a beginner, but I really enjoy it. I’ve got my own skates and my parents gave me a stick for my birthday last month, so I don’t have to borrow one from the club any more. I used to only like individual sports, ones that you do on your own, like running. But now I much prefer to be part of a team.
6. Write about two sports and activities you enjoy doing. Say where and when you do them and why you enjoy them.
your own answers
Extra exercises
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs below.
collect draw hang out make text use
1 My worst subject at school is art because I really can’t ……………………………
2 All of my friends …………………………… social media several times a day.
3 I usually …………………………… people instead of calling them because it’s far more convenient.
4 My uncle used to …………………………… stamps. He’s got hundreds of them!
5 Are you doing anything special tonight, or are you just going to …………………………… with your friends?
6 Hannah is very good at sewing, so she is able to …………………………… her own clothes.
1 draw 2 use 3 text 4 collect 5 hang out 6 make
2. Read the definitions and write the sports and activities.
1 an activity where people sleep outside in tents
2 an activity where people practise their acting skills
3 a sport or activity where people ride a bike
4 an activity where people dance with a partner using steps and movements
5 a sport or activity where people do physical exercise indoors, sometimes using bars or ropes.
6 a sport where two teams hit a ball over a high net with their hands
7 an activity for people who love spending money
8 an activity where people practise their skill with a camera
1 camping 2 drama 3 cycling / BMXing
4 ballroom dancing 5 gymnastics 6 volleyball
7 shopping 8 photography
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of play, do or go.
1 If it rains when we’re on holiday, we usually stay in and …………………………… board games.
2 Do you know anyone who …………………………… martial arts?
3 I …………………………… horse riding once when I was little and I hated it!
4 My brother is quite fit. He …………………………… running every morning before school.
5 Becky isn’t at home right now because she …………………………… basketball.
6 If you want to build up your muscles, you have to …………………………… weights.
1 play 2 does 3 went 4 goes 5 ’s playing 6 do
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