
1. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1   A   You have to / Do you have to / Have you to be really fit to run a half marathon?

     B   Yes, you have / you have to / you do. You have to / have / has to train hard for months.

 They learned Spanish when they lived in Spain, so they haven’t to / don’t have to / doesn’t have to study hard for the Spanish exam.

3   If you want to become a really good athlete, you have to / has to / haven’t to train every day.

4   A   Had you to / You had to / Did you have to take a taxi to the airport?

     B   Yes, we did / we had to / we had.

5   A   Have you to / Do you have to / You have to spend hours at the gym if you want to get fit?

     B   No, you haven’t / you have not / you don’t, but you has to / have to / have go three times a week.


1 you do, have to   2 don’t have to   3 have to   4 Did you have to, we did

5 Do you have to, you don’t, have to

2. Complete each sentence with the correct form of have to.

1   A   …Do… you …have to… have your own skis?

     B   No, you ……………… . You can hire them for the day.

2   You ……………… pay to use the gym for a day. It’s free if you want to try it.

3   Sometimes she can work from home, so she ……………… go to her office every day.

4   In some countries, children ……………… go to school in the evenings. I think it’s better to go in the morning.

5   A   ……………… I ……………… become a member to use the swimming pool?

     B   Yes, you ……………… .

6   A   What time ……………… she ……………… catch the bus to school in the morning?

     B   She ……………… get the bus at 7:30 because she lives far from her school.


1 don’t   2 don’t have to   3 doesn’t have to   4 have to

5 Do, have to, do   6 does, have to, has to

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.

1   If you want to go running, you ………………… buy comfortable running shoes.

2   You ………………… go to the gym every day – three times a week is enough.

3   ………………… I ………………… use the same machines every time I go to the gym?

4   You ………………… take a small towel with you when you go to the gym.

5   He ………………… be careful on his bike. Last year he had a bad accident.


1 have to   2 don’t have to   3 Do (I) have to

4 have to   5 has to

4. Match questions 1–8 with answers a–h.

1 ..d..   Do we have to take our shoes off?

2 ……   How much do you have to pay for a ticket?

3 ……   Do you have to be a member to use the swimming pool?

4 ……   Does she have to walk home?

5 ……   Do you have to walk the dog every day?

6 ……   Do you have to help in the kitchen?

7 ……   I want to stay at home. Why do I have to go for a walk?

8 ……   What time do you have to leave for work?

a   Because you have to stay fit.

b   No, I don’t. My parents do everything.

 Yes, I do. Every day.

d   No, you don’t. You can keep them on.

e   At 8 o’clock.

 Nothing. It’s free.

g   No, you don’t. It’s open to everybody.

h   No, she doesn’t. She’s got enough money for a taxi.


2 f   3 g   4 h   5 c   6 b   7 a   8 e

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or a short answer.

1   In a kitchen, ……you have to work…… (you / work) very carefully.

2   A   ……………………………… (you / buy) any new clothes for your new job?

     B   Yes, ……………………………… .

3   ……………………………… (I / not / pay) rent at the moment, because I’m staying with my parents.

4   I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt, but at work ……………………………… (I / wear) a suit.

5   A   What ……………………………… (we / do) before we start the game?

     B   I don’t know. Read the instructions.

6   A   Do ……………………………… (I / take) them a present?

     B   No, ……………………………… . But it’s a nice idea.

7   My son would like to see this film. How old ……………………………… (he / be)?

8   To get ft, I think ……………………………… (you / walk) for at least half an hour a day.


2   Do you have to buy; I do

3   I don’t have to pay

4   I have to wear

5   do we have to do

6   I have to take; you don’t

7   does he have to be

8   you have to walk

6. Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) next to each activity and write sentences that are true for you.

1   I / study for three hours every evening ✓

      I have to study for three hours every evening.

2   I / cook dinner every night


3   I / do a lot of homework


4   My teacher / help me with grammar


5   My best friend / sometimes / wait for me


6   My father / go to work at 8 o’clock



Students’ own answers

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