Taking a message
1. Listen to Kieran, a personal assistant, take a telephone message. What does the caller want to do?
Set up a meeting ◻
Change some arrangements ◻
Complain about a problem ◻
Change some arrangements

Answer & Transcript
b 0207-772994 (office)
c Meet in his office in Building 3 (not the main building) at 4pm (not 2pm). Call before 1.30 pm to confirm.
Kieran: Hello. This is Kieran Donnelly speaking.
Kenji: Oh, er, hello. Is James Green there?
Kieran: No. I’m afraid he’s out of the office right now. I’m his personal assistant. Would you like to leave a message?
Kenji: Er, yes, thanks. I was supposed to meet him at two o’clock this afternoon, but something has come up. I wonder if we can rearrange it to 4 pm instead, and maybe meet here in my office, that’s in Building 3, rather than in the main building?
Kieran: OK, so … meet in your office in Building 3, not the main building, at four o’clock, not two. Got it.
Kenji: Thanks.
Kieran: OK. I’ll make sure he gets that. What’s your name, please?
Kenji: Kenji Fujita. That’s K-E-N-J-I Fujita, F-U-J-I-T-A.
Kieran: OK. And does he know what number to contact you on if there’s a problem?
Kenji: He’s only got my cell phone number. My office number is 0207 772994. That’s direct
Kieran: Sorry, what was that last part again, please?
Kenji: 772994. Oh, and can you please to ask him to call be before one thirty to confirm? I’ll be in a meeting after that.
Kieran: Will do.
Kenji: OK. Thanks very much.
Kieran: You’re welcome. Thanks for your call.
Note taking
Now listen to Kieran take quite a long and detailed message. Complete his notes.

Answer & Transcript
b the marketing strategy report
c valued customers
d ordered from the company
e average age
f last summer’s TV campaign
g net income
h the cost
Kieran: Hello. This is Kieran Donnelly speaking. How may I help you?
Hilda: Hello. This is Hilda Birghard calling. Can I speak to James Green, please?
Kieran: I’m afraid Mr Green is out of the office right now.
Hilda: Would you mind taking a message?
Kieran: Not at all.
Hilda: Can you tell him that the report he asked for on next year’s marketing strategy it is almost ready, but we have a couple of queries we need answering first.
Kieran: OK, so … queries for the marketing strategy report. Sorry, I didn’t get your name.
Hilda: Hilda Brighard. B-I-R-G-H-A-R-D.
Kieran: Thank you. So, there are two queries, you say?
Hilda: Yes, the first is what percentage of his clients are what we call ‘valued customers’ … that means they have ordered from the company before, and what is their average age? Have you got that?
Kieran: Yes, OK. Got it. And the second?
Hilda: How many sales resulted from last summer’s television campaign, and what was the net income compared to the cost?
Kieran: Sorry, what was that last bit again?
Hilda: What was the net income compared to the cost? Does that make sense?
Kieran: Fine. I’ll make sure he gets this when he gets in. It should be mid-afternoon sometime.
Hilda: OK, that’s great. Thanks very much.
Leaving a message
1. Listen and complete these expressions.
a Could I …………………, please?
b Thanks a lot. I …………………
c Does that …………………?
d Do you think you could …………………?
e Can I ask …………………?
f Have you …………………?
g …………………, please.
h ………………… taking a message?
i I …………………. Thank you.
j Sorry. I didn’t …………………
k Could you …………………?
a leave a message
b appreciate it
c make sense
d take a message
e who’s calling
f got that
g Who is this
h Would you mind
i appreciate your help
j get your name
k repeat that back
to ask to leave a message? ……………….
to thank the person taking the message? ……………….
to check the person has understood you correctly? ……………….
to ask to leave a message: a, d, h
to thank the person taking the message: b, i
to check the person has understood you correctly: c, f, k
Answer & Transcript
e, g, j
a Could I leave a message, please?
b Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
c Does that make sense?
d Do you think you could take a message?
e Can I ask who’s calling?
f Have you got that?
g Who is this, please?
h Would you mind taking a message?
i I appreciate your help. Thank you.
j Sorry. I didn’t get your name.
k Could you repeat that back?
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