
Listening task 1: A good first impression

A Listen. People are talking about strategies they use to make a good first impression. Complete their examples.

“Nice to meet you, ____Rei____.” OR “So, ___Rei___, where do you work?

“Yes, I do. I like the music, but I really like _________, too. That’s my _________.”

“Have you ever taken a _________ with this _________ before?”

“So, _________ are you _________?” OR “What do you _________?” OR “Are you a _________ _________?”

Answer & Audioscripts

1 Rei, Rei

2 jazz, favorite

3 class, professor

4 where, from, do, baseball fan


1   Use people’s names.

Woman:   I think it’s important to remember people’s names. One way that helps me remember the names of people I meet is to use the names. When I meet someone new, I try to say the person’s name often during the conversation. For example, to remember Rei’s name, I might say, “Nice to meet you, Rei.” or “So, Rei, where do you work?” I try to remember people’s names by using them.

2   Add extra information

Man:   It’s really difficult to have a conversation with someone who only answers “yes” and “no” or who gives very short answers to questions. When I’m having a conversation, I always try to add extra information. For example, at a party, if someone asks me if I like the music, I don’t just say, “Yes.” Instead, I say, “Yes, I do. I like this music, but I really like jazz, too. That’s my favorite.” I think extra information makes the conversation more interesting.

3   Find something in common.

Man:   When I meet someone for the first time, I like to try to find something we have in common – something that’s the same about me and the other person. Maybe we like the same food, or we go to the same school. For example, when I meet another university student, I might ask, “Have you ever taken a class with this professor before?” If we find something in common, we have lots to talk about, and the conversation continues.

4   Ask about the other person.

Woman:   Some people only talk about themselves, and they don’t ask questions about the other person. But I think it’s important to ask about the other person, too. When I meet someone new, I usually try to ask the other person questions and make small talk to get to know them. Small talk means just talking about everyday topics. For example, I say, “So, where are you from?” or “What do you do?” or “Are you a baseball fan?” – nothing too serious or too personal. I think asking about other people shows them you’re interested in meeting them.

B Now listen to four other conversations. Which strategies from Exercise A do the speakers use? Write the strategies.

1   _______________

2   _______________

3   _______________

4   _______________

Answer & Audioscripts

1 Find something in common.

2 Use people’s names.

3 Ask about the other person.

4 Add extra information.



Man:   Hey, I’m from Canada, too! I’m from Toronto. How about you?

Woman:   Me, too!

Man:   Really? I went to North Toronto High School.

Woman:   Hey, so did I!

Man:   No way! That’s amazing.


Amy:   Hi. I’m Amy Rogers. You’re new here, aren’t you?

Kate:   Hi, Amy. Yes, I just started this week. I’m Kate Mills.

Amy:   It’s nice to meet you, Kate.

Kate:   Nice to meet you, too, Amy.

Amy:   So, Kate, how …?


Man:   So, what do you do?

Woman:   I’m an English teacher.

Man:   Oh, really? Do you teach at the university here?

Woman:   Yes, I do.

Man:   Great. So, how long have you been teaching?


Man:   Did you say you’re a student?

Woman:   Yes, I am. I go to the University of Queensland, in Australia. I love it. It’s a pretty big school, so there are lots of interesting courses and fun things going on around campus. Let’s see. What else can I tell you?

Listening task 2: Keep the conversation going

A Listen. People are meeting for the first time. How do they keep the conversations going? Number the strategies in the correct order from 1 to 3.

1  ___ say their names

    ___ comment about the place

    ___ talk about something they have in common

2  ___ say their names

    ___ comment about the weather

    ___ ask a question

3  ___ add extra information

    ___ ask a question

    ___ say their names

4  ___ comment about the place

    ___ say their names

    ___ talk about something they have in common

Answer & Audioscripts

1  2 say their names

    1 comment about the place

    3 talk about something they have in common

2  2 say their names

    1 comment about the weather

    3 ask a question

3  3 add extra information

    2 ask a question

    1 say their names

4  2 comment about the place

    1 say their names

    3 talk about something they have in common

Audioscripts in B below

B Listen again. Do you think the conversations will continue? Check (✓) yes or no.








Answer & Audioscripts

1 yes   2 no   3 no   4 yes



Maria:   This is a really nice campus. I love this school, don’t you?

Tom:   Yeah, I like it, too. My name’s Tom, by the way.

Maria:   I’m Maria. Nice to meet you, Tom. You know, I think I’ve seen you in some of my classes. Are you an English major?

Tom:   Yeah, I am. You, too?

Maria:   Yes. I’m a senior this year. I’ll be graduating in May.

Tom:   Really? Me, too. So, what are you planning to do when you graduate?


Terry:   Sure is hot out today, huh?

Elena:   Mmm.

Terry:   Uh, I’ve seen you around the office, but I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Terry – Terry Moss. I work on the third floor.

Elena:   Hi, Terry.

Terry:   And your name is?

Elena:   Elena.

Terry:   Um, uh, so, Elena, how do you like working here?

Elena:   It’s OK.


Alex:   Hi. I’m Alex.

Tina:   Oh, hi. I’m Tina.

Alex:   So, have you lived here long?

Tina:   No, actually, I …

Alex:   Have you heard of the Strangers? That’s my band. I’m a musician. I play guitar, keyboard, and drums.

Tina:   Oh! That’s …

Alex:   I can play five different instruments. I sing, too. I write my own songs. In fact, I’ve already recorded two CDs with the band, and we’re working on our third.

Tina:   Oh.


Jim:   Hello, Chris. I’m glad you could come.

Chris:   Well, thanks for inviting me.

Jim:   Chris, I’d like you to meet my wife.

Chris:   Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.

Emma:   Nice to meet you, too, Chris. I’m Emma.

Chris:   What a beautiful home you have.

Emma:   Oh, thank you.

Chris:   So, Emma, Jim tells me you’re from Seattle. I’m from Seattle, too.

Emma:   You’re kidding! What part are you from?

Listening task 3

Listen. Circle the correct answers.

1  The people are

    a. co-workers.

    b. students.

    c. friends.

2  The woman used to work

    a. in Chicago.

    b. near Chicago.

    c. far from Chicago.

3  The man

    a. knows a little about Chicago.

    b. is going to visit Chicago.

    c. is from Chicago.

4  The man is interested in

    a. museums.

    b. concerts.

    c. museums and concerts.

5  The woman is interested in

    a. museums.

    b. concerts.

    c. museums and concerts.

Answer & Audioscripts


Man:   Hi. You must be the new person.

Woman:   Yeah, that’s right. I just started on Monday.

Man:   So, how do you like it here?

Woman:   It’s great, so far. Everybody’s been so nice to me. I’m really enjoying the work. It’s a nice change from my last job.

Man:   Oh? Where did you work before?

Woman:   I worked at Delta Communications, in marketing.

Man:   Delta. Where’re they located?

Woman:   Close to Chicago – just outside the city, in a smaller town.

Man:   Are you from Chicago originally?

Woman:   Yes, I am. My family still lives there. Have you ever been to Chicago?

Man:   No, I haven’t. But I’ve heard it’s very nice, and I’ve heard there are some great museums there, too.

Woman:   Yes, there are. The art museums are wonderful. I used to go all the time.

Man:   Well, there are some great art galleries here, in the downtown area. You should visit them when you have a chance.

Woman:   Great! I definitely will. Are you interested in art, too?

Man:   Yes, I like going to museums. But I’m even more interested in music, especially jazz. I love going to concerts.

Woman:   Really? So do I! I love classical music, too. How about you? Do you like classical music?

Listening task 4

A Listen. How do the speakers keep the conversations going? Number the strategies in the correct order from 1 to 3. (There is one extra strategy.)

1   ___ say their names

      ___ comment about the weather

      ___ add extra information

      ___ ask a question

2   ___ comment about the place

      ___ talk about something they have in common

      ___ comment about the weather

      ___ say their names

3   ___ ask a question

      ___ say their names

      ___ comment about the place

      ___ add extra information

4   ___ add extra information

      ___ ask a question

      ___ say their names

      ___ comment about the weather

5   ___ say their names

      ___ add extra information

      ___ comment about the place

      ___ talk about something they have in common

Answer & Audioscripts

1 1, X, 3, 2

2 2, X, 1, 3

3 2, 3, 1, X

4 3, 2, 1, X

5 X, 2, 1, 3

Audioscripts in B below

B Listen again. Do you think the conversations will continue? Check (✓) yes or no.









Answer & Audioscripts

1 yes   2 yes   3 no   4 no   5 yes



Jason:   Hi. I’m Jason.

Diana:   I’m Diana.

Jason:   Nice to meet you. Is this your first class with Dr. Walker?

Diana:   Yes. I’ve heard he’s great. I’ve wanted to take this course for a long time. I’m so excited to learn more about art history.

Jason:   Oh, you’re going to love it. Dr. Walker …


Jenny:   Great day, huh? It finally stopped raining.

Alex:   Yeah, it’s beautiful. This is my first time here. I really like it. There’s so much to see and do.

Jenny:   Yeah, it’s a great town. By the way, my name’s Jenny.

Alex:   I’m Alex. It’s great to meet you.


David:   What a beautiful theater!

Samantha:   Yeah, it’s nice.

David:   Have you been here before?

Samantha:   Mm-hmm.

David:   Oh, I’m David Tannen.

Samantha:   Samantha Lavalle.

David:   It’s nice to meet you.

Samantha:   Uh-huh.


Olivia:   Hi. I’m Olivia.

Steve:   Hi, Olivia. I’m Steve.

Olivia:   So, Steve, have you worked here long?

Steve:   No, I started last…

Olivia:   This is my first day. I used to work at Moe’s – you know, the big department store…

Steve:   Oh, I know someone…

Olivia:   But I think I’m going to live working here better. I really enjoy this type of work, and the people here are so nice.

Steve:   Yeah.


Mike:   This is a great school.

Tara:   Yeah, I like it, too. I used to go to Smithgrove University, but I transferred here in the fall.

Mike:   Really? I used to go to Smithgrove, too. I’m a chemistry major, how about you?

Tara:   Me, too!

Mike:   No kidding! Which professors did you have there?

Tara:   Well, let’s see, I had…

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