
1. Write sentences with used to or didn’t use to and the verbs provided.

1   I had a yacht, but I sold it when my business failed. (own)

      … I used to own a yacht. ……

2   I often eat olives now, although I wasn’t keen on them when I was younger. (like)


3   I seem to have lost interest in meeting new people. (enjoy)


4   My sister has started visiting art galleries since moving to Paris. (be interested)


5   Now that I’m married, I have less time for football. (play)


6   My brother had his hair cut short when he left college. (have)


7   I didn’t really see my uncle until he bought a house near ours. (live)


8   My husband had a job in Beijing before we lived here. (work)


9   I retired from the university five years ago. (teach)


10   We’ve bought bikes since we moved to the countryside. (cycle)



Example answers:

2 I didn’t use to like olives.

3 I used to enjoy meeting new people.

4 My sister didn’t use to be interested in visiting art galleries.

5 I used to play football more often.

6 My brother used to have long hair.

7 My uncle didn’t use to live near us.

8 My husband used to work in Beijing.

9 I used to teach at the university.

10 We didn’t use to cycle.

2. Choose the correct alternative.

It is sometimes said that there is nothing new in the world of fashion. Annabelle was a well-known model during the seventies. When her granddaughter Zoe was a schoolchild, she (1) was enjoying / used to enjoy looking at granny’s old photo albums. She (2) was finding / found it hard to believe that granny (3) was wearing / used to wear such strange clothes. (4) Did people really use to think / Were people really thinking flared trousers looked good? And those ugly platform shoes! Annabelle (5) was admitting / admitted that people (6) were often falling / often used to fall over because their heels were so high.

When Zoe went to university, however, Annabelle noticed to her amusement that seventies styles (7) were / used to be in fashion again. ‘I (8) planned / was planning to throw all my old clothes away,’ she said, ‘but Zoe went to a party last week, and guess what she (9) used to wear / was wearing – that’s right, some of my old clothes!’


2 found   3 used to wear

4 Did people really use to think

5 admitted   6 often used to fall

7 were   8 was planning

9 was wearing

3. Underline the verbs which can be changed to used to (used to work / used to play / used to be etc.) instead of the past simple. If no change is possible, write ‘No change’. Rewrite the sentences with used to where possible.

1   In the winter vacation, Dan worked in a cafe while his friends were skiing.

     … In the winter vacation, Dan used to work in a cafe while his friends were skiing. ……

2   Theo cycled from Naples to Athens last summer, stopping each night in a different town.

      … No change ……

3   My mother had a favourite handbag which she had bought with her first pay cheque.


4   As Lynda was getting out of the boat, her foot slipped and she fell into the river.


5   Before the new shopping centre was built, there was a football stadium here.


6   Jamie complained that the street wasn’t full of litter until the fast food restaurant opened.


7   During our cruise I took several photos of the seabirds which followed the ship.


8   While I was waiting for the bus, I noticed a group of tourists who were listening to a guide.


9   The music in this club was terrible until they installed a new sound system.


10   I spent a lot of time helping with the housework when I was a kid, but my sister didn’t help at all.


11   The politicians made lots of promises before the election but kept none of them, as usual.



3 had: My mother used to have a favourite handbag which she had bought with her first pay cheque.

4 No change

5 was: Before the new shopping centre was built, there used to be a football stadium here.

6 wasn’t: Jamie complained that the street didn’t use to be full of litter until the fast food restaurant opened.

7 followed: During our cruise I took several photos of the seabirds which used to follow the ship.

8 No change

9 was: The music in this club used to be terrible before they installed a new sound system.

10 spent: I used to spend a lot of time helping with the housework when I was a kid, but my sister didn’t use to help at all.

11 No change

4. Write true sentences about yourself with used to or didn’t use to and the words from the box.

cinema      computer games      friends      grandparents

homework      jeans      music      restaurants

1   … I used to go on holiday with my parents, but now I go with my friends. ……

2   … I didn’t use to wear jeans when I was a child. ……

3   ……………………………………………………………

4   ……………………………………………………………

5   ……………………………………………………………

6   ……………………………………………………………

7   ……………………………………………………………

8   ……………………………………………………………


Example answers:

3 I used to play computer games every day after school.

4 I used to go to the cinema every weekend, but I don’t have time now.

5 I didn’t use to have so much homework at my last school.

6 I didn’t use to eat in restaurants, but now I go several times a week.

7 I used to listen to music while I was working, but my new boss doesn’t allow it.

8 I used to see my grandparents every week when I was younger.

5. Complete the sentences with suitable verbs in the correct form: past simple, past continuous or used to.

1   When did Ellie meet her husband?

      I think it was while she …was studying…… in the States.

2   What does Warren keep shouting at people?

      I don’t know. He ……………………… so bad-tempered.

3   How long is it since you ……………………… a holiday?

      Not since last year.

4   Is the bank shut already?

      Yeah, it ……………………… open much later than it does now.

5   What were you doing on your phone?

      I ……………………… some cinema tickets for tomorrow night.

6   Have you ever ridden a motorbike?

      Yes, once. But I ……………………… off at a roundabout.

7   I didn’t know you understood Italian!

      Oh, I ……………………… it while I ……………………… in Rome

8   How do you know London so well?

      Well, I ……………………… here.


Example answers:

2 didn’t use to be   3 had

4 used to stay   5 was booking/buying

6 fell   7 learnt/learned … was working

8 used to live

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