
1. Choose the correct alternative.

ADAM: Hello, MIKE. What (1) are you doing / do you do in my part of London?

MIKE:   Well, actually, (2) I’m looking / I look at these new flats (3) they’re building / they build down the road here.

ADAM: Well, (4) they’re looking / they look quite cool, but (5) I’m thinking / I think they’re quite expensive. So (6) are you wanting / do you want to move to this area?

MIKE:    Yes. In fact, well, the news is that Mandy and I (7) are getting / get married.

ADAM: Oh, wow! Congratulations. When (8) were you deciding / did you decide?

MIKE:    Only last week. It was while (9) we were staying / we stayed with her family in Scotland. Now (10) we try / we’re trying to find a suitable flat.

ADAM: I hope you manage to buy one of these.

MIKE:    Oh, (11) we aren’t looking / we don’t look for one to buy. (12) We aren’t having / We don’t have enough money yet. (13) We’re wanting / We want to rent one.

ADAM: Yes, of course. That’s what Anna and I (14) did / were doing at first. After that, my brother (15) was lending / lent us some money. That’s how (16) we were managing / we managed to buy ours.

MIKE:    You’re right. We must talk to our families before (17) we choose / we’re choosing a flat.

ADAM: Yeah, my family (18) gave / were giving us a lot of help and advice. Now, what about a sandwich at my place? It’s just round the corner.

MIKE:    Oh yes, thanks. (19) I looked / I was looking for somewhere to eat when (20) I was bumping / I bumped into you.


2 I’m looking   3 they’re building

4 they look   5 I think   6 do you want

7 are getting   8 did you decide

9 we were staying   10 we’re trying

11 we aren’t looking   12 We don’t have

13 We want   14 did   15 lent

16 we managed   17 we choose

18 gave   19 I was looking   20 I bumped

2. Put the verbs into the correct form: present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

1   I remember the day you got engaged. I …was having…… a shower when you phoned. (have)

2   He tried to explain his problems to his parents, but they just ………………… what he was talking about. (not / understand)

3   What have you put in my burger? It ………………… absolutely disgusting. (taste)

4   Leo always claimed that he was innocent, but for many years no one ………………… him. (believe)

5   It’s a great jacket, I know, but unfortunately it ………………… to me. I’m just borrowing it for the party this evening. (not / belong)

6   Why ………………… a coat? You’ll freeze to death in this cold wind! (you / not / wear)

7   Zoe fell over and hurt her ankle when she ………………… this morning. (jog)

8   While I was admiring the view, someone ………………… my phone from my bag. (steal)

9   Look! ………………… that man standing at the checkout? I’m sure I know him. (you / see)

10   Tea or coffee? I’m making both, so just say which you ………………… . (prefer)


2 didn’t understand   3 tastes

4 believed   5 doesn’t belong

6 aren’t you wearing   7 was jogging

8 stole   9 Do you see   10 prefer

3. There are mistakes in eight of these sentences. Correct the sentences where necessary. Write ‘OK’ if the sentence is already correct.

 The coffee is smelling wonderful.

      The coffee smells wonderful.

 Last year we visited Australia.


 The ship sank because the engineer wasn’t calling for help until it was too late.


 My brother is always texting during movies. It’s so distracting!


 How is Jennifer? Does her health improve?


 You’re quite right, I’m completely agreeing with you.


 What did you after you left school?


 Now I understand what you’re trying to say!


 I can’t imagine why you were believing all those stories.


10   Martin looked forward to a quiet evening when his brother came home from the football match with ten friends.


11   Philippa heard the election result as she was driving to work, so she immediately stopped and phoned me.


12   I’m sorry, I’ve spilt your drink. Where are you keeping the paper towels?



3   because the engineer didn’t call for help

4   OK

5   Is her health improving?

6   I completely agree with you.

7   What did you do after you left school?

8   OK

9   why you believed all those stories

10   Martin was looking forward to

11   OK

12   Where do you keep the paper towels?

4. Complete the email with suitable verbs in the correct form: present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

From:   Alice
To:   Anita
Subject:   Hiya!

Hi Anita,

Thanks for the text you (1) ……sent……. yesterday. I (2) ………………. to feel better now although my back still (3) ………………. if I (4) ………………. too far.

Last night I (5) ………………. some friends who (6) ………………. dinner near here. I (7) ………………. to the cafe quite easily, but while I (8) ………………. home, my back (9) ………………. to ache really badly. So today I (10) ………………. more careful.

Remember that great song we heard during Laura’s birthday meal? Well, I finally (11) ………………. to find out who sings it! They have a concert next month if you (12) ………………. to go together? You could invite John too – I know you (13) ………………. for a thank-you gif for him.

I must lie down now because my back (14) ………………. to hurt again. Come and see me soon. I’m OK, but you know me, I (15) ………………. bored very quickly!

Love, Alice


Example answers:

2 ’m beginning / am beginning

3 hurts   4 walk   5 met

6 were having   7 walked

8 was walking   9 began

10 ’m being / am being

11 managed   12 want

13 were looking   14 is beginning

15 get

5. Complete the questions with suitable verbs in the correct form: present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

1   Why …are you wearing…… your coat and hat?

     I’m really cold.

2   How often ………………………… your teeth?

     Twice a day.

3   When ………………………… your driving test?

     Last Friday. Would you like a lift somewhere?

4   ………………………… this programme?

     No, it’s not very interesting.

5   What time ………………………… to bed last night?

      About one o’clock I think.

6   ………………………… this jumper is too small for me?

     Not at all. It’s fine.

7   What ………………………… at one o’clock this morning?

      I was at home watching TV.

8   What time …………………………?

      Nine o’clock usually.


2   do you clean

3   did you pass

4   Are you watching

5   did you go

6   Do you think

7   were you doing

8   does the post office open

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