1. Look at photo A. What do you think has happened?

1 but I’d say (that) 2 be (that) 3 say, but 4 as if
5 pretty certain that 6 that 7 I’d say (that)
2. Complete the phrases for speculating with the phrases below. Then describe photo A.
as if be (that) but I’d say that I’d say (that)
pretty certain that say, but that
1 I can’t be sure, …………………………….. …
2 It could …………………………….. …
3 It’s hard to …………………………….. …
4 It looks …………………………….. …
5 I’m …………………………….. …
6 It’s clear …………………………….. …
7 Judging by (her expression), …………………………….. …
your own answers
3. Compare and contrast photos A and B. Make notes.
1 Where are the people? What are they doing? What are the wearing?
2 Similarities between the photos:
3 Differences between the photos:
4 How do you think the people are feeling?
Do you think that people who call the emergency services without a good reason should be punished? Why do you think that?
your own answers
4. Listen to a student answering the questions above and complete the sentences.
1 Let me see. I’d have to give that some t____________ .
2 P____________ , I think it depends.
3 As I s____________ it, it depends on why they made the call.
4 I b____________ that they should be punished, maybe with a fine.
5 So, all things c____________, you’d have to look at each unnecessary call individually.
1 thought 2 Personally 3 see 4 believe 5 considered
Examiner Do you think that people who call the emergency services without a good reason should be punished?
Student Let me see. I’d have to give that some thought. Personally, I think it depends. I believe that some people should be punished, but not everyone.
E Can you explain why?
S Well, as I see it, it depends on why they made the call. If they are deliberately wasting the emergency services’ time, then I believe that they should be punished, maybe with a fine. But if it was a genuine mistake or the person was confused in some way, it would be wrong to punish them. So, all things considered, you’d have to look at each unnecessary call individually.
5. Read the question below. Write notes for your answer.
What is the best thing to do in an emergency?
your own answers
Speaking Strategy
– Speak in a loud, clear voice.
– Look at the other person when they are speaking to you and when you are speaking to them.
6. Read the Speaking Strategy. Now describe photo B, compare it with photo A and answer the question from exercise 5 using your notes.
your own answers
Extra exercises
Ask your partner lots of questions to keep the conversation going. When answering your partner’s questions, avoid giving short answer. Expand upon your answers, giving reasons and examples.
1. Read the Strategy. Match A-E with 1-5.
1 So, what do the three photos have in common?
2 What do you think of this one?
3 Do you like that one?
4 So, which one should we choose?
5 Do you agree?
A No, I don’t. If I’m honest, I think it looks a bit boring.
B Yes, I do. 100%. I think we’ve made the right decision.
C They all show different kinds of presents.
D To be blunt, I think it’s awful!
E I don’t know. Personally, I don’t really think any of them are suitable.
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 E 5 B
2. Work in pairs. Compare and contrast photos A-C. Then do the task below.

It’s the end of term and you want to say ‘thank you’ to one of your teachers. First, decide which teacher you want to thank. Then decide which of the items in photos A-C would be most suitable and talk about when and where you will give the gift.
3. Work in pairs. Find out which ‘thank you’ from exercise 2 your partner would like to receive, and why. Then talk about other ways you can thank someone.
your own answers
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