Exercise 1
People are talking as they shop. Listen and number the pictures.

Answer & Transcript
A: I think these are too big. Do you have a smaller pair?
B: Yes, we do. What size are those?
A: These are 9 1/2.
B: Let me find a smaller pair. Um—much smaller.
A: How much is this?
B: It’s $399.
A: $399. That’s very expensive.
B: It does look very nice on you.
A: Bob, what do you think?
C: Very nice. But how much?
A: It’s only $399.
C: $399! You must be kidding!
A: Oh, I haven’t read this. Is it good?
B: I think so.
A: Is it a mystery?
B: Well, actually I haven’t read it, but I think so.
A: Just what I need. I’ll take it.
A: Are these fresh?
B: Yes, they are.
A: They look delicious.
B: Why don’t you try one?
A: Really? Okay. Mmm. These are good.
A: I think these are fine. They’ll be great for the beach. What do you think?
B: Yes, but don’t you think they’re a little small?
A: Can I play this one? I’d like to listen to it before I buy it.
B: Yes, let me play that for you. I think you’ll like it.
Exercise 2
Task 1
Customers are talking to salespeople in a store. Do the customers make a purchase? Listen and check the correct answer.
1. ◻ yes
◻ no
2. ◻ yes
◻ no
3. ◻ yes
◻ no
4. ◻ yes
◻ no
5. ◻ yes
◻ no
6. ◻ yes
◻ no
7. ◻ yes
◻ no
8. ◻ yes
◻ no
Task 2
Listen again. What do you think the clerk says next? Circle the correct answer.
1. a. Okay. It’s $37.50 with tax.
b. Let me know if you need help.
2. a. You’re welcome.
b. Cash or credit?
3. a. You’re welcome.
b. Can I show you something else?
4. a. Why not?
b. Okay. Let me know if I can help you.
5. a. Let me put it in a box for you.
b. Let me check.
6. a. Great! Let me know if I can help you.
b. Great! I’ll ring it up for you.
7. a. Let me know if you need help.
b. How many do you need?
8. a. Would you like to pay with cash?
b. We may get more next week.
Answer & Transcript
A: Could I help you with anything today, ma’am?
B: Well, I really like this blouse. Do you have it in another design?
A: Yes, we do.
B: Great! I’ll take it, then.
A: Do you need any help, sir?
B: Yes, actually, I do. These are a small and they’re too tight. Do you have a medium?
A: Yes.
B: Great! I’ll take them.
A: These are the most beautiful watches in the store.
B: They really are nice. How much is this one?
A: It’s $2,500. Would you like to buy it?
B: No, thanks. It’s too expensive for me.
A: Need any help this morning?
B: No, I’m just looking around for some gift ideas, thanks.
A: Those are really nice dresses.
B: Yes, they certainly are. I love the design. Do you have one in a size 12?
A: Yes, we do. Would you like to take it?
B: Yes, please.
A: Do you need any help?
B: Yes. I want to buy a shirt for my husband. Do you have anything in cotton?
A: Yes, we do. Look at these.
B: They’re perfect! I’ll buy the gray one.
A: Good afternoon, ma’am. Can I help you find anything?
B: Oh, I’m not sure what I want. I’ll just look around for a while, thanks.
A: May I help you with anything, or are you just looking?
B: I’d like these green gym shorts, please. Do you have them in a large?
A: I’m afraid we don’t.
B: Oh, that’s too bad.
Exercise 3
Task 1
These people are asking about items in a store. Listen and check the item they talk about.

Task 2
Listen again. Circle the correct answer.
1. a. You can machine-wash the shirt.
b. It’s best to dry clean it.
c. You can hand-wash it.
2. a. They are regular mail envelopes.
b. They can also be used for air mail.
c. They can be used for air mail and regular mail.
3. a. The man wants the watch for himself.
b. It’s not a woman’s watch.
c. Either a man or a woman can wear the watch.
4. a. The man likes both ties.
b. The woman prefers the striped tie.
c. The tie is a gift for someone.
5. a. The blouse is made of cotton.
b. The blouse is made of cotton and linen.
c. The blouse is made of linen.
6. a. The large apples aren’t very sweet.
b. Both types of apples are usually sweet.
c. They don’t like sweet apples.
Answer & Transcript
A: Can I try on that shirt, please?
B: This one?
A: No, not the one with the short sleeves. The other one.
B: Here you are.
A: Thanks. Can this be machine-washed, by the way?
B: No, it’s silk, so you should dry-clean it. It’s not a good idea to wash it by hand or machine-wash it.
A: I’d like to buy some envelopes.
B: Which ones? These big ones?
A: No, those are too big. Do you have any smaller ones?
B: How about these?
A: Yes, they look like a better size. Can they be used for air mail letters?
B: No. These are meant for regular mail.
A: Can I see that watch, please?
B: The one with the narrow band?
A: No. The one with the wide band. Is this a man’s watch? I’m looking for a gift for my girlfriend.
B: Actually, anyone can wear it. It’s not just for a man.
A: Hmm. It’s nice.
A: I love that tie.
B: I’m not crazy about stripes myself.
A: No, no—the blue and orange one.
B: Oh. I don’t like that, either.
A: It’s kind of fun. It’s for my brother’s birthday. He likes things that are a little different.
A: Can I see that blouse?
B: The one without the pockets?
A: No, the other one.
B: Here you are.
A: What fabric is this? Is it cotton?
B: I think it’s a linen and cotton blend.
A: I’d like to get some apples.
B: How about these big ones?
A: I don’t think they are very sweet. The smaller ones are usually sweeter.
B: Okay. Let’s get some of these small ones.
Exercise 4
People are shopping in a mall. What store are they in? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. a. a jewelry store
b. a shoe store
c. a grocery store
2. a. a sporting goods store
b. a bookstore
c. a music store
3. a. a stationery store
b. a jewelry store
c. a sporting goods store
4. a. a clothing store
b. a shoe store
c. a jewelry store
5. a. a music store
b. a bookstore
c. a grocery store
Answer & Transcript
1 b 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c
A: Here you are. Try these on.
B: Are you sure these are the right size? I can’t get my feet into them. They’re much too tight.
A: Well, I work at home, so I want something I can listen to while I’m working on my computer.
B: How about some jazz or soft rock?
A: I’ve got a lot of rock, and I don’t like jazz. What else do you have?
A: It’s her birthday. I usually buy her flowers, but this year, I want to get her something special.
B: We have some lovely watches.
A: She already has a watch. Do you have any pearl earrings?
A: Do you have this T-shirt in a medium?
B: Yes, and it’s available in three colors.
A: I like the black one. Where can I try it on?
A: Excuse me. I’d like a can of that special coffee, but I can’t reach the top shelf. Can you help me?
B: Sure. Here you go.
Exercise 5
Customers are talking to salespeople in a store. Do the customers make a purchase? Listen and check the correct answer.
1. ◻ yes
◻ no
2. ◻ yes
◻ no
3. ◻ yes
◻ no
4. ◻ yes
◻ no
5. ◻ yes
◻ no
Answer & Transcript
1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 yes 5 yes
A: How much are these jeans?
B: They’re $89.99.
A: Wow! Almost $100 for a pair of jeans! That’s too much.
B: They’ll be on sale next week.
A: Oh, okay. Maybe I’ll come back then.
A: The black boots are cheaper, but the brown ones are warmer.
B: I think I’ll take the brown ones.
A: Will that be cash or credit?
B: Here’s my credit card.
A: Does this jacket come in large or extra large?
B: Yes, but we’re sold out of those sizes. Would you like to try a medium?
A: No, thank you.
A: My girlfriend likes pink, so I think she’ll like this sweater. Can she return it if she doesn’t like it?
B: Sure. It’s no problem.
A: Great. Where do I pay?
B: The cashier is over there.
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I can’t decide if I like the blue dress or the brown one better.
A: Well, you have beautiful green eyes, so the brown one looks especially nice on you.
B: Yes, I think you’re right. I’ll take the brown one.
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