Listening Part 1 – 5 questions
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Transcript
Lines should be drawn between:
1 Sally and the girl with her feet in the water and a towel above her head
2 Fred and the boy with a parrot on his shoulder
3 Paul and the boy playing in the sand between the rocks, making a star
4 Mary and the woman wearing a sunhat, carrying bags
5 Vicky and the girl with a drink in her hand and a dolphin on her T-shirt
BOY: I took this picture when I had my beach holiday. Do you like it?
WOMAN: Yes, I do. Are these people all your friends?
BOY: Some of them are. Can you see the boy with the boat? The one who’s wearing jeans?
BOY: Well, that’s Jim. I like him a lot.
BOY: There’s another friend of mine. That’s Sally.
WOMAN: Which one’s she?
BOY: The girl with her feet in the water.
WOMAN: I see her. She’s holding a towel above her head.
BOY: Yes, that’s right.
WOMAN: And what about that boy there? What’s he got on his shoulder?
BOY: It’s a parrot.
WOMAN: Is it?
BOY: Yes, and that’s Fred. He wants to be a pirate!
BOY: There’s my new friend, Paul.
WOMAN: So he was on this holiday too? That’s nice.
BOY: He’s playing in the sand between those two rocks, look!
WOMAN: What’s he making?
BOY: A kind of star, I think.
WOMAN: And who’s that woman?
BOY: That’s my mum. Her name’s Mary.
WOMAN: Did she bring you a picnic that day?
BOY: Yes. And she’s got her sun hat on. It was very sunny there.
BOY: And Vicky’s in this picture too. She’s got a drink in her hand. Can you see her?
WOMAN: Oh, yes. She’s got a dolphin on her T-shirt!
BOY: That’s right. She’s another friend of mine. We looked for treasure one day, but we didn’t find any!
WOMAN: Oh hear!
Listening Part 2 – 5 questions
Listen and write. There is one example.
Dance lessons for Daisy
Where? at school
1 In which classroom? ……………………………….
2 On which day? ……………………………….
3 With which teacher? Mrs ……………………….
4 Take to first lesson: ……………………………….
5 Come home by: ……………………………….
Answer & Transcript
1 10/ten 2 (on) Monday(s) 3 Caris
4 (some) (new) shoes 5 (Daisy’s/my/your/her) bike
GIRL: Dad? Can I have some dance lessons? We can go to dance lessons at school now.
MAN: I don’t know, Daisy.
GIRL: Please? There’s a new teacher at school who can dance well.
MAN: Hmm … I don’t know.
MAN: Tell me about the dance lessons.
GIRL: They aren’t in my classroom.
MAN: Which classroom are they in, then?
GIRL: They’re in classroom ten. The one next to the playground.
MAN: Classroom ten. OK.
MAN: And which day are these lessons? Do you know?
GIRL: Yes. They’re on Monday.
MAN: On Monday … hmm. That’s OK, I think.
GIRL: So can I, Dad?
MAN: Well, what’s the name of the teacher who can give you these lessons?
GIRL: It’s Mrs Caris.
MAN: Let me write this down. Mrs Caris: C-A-R-I-S.
GIRL: Yes. She’s our English teacher too.
MAN: Oh!
GIRL: But you have to buy me something.
MAN: What? A new dress?
GIRL: No. Some shoes. We have to take them to the first lesson.
MAN: Do they have to be new shoes?
GIRL: Yes, please!
MAN: But how can you come home after the lesson? On the bus?
GIRL: No. There isn’t a bus then. I can take my bike that day and ride home.
MAN: On your bike – that’s a good idea! All right. You can go to the dance lessons.
GIRL: Great!
Listening Part 3 – 5 questions
What did John do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture.
There is one example.

Answer & Transcript
1 Friday – a party
2 Thursday – walk in the park
3 Sunday – cinema, film about rabbits
4 Tuesday – read book in living room
5 Saturday – football and picnic in the garden
WOMAN: Did you have a good week with your cousin, John?
BOY: Yes, it was great, Miss White. They live in a big town?
WOMAN: Oh, yes? Tell me? What did you do there?
BOY: We went skating on Wednesday. I enjoyed it a lot.
BOY: We had a party another day.
WOMAN: Which day was that?
BOY: It was on Friday. It was my cousin’s birthday. Her friend gave her a rabbit!
WOMAN: Wow! And did you give her a present?
BOY: Yes – a football, but we couldn’t play because it rained that day.
BOY: We went on a bus one day. We sat upstairs in the front.
WOMAN: Was that on Monday?
BOY: No … it was on Thursday morning. I think. Yes, Thursday, that’s right.
WOMAN: And where did you go?
BOY: To a kind of park. We played games there on the grass.
BOY: Sunday was my best day.
WOMAN: What did you do that day?
BOY: My aunt got us some tickets are we went to see a film.
WOMAN: What was it about?
BOY: A family of rabbits. It was very funny. They could talk!
WOMAN: And what did you do on Tuesday, John?
BOY: On Tuesday? Ermm … that was a quiet day, I think. We were at home that day. I read a book in the living room.
WOMAN: Was it a good story?
BOY: It was OK. It was about a rabbit. It wasn’t very exciting.
BOY: And on Saturday evening, I came home again.
WOMAN: But what did you do in the day, before that? Did you go into the town again?
BOY: Not that day. My uncle played football with us and we had a picnic in the garden.
WOMAN: Great!
BOY: Yes. I always enjoy my holidays there.
Listening Part 4 – 5 questions
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.
What’s Tony doing?

1 What did Jane buy yesterday?

2 What was Jack’s dream about?

3 Where’s Peter’s mouse?

4 Which person is Kim?

5 What did Mr Rice find in his car?

Answer & Transcript
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A
What’s Tony doing?
WOMAN: Tony! Are you having a bath?
MAN: No, I’m getting some water to wash the car. Why?
WOMAN: It’s all right. I could hear water, that’s all. Do you want a drink? I’m making some tea.
MAN: No, thank you!
1 What did Jane buy yesterday?
MAN: What’s that, Jane?
GIRL: It’s a cup for Mum. I got it in a big shop.
MAN: When you went shopping yesterday?
GIRL: Yes, I took the puppy with me. I had a good day, but I didn’t buy any new shoes. I wanted some, but I couldn’t find any.
MAN: Oh!
2 What was Jack’s dream about?
WOMAN: Are you all right, Jack?
BOY: No, Mum. I had a funny dream.
WOMAN: Was it about monsters again?
BOY: No, it was about a big bear. I was afraid.
WOMAN: Well, get up now and come and have some breakfast.
3 Where’s Peter’s mouse?
BOY: Grandma, I can’t find my mouse. He isn’t in his cage.
WOMAN: Oh, Peter! Have you looked in your box? He was there yesterday when you couldn’t find him.
BOY: I looked there. What’s that? Look! That sock’s moving!
WOMAN: It’s your mouse! He’s inside it.
BOY: Oh, yes. You naughty mouse! Come here!
4 Which person is Kim?
GIRL: There’s my friend Kim, Dad.
MAN: Do you mean the girl in the red trousers?
GIRL: Not her. I mean the girl in the red skirt. Can you see her?
MAN: The person with the red jacket on too?
GIRL: Dad! That’s Kim’s mother! Put your glasses on!
5 What did Mr Rice find in his car?
WOMAN: Mr Rice is on television, Pat. He’s found something in his car. It’s very funny.
GIRL: Mum! I’m reading my book about spiders.
WOMAN: Oh … it’s a toy fish on the floor of his car! Look!
GIRL: What?
WOMAN: Come and see.
GIRL: No! Please be quiet!
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