Listening Part 1 – 5 questions
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Transcript
Lines should be drawn between:
1 Peter and the boy on the bike, waving
2 Lucy and the girl in the blue skirt, with a dog
3 John and the taller boy playing football
4 Anna and the woman with the baby, wearing sunglasses
5 Bill and the boy hiding in a tree, wearing a red sweater
BOY: I went to the new park yesterday, Grandma, and took a photo. Look!
WOMAN: Oh, yes! Who’s the boy who’s wearing jeans and playing with the kite?
BOY: That’s my friend, Tony. He’s in my class.
WOMAN: Is he?
BOY: Yes. I often play with him.
BOY: Look, there’s Peter. That’s his new bike.
WOMAN: Wow! Did he get that for his birthday last week?
BOY: Yes. He’s waving. Can you see?
BOY: And the girl with the dog … she’s wearing a blue skirt. She’s in my class too.
WOMAN: Oh! What’s her name?
BOY: It’s Lucy.
WOMAN: Does she live near the park?
BOY: I don’t know.
WOMAN: Look at the two boys who are playing with the football. Are they your friends too?
BOY: One of them is – the taller one.
WOMAN: And what’s his name?
BOY: John. I think the other boy is his brother.
WOMAN: I see.
WOMAN: And who’s this person – the woman with the baby?
BOY: Oh, that’s my mum’s friend, Anna. She likes going for walks in the park.
WOMAN: She’s wearing sunglasses.
BOY: Yes. It was a nice day.
BOY: There’s Bill. He’s wearing a red sweater. Can you see?
BOY: Look! In the tree. He’s hiding.
WOMAN: What a naughty boy!
BOY: He isn’t naughty. He’s funny!
Listening Part 2 – 5 questions
Listen and write. There is one example.
People who come to our sports centre
Name: Pat Jones
Which sport? tennis
1 Comes hereby: ……………………………….
2 When? in the …………………….
3 Who with? his …………………………
4 Doesn’t like: ……………………………….
5 How old? ……………………………….
Answer & Transcript
1 (by) car 2 (in the) evening(s) 3 (his) son
4 (the) shower(s) (here/there)
5 38/thirty eight (years (old))
GIRL: Excuse me, Pat! Can I ask you some questions? It’s about this sports centre.
MAN: Yes! What kind of questions?
GIRL: It’s for my homework. Which sport do you play here?
MAN: Tennis.
GIRL: Tennis, OK. Thanks.
GIRL: And when you come, do you drive here?
MAN: Yes. It’s quicker and easier for us.
GIRL: So, you come in your car?
MAN: Yes, that’s right.
GIRL: When do you come here to the sports centre?
MAN: I come here in the evenings.
GIRL: Not in the afternoons?
MAN: No. I’m at work then.
GIRL: And do you come here with your friends?
MAN: No, not with my friends, with my son.
GIRL: With your son? Oh, where is he now?
MAN: He went to buy a bottle of water.
GIRL: And what don’t you like about the sports centre?
MAN: I think it’s all OK.
MAN: Well … I don’t like the showers here.
GIRL: The showers. You don’t like those, OK.
MAN: No, I don’t.
GIRL: And my last question. How old are you?
MAN: I’m 38.
GIRL: Sorry? 38?
MAN: Yes.
GIRL: OK. Thank you.
Listening Part 3 – 5 questions
What did Ben do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture.
There is one example.

Answer & Transcript
1 Wednesday – climbed a rock on the beach
2 Saturday – walk in the village, ice cream
3 Tuesday – fishing in boat
4 Friday – film about a woman climber
5 Sunday – read book on beach
WOMAN: Did you have a good week by the sea, Ben?
BOY: It was OK, Grandma, but the weather wasn’t very good.
WOMAN: Oh dear! Well, what did you do on Monday?
BOY: We went to a kind of museum and saw lots of different fish.
BOY: Wednesday was good. It wasn’t cold that day.
WOMAN: Great. What did you do that day?
BOY: We went to the beach and climbed up to the top of a big rock.
WOMAN: Oh! Were you afraid?
BOY: No. But it was very difficult to climb.
WOMAN: But what did you do on the first day, on Saturday?
BOY: We went for a walk in the village.
WOMAN: Was it good there?
BOY: Yes. There were lots of small shops and Dad bought us ice creams!
BOY: But Tuesday was very boring.
WOMAN: Tuesday?
BOY: Yes. Dad wanted to go fishing from a boat and I went with him.
WOMAN: How many fish did you catch?
BOY: We didn’t catch any! It was windy and cold again. I didn’t enjoy that afternoon.
BOY: On Thursday, we went to the cinema. No, sorry, that was Friday.
WOMAN: And which film did you see?
BOY: It was about a woman who did something exciting.
WOMAN: Why? What did she do?
BOY: She climbed a mountain.
WOMAN: Wow! That is exciting.
WOMAN: The weather was great on Sunday. Did you go in a boat then?
BOY: No, but we went to the beach.
WOMAN: What did you do there?
BOY: Well, I bought a book in the village shop and I sat on the sand and read it.
WOMAN: What was the story about?
BOY: A boy who goes on a holiday to the beach!
Listening Part 4 – 5 questions
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.
What’s Mary doing?

1 Where did Alex walk to today?

2 What has Jack got for lunch today?

3 What kind of pet does Fred have?

4 Which girl is Daisy?

5 What’s the weather like at Jane’s house today?

Answer & Transcript
1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B
What’s Mary doing?
WOMAN: Mary! What are you doing? Are you watching television again?
GIRL: No, Mum, I’m cleaning my bedroom.
WOMAN: Good! And did you phone Grandpa this morning?
GIRL: Yes. I did that after breakfast.
1 Where did Alex walk to today?
MAN: Did you take the dog for a walk to the river today, Alex?
GIRL: Not today, Dad. It rained and rained. I didn’t want to go for a long walk.
MAN: Did you go to the playground, then?
GIRL: No. We only walked to the apartments at the end of the street. Then we came home again!
2 What has Jack got for lunch today?
MAN: I had a terrible lunch at work yesterday. I bought a burger. It looked good, but I didn’t enjoy it.
WOMAN: Well, I’m making a salad for you today, Jack.
MAN: That’s my favourite, thanks.
WOMAN: Do you like vegetable soup? I can make some of that for you on Saturday.
3 What kind of pet does Fred have?
WOMAN: We’re talking about pets today, children. Do you have a pet at home, Fred?
BOY: Yes, Miss Last. I’ve got a kitten. It likes watching the birds in our garden!
WOMAN: Does it?
BOY: Yes, and my brother’s got a mouse, but I never play with it.
4 Which girl is Daisy?
GIRL: You know my friend Daisy, Dad?
MAN: The girl with the long, curly hair?
GIRL: No, she’s got short hair now. And it isn’t curly. I want my hair like that.
MAN: Why do you want yours like that?
GIRL: I want to be like Daisy!
5 What’s the weather like at Jane’s house today?
GIRL: Hello, Aunt Sally! How are you?
WOMAN: Oh, hello, Jane. I’m fine, thank you. It’s a nice, sunny day here!
GIRL: That’s good! It’s raining here in our town.
WOMAN: Oh, that’s sad. It snowed here yesterday. The ground’s all white outside.
GIRL: Wow!
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