Listening Part 1 – 5 questions
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Transcript
Lines should be drawn between:
1 Daisy and the girl under the table, with a puppy
2 Vicky and the woman with a cup and no shoes on
3 Jim and the boy with sunglasses on, with the dogs
4 Sally and the girl on the phone, with a game under her arm
5 Peter and the boy with a towel, wearing a scarf
BOY: We had a garden party last week, Miss Long. My dad cooked sausages outside! Here’s a picture!
WOMAN: Oh, yes. Is that your dad? The man in the grey shirt?
BOY: Yes. His name’s Paul. Do you know him?
WOMAN: I think I do!
BOY: There’s my sister, Daisy.
WOMAN: Where?
BOY: She’s there, under the table with one of the puppies.
WOMAN: Oh … She looks very young!
BOY: Yes, she’s only four.
WOMAN: And who’s that? The person with the cup in her hand?
BOY: That’s one of Mum’s friends.
WOMAN: What’s her name?
BOY: Vicky.
WOMAN: Why hasn’t she got any shoes on?
BOY: Because we’ve got a swimming pool in the garden. She put her feel in the water.
BOY: And there’s Jim. I gave him those sunglasses!
WOMAN: The boy who’s sitting on the grass?
BOY: Yes. he lives in the next house. He loves our dogs.
WOMAN: I can see that!
WOMAN: Who’s the girl that’s got the phone?
BOY: The girl with the blonde hair? That’s Sally.
WOMAN: What’s she carrying under her arm?
BOY: It’s a new game, but we didn’t play it.
WOMAN: What about the boy with the towel? Who’s he?
BOY: That’s my friend, Peter. He went in the pool too.
WOMAN: Why is he wearing a scarf?
BOY: I don’t know.
Listening Part 2 – 5 questions
Listen and write. There is one example.
Pat’s school music lessons
Can learn to play: the piano
1 Name of piano teacher: Mr ………………………….
2 Place to go for lessons: room next to the ………………………….
3 Lessons are: on Friday ………………………….
4 For first lesson, take: favourite ……………………….
5 Homework: read page: …………………………… of her book
Answer & Transcript
1 Race 2 lift 3 morning(s) 4 CD 5 26/twenty-six
GIRL: Hi, Dad.
MAN: Hello, Pat. I got an email from your school today. It was about music lessons. Would you like to learn to play the piano?
GIRL: The piano? Yes, please!
MAN: OK. I think that’s a good idea too.
GIRL: What’s the piano teacher’s name, Dad?
MAN: Mr Race.
GIRL: Do you spell that R-A-C-E?
MAN: That’s right. Do you know Mr Race, Pat?
GIRL: Where do I have to go for the lessons?
MAN: The lessons are in the room next to the lift. Let’s look again. Yes, next to the lift.
GIRL: Oh, OK. I know. It’s in a nice room. It’s got big windows.
MAN: Has it?
GIRL: Yes.
GIRL: When are the lessons? Are they on Friday afternoon? We have English then.
MAN: No. They’re on Friday morning, Pat.
GIRL: Every Friday morning?
MAN: Yes, that’s right. You can start next week.
GIRL: Wow! Great!
GIRL: What do I have to take to the first lesson? A pen?
MAN: No, only your favourite CD. Have you got one?
GIRL: Well, I’ve got lots of CDs now, but I can choose a favourite one, Dad. That’s easy.
MAN: Good.
MAN: They said in the email please tell Pat to read page 26 of her book for her homework.
GIRL: Page 26?
MAN: Yes, that’s right. Can you do that this evening?
GIRL: Can you help me?
Listening Part 3 – 5 questions
What did Jack do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture.
There is one example.

Answer & Transcript
1 Tuesday – street market, bought some red T-shirts
2 Thursday – went to the cinema and had a burger
3 Wednesday – bus ride round the city
4 Saturday – lunch in a café
5 Sunday – came home by bus
WOMAN: Hello, Jack!
BOY: Oh, hello, Mrs Brown. I had a great week with my brother in the city.
WOMAN: What did you do there?
BOY: We went on a river boat on Friday. That was great! There were hundreds of ducks.
WOMAN: Did you go shopping in the city?
BOY: Yes, but only to a kind of street market.
WOMAN: When did you do that?
BOY: On Tuesday … yes, that’s right. We did that on Tuesday. My brother and I bought some red T-shirts.
BOY: On Thursday we went to the cinema.
WOMAN: On Thursday? What did you see?
BOY: A film about a boy. His mum had a funny café. It was great.
WOMAN: Good.
BOY: Yes. Then we had a burger when we came out!
BOY: We went for a ride round the city on a bus on Wednesday.
WOMAN: And did you go shopping again that day?
BOY: No. We enjoyed the ride. We sat upstairs and we could see all the city.
WOMAN: Wow! Did you take any photos?
BOY: Yes, I did.
WOMAN: And what did you do on Saturday?
BOY: It rained that day but we went to a walk. And then my brother bought me some lunch in a café.
WOMAN: What did you have?
BOY: Pasta with fish and tomatoes in it. It was very good.
BOY: And on Monday … sorry, Sunday, we came back home again.
WOMAN: And how did you get home?
BOY: We caught a bus from the big bus station in the city. I didn’t want to go home!
BOY: Because the city is very exciting!
Listening Part 4 – 5 questions
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.
What’s the panda doing now?

1 What’s in Mary’s bowl?

2 Where’s John’s book now?

3 What pet has Jane got?

4 What’s Lucy’s story about?

5 Which woman is Anna’s aunt?

Answer & Transcript
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B
What’s the panda doing now?
BOY: Look at this funny panda on TV, Mum!
WOMAN: What’s it doing? Is it climbing that tree?
BOY: No, look, it’s hiding from the tiger that’s playing with the ball.
WOMAN: Oh dear!
1 What’s in Mary’s bowl?
MAN: What’s in that bowl, Mary? Is it chicken?
GIRL: No, Dad. It’s some vegetable soup. It’s great. Would you like some?
MAN: No, thanks. I had some salad. I’m not hungry.
2 Where’s John’s book now?
BOY: Did you take my book, Mum? It’s not on the table.
WOMAN: Yes, John. I put it on the stairs. Take it upstairs to your bedroom, please.
BOY: But I want to read it now.
WOMAN: Well … all right.
3 What pet has Jane got?
GIRL: My friend Jane loves animals.
WOMAN: Does she? Has she got a kitten?
GIRL: No, she’s got a rabbit. It’s great!
WOMAN: When I was a girl, I had a parrot.
4 What’s Lucy’s story about?
MAN: Are you reading a good story in your comic, Lucy?
GIRL: Yes, Dad.
MAN: Is it the one about the farmer?
GIRL: No, I’m reading about a clown.
MAN: Oh, I liked the one last week about the pirate.
GIRL: Oh, that one was boring.
5 Which woman is Anna’s aunt?
MAN: There’s a woman in the playground with a white coat on, Anna. Do you know her?
GIRL: Yes, Mr Kite. It’s my aunt.
MAN: That one who’s wearing jeans?
GIRL: No. That’s my cousin. My aunt’s got a dress on.
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