
Listening 1

Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Carol and her friend Richard talk about a film they have seen.

11   What do Carol and Richard both think about the film?

        A   The actors were good.

        B   It was very interesting.

        C   They liked the photography.

12   What is Carol doing next?

        A   She’s going home.

        B   She’s leaving for Cork.

        C   She’s going to meet her friends.

13   What does Richard think about the length of the film?

        A   The film was too long.

        B   The film was too short.

        C   The film wasn’t too long or too short.

14   Carol and Richard agree that

        A   the film taught them something.

        B   they didn’t know anything about the history.

        C   they didn’t learn anything new.

15   Which film are Carol and Richard going to see next time?

        A   another film about history

        B   a horror film

        C   a comedy

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 A   13 C   14 A   15 C


Carol:   How did you like the film?

Richard:   Well, I don’t usually enjoy watching films about history, I think they’re boring. But this time I found it quite interesting.

Carol:   I agree with you. I suppose it was because the actors were really good. I loved them, especially the girl playing young Queen Elizabeth.

Richard:   I’m not so sure… actually, what I liked best was the photography.

Carol:   It was a bit long. I wanted to meet my friends after the movie, but it’s already 6 and I have to go home now. I’m going to Cork tomorrow morning.

Richard:   But it was only 2 and a half hours long. A film about the life of a queen can’t be shorter than that!

Carol:   Maybe you’re right. At least we’ve learnt something useful. We’re studying the life of Queen Elizabeth at school.

Richard:   Yes, it will help us with the history test we’ve got next week.

Carol:   True. So, what about going to the cinema again next Saturday? There’s a film about Queen Victoria…

Richard:   Well, as I told you, I’m not into historical films. Why not watch a horror or a comedy?

Carol:   Horror films are too scary! Let’s go see something funny.

Listening 2

Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16   You will hear a girl talking about TV programmes.

        Which one does she want to watch?

        A   a football match

        B   a TV series

        C   a documentary

17   You will hear two friends talking about a drawing course.

        What did the girl enjoy most about the course?

        A   The teacher was great fun.

        B   She learned a lot of new things.

        C   She made new friends.

18   You will hear a girl talking about going to school.

        Why doesn’t she want to go with her friend?

        A   because her friend doesn’t walk fast enough

        B   because she enjoys walking alone

        C   because she doesn’t enjoy chatting

19   You will hear a boy talking about a day out with his grandparents.

        Why did they go to the lake?

        A   It’s near to where they live.

        B   There are a lot of things to do there.

        C   It was good for swimming.

20   You will hear a girl talking about a film.

        Why was the film a surprise?

        A   The actors were very young.

        B   The film wasn’t long enough.

        C   The end was strange.

Answer & Audioscript

16 B   17 B   18 A   19 C   20 A


16   You will hear a girl talking about TV programmes. Which one does she want to watch?

A:   This match is so long!

B:   I thought you loved football…

A:   I do, but my team isn’t playing and my favourite TV series starts in 10 minutes.

B:   Aren’t you going to watch the documentary on kangaroos? You said you wanted to see it with your sister.

A:   My sister said she’s going to record it, so I’ll see it another time

17   You will hear two friends talking about a drawing course. What did the girl enjoy most about the course?

A:   Hi Lisa. How was your drawing class?

B:   Fantastic – I learnt so much. The teacher was good, but very serious!

A:   So what was the best thing?

B:   I think, more than anything, I liked trying different ways of drawing. I’ve never done that before. I had a lot of fun with the other students, too.

18   You will hear a girl talking about going to school. Why doesn’t she want to go with her friend?

A:   Shall we go to school together tomorrow?

B:   I think I’ll go by myself. I have to get to school early.

A:   But it’s more fun if you come with me. We can chat on the way there.

B:   But we’re often late because you walk too slowly… I like chatting, but we can walk home after school!

19   You will hear a boy talking about a day out with his grandparents. Why did they go to the lake?

A:   How did you spend your weekend, Sam?

B:   I went to the lake with my grandparents.

A:   The one near here? But it’s so quiet and boring!

B:   That’s why we went to another lake. It’s not so close so we had to drive there. But the water was lovely and warm and I had a lot of fun in the water.

20   You will hear a girl talking about a film. Why was the film a surprise?

A:   What did you think about the film, Anna?

B:   It was great, although perhaps a bit too long. I really liked the actors. And they were about the same age as us! I couldn’t believe it when you told me their age!

A:   I know. It was good that we knew the story too.

B:   Yes, that’s right, we studied it at school last year.

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