
Listening 1

Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Holly talking to Brad about buying a new book.

11   The name of the new book is

        A   Night Fog.

        B   The Hungry Hills.

        C   Wild Wood.

12   Shoppers can buy the new book from

        A   Tuesday.

        B   Friday.

        C   Saturday.

13   The new book will cost

        A   £8.

        B   £9.

        C   £10.

14   Which street is City Books in?

        A   High Street

        B   West Street

        C   Great Street

15   What does Brad think about the free present?

        A   It’s not very useful.

        B   It’s great.

        C   It’s colourful.

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 A   13 B   14 C   15 B


Holly:   I’m so excited! HT Morgan’s new book is in the shops next week!

Brad:   Really? I’ve just read an old book of hers, Wild Wood. It was great.

Holly:   Yes, the new one, The Hungry Hills, sounds really good. I think it’s going to be even better than Night Fog!

Brad:   Which day will people be able to buy it?

Holly:   I was reading about it in the newspaper on Saturday. The shops will have it on Tuesday. So I’ll buy it on Friday when I go shopping.

Brad:   Books are so expensive, Holly… the last one I bought cost £8!

Holly:   Most good books cost more than £10, I think, but you can get this for only nine at City Books. There’s a special discount.

Brad:   Where is City Books?

Holly:   It’s just behind West Street. If you go there by bus, get off at the corner of High Street and turn left into Great Street. It’s down there on the right.

Brad:   Thanks. I’ll write that down.

Holly:   Oh, and you get a free present with every book. I saw it on a poster in the shop.

Brad:   What? Like a pen? That’s not very useful.

Holly:   No, it’s a CD of the music the writer listened to when she wrote the book! It looks colourful on the poster, but it’s just a silver CD.

Brad:   What a good idea!

Listening 2

Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16   You will hear a boy, Andy, talking to his mother.

        What’s the matter with Andy?

        A   He’s forgotten to do his homework.

        B   He was late for his doctor’s appointment.

        C   He hasn’t been able to eat anything.

17   You will hear a girl talking to her father.

        What’s the problem?

        A   She can’t find her schoolwork.

        B   The dog has eaten her English homework.

        C   She hasn’t done her homework for today’s lessons.

18   You will hear a woman telling passengers in an airport about their flight.

        How can they find out when it will leave?

        A   They can ask the staff at the check-in desks.

        B   They can look at the message boards.

        C   They can go to the gate in the airport.

19   You will hear a woman talking to her son.

        What does he think about what she’s bought?

        A   He’s excited to have it because it’s new.

        B   He thinks it will help him study.

        C   He wants to see it working.

20   You will hear a boy, Antonio, talking to a girl.

        Why did Antonio fail his driving test?

        A   He bit an animal that was on the road.

        B   He drove through traffic lights when they said stop.

        C   He went the wrong way down a one-way street.

Answer & Audioscript

16 C   17 A   18 B   19 C   20 C


16   You will hear a boy, Andy, talking to his mother. What’s the matter with Andy?

Boy:   Mum, I don’t feel very well. Can I stay at home today?

Mum:   Mm, yes, you look very tired. Did you eat any breakfast?

Boy:   No, I’ve got a stomach-ache. I’m not hungry.

Mum:   OK, I’ll phone the doctor and ask for an appointment this morning.

Boy:   Thanks, Mum. I’ll text Harry later and ask him to tell me what homework I have to catch up on.

17   You will hear a girl talking to her father. What’s the problem?

Girl:   Dad, have you seen my English schoolwork? It was in my blue project folder on the sofa.

Dad:   Let me have a look. Hmm, there are some keys under the sofa but no folder.

Girl:   My teacher will be angry if I don’t take it to school.

Dad:   Oh look! It’s in the dog’s bed!

Girl:   Oh, Rex, you naughty dog! Give it here.

18   You will hear a woman telling passengers in an airport about their flight. How can they find out when it will leave?

Woman:   This is an announcement for passengers waiting for flight AB193 from London to Mallorca. This flight will be delayed because there are storms over this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Passengers should check the message boards for the latest information about the flight departure before going to the gate. Please do not go back to the check-in desks, as staff there are very busy.

19   You will hear a woman talking to her son. What does he think about what she’s bought?

Mum:   Harry, I got something new for you when I was at the shops today.

Boy:   Is it a computer game? I’d like the new Race to the Stars game.

Mum:   No, I didn’t get that. It’s more useful than a computer game.

Boy:   Oh, it’s a lamp. Let’s switch it on.

Mum:   Sure. You need one for when you’re doing your homework.

20   You will hear a boy, Antonio, talking to a girl. Why did Antonio fail his driving test?

Girl:   How did your driving test go, Antonio?

Boy:   It was terrible and I failed it. I nearly hit a cat and had to stop suddenly.

Girl:   The poor cat! Was it OK?

Boy:   It was, but I was so shocked I almost drove through a red light.

Girl:   Oh no! But you didn’t make any mistakes, did you?

Boy:   Unfortunately, I went the wrong way down a one-way street so I have to take it again.

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