
Listening 1

Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Andrea talking to Rob about a trip to the beach.

11   Who is going to the beach with them?

        A   Rob’s brother

        B   Rob’s sister

        C   Rob’s cousin

12   What does Rob think is the best transport for their day trip?

        A   train

        B   bus

        C   car

13   What will Andrea bring?

        A   sandwiches

        B   drinks

        C   cakes

14   How much will Andrea have to pay for her train ticket?

        A   £8

        B   £10

        C   £12

15   Where will they meet?

        A   at Andrea’s house

        B   at Rob’s house

        C   at the station

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 A   13 C   14 A   15 C


Rob:   Hi, Andrea.

Andrea:   Oh, hi Rob.

Rob:   Do you fancy going on a day trip to the beach this Saturday?

Andrea:   Good idea! Is your brother coming?

Rob:   No, my brother can’t come. He’s going to London this weekend to meet one of our cousins. But my sister wants to go.

Andrea:   OK. So, is your sister driving?

Rob:   No, she hasn’t got a car yet! There’s a bus, but it’s very slow. I think the train’s the best idea.

Andrea:   All right. Shall we take a picnic? I can bring some sandwiches.

Rob:   Well, we’ve got a lot of bread for sandwiches so I’ll take them. I’ll bring the drinks, too. You can bring cakes if you like.

Andrea:   OK, good idea. How much is the train fare? Is it more than £10?

Rob:   Well, for my sister it’ll be £12, I think, but it’s £8 for us with our student card.

Andrea:   That’s good. I’ll take my student card.

Rob:   Great! So, shall we meet at your house?

Andrea:   There’s no point. I can meet you at the station. My mum will take me there.

Rob:   OK. Let’s get the 8.30 train.

Listening 2

Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16   You will hear a tour guide showing tourists around a building.

        What does he show them?

        A   the newest part of the castle

        B   the oldest part of the castle

        C   the scariest part of the castle

17   You will hear a girl and boy talking.

        What do they have to do for homework this week?

        A   find out about their town in the past

        B   prepare a presentation about life in the past

        C   write a story about their town in the past

18   You will hear a teacher talking to a student.

        What is the problem?

        A   He has not done any homework.

        B   He copied his friend’s homework.

        C   He has done the wrong homework.

19   You will hear a father talking to his daughter.

        What should the girl do?

        A   make a fire

        B   make the beds

        C   wash the tea cups

20   You will hear a woman in a library talking to a boy.

        Where are the local history books?

        A   They are by the computers.

        B   They are on the history shelf.

        C   They are online.

Answer & Audioscript

16 B   17 A   18 C   19 A   20 A


16   You will hear a tour guide showing tourists around a building. What does he show them?

Man:   Now, I’m going to take you to the most historical part of the castle. This part dates back to the year 984 when there was a wooden castle here, it was only in 1392 that a stone castle was built. You’ll see that the stone blocks are quite big. We think they were transported here by boat.

17   You will hear a girl and boy talking. What do they have to do for homework this week?

Boy:   Did you write down what Mr Simpson said we have to do for homework?

Girl:   Yes, I’ve written it here.

Boy:   Let me have a look. … OK, so we have to ask someone old what it was like in our town 50 years ago?

Girl:   Yes, he wants us to prepare a presentation on life in the past but not till next week.

18   You will hear a teacher talking to a student. What is the problem?

Teacher:   Do you have a moment, Jim? I’d like to talk to you about your homework.

Jim:   Oh, is there a problem with it? It took me ages to do it.

Teacher:   It’s very good, in fact you did very well because you’ve done next week’s homework before we’ve studied it!

Jim:   Oh! Have I?

Teacher:   Can you do this week’s homework for tomorrow?

19   You will hear a father talking to his daughter. What should the girl do?

Dad:   OK, so we’ve put the tents up and made the beds so all the family has somewhere to sleep tonight.

Girl:   Shall I wash the tea cups? There are a lot of them.

Dad:   No, you can do that after dinner. First, can you help me make a camp fire?

Girl:   Sure. We learned how to do that last summer at scout camp.

20   You will hear a woman in a library talking to a boy. Where are the local history books?

Boy:   I’d like to find out about my town in the past. Are there any good websites I can look at?

Woman:   There are, but there are also a lot of books on local history. They’re often better than the Internet.

Boy:   Are they in the history section?

Woman:   No, there’s a special shelf for them. They’re just by the computers.

Boy:   Thanks, I’ll look there.

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