
Exercise 1

A. Listen to Jane, Katie and Mark. What is each person’s job? What do they do every day?

Designer     HR Manager     Purchaser

Production Manger     Sales Manager

Jane – Sales Manager – go to meetings, …

Answer & Audioscript

Jane – Sales Manager – go to meetings, visit clients

Katie – HR Manager – send and read emails, make phone calls

Mark – Purchaser – visit suppliers, write reports


Jane:   As a Sales Manager, I go to a lot of meetings. I have seven or eight meetings a week. I normally visit clients three or four times a week, so I have a meeting ­first to prepare for the visits and then I go to the meetings with the clients.

Katie:   I’m an HR Manager for a large company. Because we have over twenty offices, my job is all about email. I send about ­fifty a day and read hundreds. I also make a lot of phone calls, probably twenty or thirty a day. The good thing is I talk to a lot of people and I like that.

Mark:   I work in purchasing. I visit suppliers in my job. After each visit, I write a report about the supplier. In my report I explain if they meet our product speci­fications. I visit three or four suppliers a month and write a report for each one.

B. Match 1-8 with a-h. Then listen and check.

 Can we arrange a meeting with the client next week?

 Did you talk to Chris?

 What did you talk about in the meeting?

 Sorry, but I need to cancel the meeting today.

 How many different models do you have?

 Can we postpone the meeting until next week?

 What is the best thing about your products?

 Do you know the date of the product launch?

 No, I didn’t. I need to speak to him tomorrow.

b   We checked the product specifications.

 I think it’s the 22nd of May.

d   We have twenty-five models in our product range.

 We have very high product quality.

 OK. I’ll email Sandra and tell her.

 Sure. I’m free on Wednesday.

h   Yes. Can we have it on Monday?

Answer & Audioscript

1 g   2 a   3 b   4 f   5 d   6 h   7 e   8 c



A:   Can we arrange a meeting with the client next week?

B:   Sure. I’m free on Wednesday.


A:   Did you talk to Chris?

B:   No, I didn’t. I need to speak to him tomorrow.


A:   What did you talk about in the meeting?

B:   We checked the product speci­fications.


A:   Sorry, but I need to cancel the meeting today.

B:   OK. I’ll email Sandra and tell her.


A:   How many different models do you have?

B:   We have twenty-­five models in our product range.


A:   Can we postpone the meeting until next week?

B:   Yes. Can we have it on Monday?


A:   What is the best thing about your products?

B:   We have very high product quality.


A:   Do you know the date of the product launch?

B:   I think it’s the 22nd of May.

Exercise 2

A. Listen to three phone calls. Who does each caller want to have a meeting with?

Who wants to have a meeting with …

Phone call 1

Phone call 2

Phone call 3

a customer?




a colleague?




a supplier?




B. Listen to the phone calls again. Choose the correct option.

Phone call 1

1    The caller is calling to ……… .

      a   arrange a meeting

      b   postpone a meeting

      c   cancel a meeting

2    The meeting is about ……… .

      a   a product launch

      b   new product specifications

      c   the price of a new product

3    The meeting is ……… .

      a   this afternoon

      b   tomorrow morning

      c   tomorrow afternoon

Phone call 2

4    The caller is calling to ……… .

      a   arrange a meeting

      b   postpone a meeting

      c   cancel a meeting

5    The meeting is about ……… .

      a   product prices

      b   the company’s product range

      c   the product quality

6    The meeting is at ……… .

      a   2 p.m. on the 18th

      b   3 p.m. on the 18th

      c   2 p.m. on the 19th

Phone call 3

7    The caller is calling to ……… .

      a   arrange a meeting

      b   postpone a meeting

      c   cancel a meeting

8    The meeting is about ……… .

      a   a new order

      b   a reorder

      c   a return

9    The meeting is in the ……… .

      a   morning on the 15th

      b   afternoon on the 18th

      c   morning on the 19th

Answer & Audioscript


Phone call 1 is to a colleague.

Phone call 2 is to a customer.

Phone call 3 is to a supplier.


1 a   2 b   3 b   4 a   5 b   6 a   7 b   8 b   9 c



P = Paulo Gonzalez   B = Bill Smith

P:   Good morning. Production. Paulo Gonzalez speaking.

B:   Hi, Paulo. It’s Bill.

P:   Hi, Bill. How are you?

B:   Good thanks. Listen, we have the speci­fications for the new product ready. Can we arrange a meeting to talk about them?

P:   That’s great news. Yes. I can do this afternoon.

B:   Oh, I can’t do this afternoon. I have a meeting with a supplier. Are you free tomorrow morning?

P:   Let me just check. Yes, I’m free from 9 to 10.30.

B:   That’s great. Let’s meet then. I’ll come to your office.

P:   Great. See you then. Bye.

B:   Bye.


S = Sandra Morelo   B = Bill Smith

S:   Good afternoon. P.B. Turner. How can I help you?

B:   Hello, could I speak to Sandra Morelo, please?

S:   Speaking.

B:   Hello, Sandra, this is Bill from JTSQ manufacturing.

S:   Oh, hello.

B:   You sent us an email asking for information about our product range.

S:   That’s right.

B:   I’m calling to arrange a meeting. I’d like to visit you and talk about our range. We could also talk about your needs. Are you free on the 18th?

S:   Let me just check. Yes, I’m free on Monday the 18th at 2 p.m. Does that work for you?

B:   Yes, I’m available then. I’ll see you on the 18th.

S:   I’ll look forward to it. Bye.

B:   Bye.


B = Bill Smith   N = Noriko Yoshiwa

B:   Hello. JTSQ Manufacturing.

N:   Good morning. Could I speak to Bill Smith, please?

B:   This is Bill.

N:   Hello, Bill. It’s Noriko Yoshiwa at Moti Nero here.

B:   Hello, Noriko. How are you?

N:   I’m good thanks. Listen. I’m afraid I need to postpone our meeting on the 15th to talk about our supply reorder. I have another appointment and I can’t come to the meeting.

B:   OK, that’s not a problem. I’m free in the morning on Monday the 18th.

N:   Oh no, I’m not available on the 18th. Are you free on the 19th?

B:   I’m available in the morning but I’m busy in the afternoon.

N:   OK. Can we do 9 to 11 a.m. on the 19th?

B:   Yes, that’s ­ ne. I’ll see you then.

N:   Great. Thanks. Bye.

B:   Bye.

Exercise 3

A. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box. Then listen and check.

can’t do     free on     I’m busy     just check

see you     we arrange     we do     you free

A:   Hello. Travelli. Marco Travelli speaking.

B:   Hi, Marco. This is Dianne Grant at Malladi Tech here.

A:   Hello, Dianne. How are you?

B:   I’m good, thanks. Listen, we have a new product range. Can (1)……………… a meeting to talk about it?

A:   Yes. That would be great.

B:   Great. Are (2)……………… on Monday?

A:   Let me (3)……………… . Sorry, (4)……………… on Monday. I’m (5)……………… Tuesday morning.

B:   Oh. I (6)……………… Tuesday. Can (7)……………… Wednesday morning?

A:   Yes, that’s ­ ne. I’ll (8)……………… then.

B:   Great, see you on Wednesday. Bye.

A:   Bye.

Answer & Audioscript

1 we arrange   2 you free   3 just check   4 I’m busy

5 free on   6 can’t do   7 we do   8 see you


A:   Hello. Travelli. Marco Travelli speaking.

B:   Hi, Marco. This is Dianne Grant at Malladi Tech here.

A:   Hello, Dianne. How are you?

B:   I’m good, thanks. Listen, we have a new product range. Can we arrange a meeting to talk about it?

A:   Yes. That would be great.

B:   Great. Are you free on Monday?

A:   Let me just check. Sorry, I’m busy on Monday. I’m free on Tuesday morning.

B:   Oh. I can’t do Tuesday. Can we do Wednesday morning?

A:   Yes, that’s ­ ne. I’ll see you then.

B:   Great, see you on Wednesday. Bye.

A:   Bye.

B. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then listen and check.

Conversation 1

a   OK. Found it. Thanks. ……

b   Oh … it’s in the ‘product descriptions’ folder. ……

c   Sorry, Paul, can I ask a favour? …1

d   Sure, Tony. How can I help? ……

e   I can’t find the presentation we’re working on. Where did you save it? ……

Conversation 2

a   OK, thanks. ……

b   I’m looking for Viktor Dorret’s contact details. Do you have them? ……

c   Monika, do you have a minute? ……

d   Just a minute. Here they are. I’ll email them to you. ……

e   Yes, sure. How can I help? ……

Answer & Audioscript

Conversation 1

1c, 2d, 3e, 4b, 5a

Conversation 2

1c, 2e, 3b, 4d, 5a


Conversation 1

A:   Sorry, Paul, can I ask a favour?

B:   Sure, Tony. How can I help?

A:   I can’t ­find the presentation we’re working on. Where did you save it?

B:   Oh … it’s in the ‘product descriptions’ folder.

A:   OK. Found it. Thanks.

Conversation 2

A:   Monika, do you have a minute?

B:   Yes, sure. How can I help?

A:   I’m looking for Viktor Dorret’s contact details. Do you have them?

B:   Just a minute. Here they are. I’ll email them to you.

A:   OK, thanks.

C. Listen and complete the dialogue.

Yumiko:   Hi, Martin. Do you need something?

Martin:   Hi, Yumiko. Yes, could I ask a (1)…………….?

Yumiko:   Go on.

Martin:   My daughter is not well and I need to pick her up from school. (2)……………. I leave early?

Yumiko:   (3)……………. you work from home?

Martin:   Yes. I think I can.

Yumiko:   (4)……………. . That’s OK. I (5)……………. see you tomorrow. I hope your daughter feels better.

Martin:   Thanks, Yumiko. I’m sure she will.

Answer & Audioscript

1 favour   2 Could   3 Can   4 Fine   5 ’ll


Y = Yumiko   M = Martin

Y:   Hi, Martin. Do you need something?

M:   Hi, Yumiko. Yes, could I ask a favour?

Y:   Go on.

M:   My daughter is not well and I need to pick her up from school. Could I leave early?

Y:   Can you work from home?

M:   Yes. I think I can.

Y:   Fine. That’s OK. I’ll see you tomorrow. I hope your daughter feels better.

M:   Thanks, Yumiko. I’m sure she will.

Exercise 4

A. Listen. Tick (✓) the reason for the phone call.

to arrange a meeting

to postpone a meeting

to prepare for a meeting

B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1   Otto is meeting a supplier tomorrow.

2   Otto asks to meet on Friday.

3   Amy is free on Friday.

4   Amy is working from home on Monday.

5   Amy is busy on Tuesday morning.

6   Otto and Amy are both free on Tuesday afternoon.

C. Complete the conversation with the missing words. Then listen again and check.

Amy:   Hello?

Otto:   Hi Amy. It‘s Otto. Listen, I (1)…………… …………… our meeting tomorrow. I‘m visiting a (2)…………… . Are you (3)…………… on Friday?

Amy Let me just check. No, sorry. (4)…………… …………… on Friday and I‘m (5)…………… …………… on Monday.

Otto Okay. Are you free on Tuesday morning?

Amy No, I (6)…………… …………… Tuesday morning. I‘m free in the afternoon.

Otto Yes, can we do Tuesday afternoon? What time?

Amy 2 p.m.?

Otto Yes, that‘s great. I‘ll see you then.

Answer & Audioscript

 to postpone a meeting

 1 F   2 T   3 F   4 F   5 T   6 T


1 can‘t make   2 client   3 free   4 I‘m busy

5 not working   6 can‘t do


Amy = A   O = Otto

A:   Hello?

O:   Hi Amy. It‘s Otto. Listen, I can‘t make our meeting tomorrow. I‘m visiting a client. Are you free on Friday?

A:   Let me just check. No, sorry. I‘m busy on Friday and I‘m not working on Monday.

O:   Okay. Are you free on Tuesday morning?

A:   No, I can‘t do Tuesday morning. I‘m free in the afternoon.

O:   Yes, can we do Tuesday afternoon? What time?

A:   2 p.m.?

O:   Yes, that‘s great. I‘ll see you then.

Exercise 5

A. Complete the conversations with the words in the box. Then listen and check.

afraid I can’t     could ask     too busy

I’m working on     some help     please

1   A:   Do you need ……………….?

      B:   Yes, ………………. .

2   A:   Could I ask for some help?

      B:   I‘m ………………. help you because ………………. a report.

3   A:   Could you help me?

      B:   Sorry, I‘m ………………. . You ………………. Ian.

Answer & Audioscript

1 some help   2 please   3 afraid I can‘t

4 I‘m working on   5 too busy   6 could ask


1   A:   Do you need some help?

      B:   Yes, please.

2   A:   Could I ask for some help?

      B:   I‘m afraid I can‘t help you because I‘m working on a report.

3   A:   Could you help me?

      B:   Sorry, I‘m too busy. You could ask Ian.


1. Listen to three phone calls between Adam and his colleagues. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

Conversation 1

0   Adam is postponing a meeting with Sam. …T

1   Adam and Sam arrange the meeting for Tuesday afternoon.

Conversation 2

2   Adam is arranging a meeting with Kamlesh.

3   Adam is free on Wednesday.

Conversation 3

4   The meeting is at 10 a.m. on the 16th.

5   Adam wants to change the time of the meeting.

Answer & Audioscript

1 T   2 T   3 T   4 T

5 F – He’s cancelling the meeting.


Conversation 1

S = Sam, A = Adam

S:   Hello?

A:   Hi, Sam. It’s Adam.

S:   Hi, Adam. How can I help?

A:   Well, it’s about our meeting this afternoon.

S:   Oh yes, at one o’clock.

A:   Yes. I’m sorry, can we postpone the meeting until next week?

S:   Oh, OK. Yes, that’s fine.

A:   Are you free on Tuesday afternoon?

S:   Yes, I am. Can you do 1 p.m.?

A:   Perfect. I’ll see you then.

Conversation 2

K = Kamlesh, A = Adam

K:   Hello?

A:   Hi, Kamlesh. This is Adam Kowalski. Can we arrange a meeting next week to talk about your new order?

K:   Yes, of course. Can you come to our office?

A:   Yes, I can. Are you free on Tuesday?

K:   No. I’m travelling on Tuesday. I’m free on Wednesday.

A:   Yes, that’s fine. I’ll see you on Wednesday.

Conversation 3

L = Leila, A = Adam

L:   Hello?

A:   Hi, Leila. It’s Adam. Do you know the date of our team meeting this month?

L:   Yes, it’s on the 16th.

A:   And what time is it?

L:   It’s at ten o’clock.

A:   I’m sorry, but I need to cancel that meeting this month.

L:   Oh OK.

A:   Can you email the team?

L:   Yes. I’ll let them know.

2. Listen and complete the messages with one word that you hear.


Dan called to (0) postpone his meeting. He will (1)…………….. to arrange a new meeting.


Dahlia isn’t (2)…………….. in the office today. Can you email her about meeting on (3)……………..?


Aya Davis called. She has the (4)…………….. . She will read them. She wants to (5)…………….. today’s meeting.

Answer & Audioscript

1 email   2 working   3 Thursday   4 contracts   5 cancel



Dan:   Hi, it’s Dan. I’m calling about our meeting next week. I need to postpone it because I didn’t finish the tests on the new product. I will email you to arrange a new meeting. Thanks.


Dahlia:   Hi Robin. It’s Dahlia. Thanks for your call. I’m not working in the office today. I want to talk about the payments for the computer system. Can we meet on Thursday? Please email me and let me know.


Aya:   Hello, this is Aya Davis from Davis Legal. The new contracts are with me. I want to check them before we send them to the client. But I’m not free for our meeting at 2 o’clock today. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I need to cancel it. Speak to you soon.

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